Fauci going down maybe

Millions of people have suffered because of Fauxi
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Hundereds of thousands would still be alive if the people in power had just listened to him.
We could stop the spread of this virus if people like you would just do the right thing.
But I understand that's beyond most of the anti.....whatever crowd capabilities.

Fauci isnt going anywhere until republicans regain control. He is quite safe and comfortable where he is right now. Biden and his administration protect those that play along with them.

Even if he is put out on his ass he will make millions of a book deal and will make more giving speeches and such.
He was appointed by a Republican - Reagan
Given the Freedom Medal by another Republican - Bush Jr

He has served 4 GOP Presidents and 3 Democratic ones...

Problem is he didn't join the Trump Cult... He is a man of science and told us the best information at the time...
Hundereds of thousands would still be alive if the people in power had just listened to him.
We could stop the spread of this virus if people like you would just do the right thing.
But I understand that's beyond most of the anti.....whatever crowd capabilities.
I have been vaccinated.
The Left have been attacking the use of many known effective medicines for Covid-19, like ivermectin.
Why is the left against covid cures?
Is it because of their greed for power and their hatred for mainstream society?
Look at the emails, GoF research etc.
He is a PROVEN corrupt liar.
The left still wont leave him. We are not talking about decent people here..
No he is not...

Get real information and not Trump Cult News...

Sorry but the misinformation spread about Fauci is because he didn't kiss the ring...

No other President asks a man in Fauci's position to kiss the ring...

Ye are really upset about that..
I have been vaccinated.
The Left have been attacking the use of many known effective medicines for Covid-19, like ivermectin.
Why is the left against covid cures?
Is it because of their greed for power and their hatred for mainstream society?
Ivermectin is not "known effective medicines"

No amount of telling ye facts is working
I have been vaccinated.
The Left have been attacking the use of many known effective medicines for Covid-19, like ivermectin.
Why is the left against covid cures?
Is it because of their greed for power and their hatred for mainstream society?
Sorry, my apologies for making an assumption. It was the overall point of the mostly right wing singling out and denigrating the public servant
because he went against the savior's gospel. I would point out that if people who listen to Fauci hated mainstream society, they would
want the virus to run amok and wipe out as much of the knuckledragging crowd as possible. But since that would most likely eventually involve
people in our circle, that's impractical.

And none of these treatments (hydroxy, ivermectin, UV light, zinc..take your pick) have been proven to work against the virus.
Limited, non-peer reviewed studies don't count. It's just grasping for miracle cures.
Yeah, we've already been over this. So, how did "Lock her up" work out? Oh yeah, it didn't.
It was just a rallying cry for knuckle dragging, MAGA spouting Trump humpers.
Honestly, at least with Hillary, you had a political opponent you were directing your full of shit slogans to.

The fact that you are picking on a public servant trying to stay ahead of an ever evolving virus while all the
people who are supposed to be listening to him are too worried about making a political point...is just not even worthy
of giving the time of day to.

If it's any consolation to you anti....whatevers, I have no interest in mandates or forcing you to do what should be an automatic.
But I also have no interest in giving you a hospital bed if you show up with the virus and you aren't vaccinated. You'll have to
be satisfied recovering at your house and a tube of ivermectin.
I won’t need a hospital bed. I will take regeneron and be good as new in two days. Big pharma sux
It may be true, we will see once if been reviewed, but it's probably not true.
What’s not true? Newsweek is a left leaning establishment publication. In the past, no such type of publication would dare criticize Fauci. They published this piece did they not?
Two Swedes trying to defend what their home country did....even though Sweden's rate of covid deaths were higher than all the countries surrounding them at the time...

The United States is not itty bitty Sweden. We have more people at high risk, than they do...we have blacks and Hispanic at higher risk, obese at higher risk, and many teachers at higher risk that they didn't have. We also have a non compliant and rebellious citizenry vs Swedes, who respect and follow their govt. guidance.

We also have a capitalistic healthcare system, running on cost effective, minimal staff, with fewer hospitals per capita.... And supplies on hand at minimal stock, to save money/ bring more in profit....this caused havoc during this epidemic.

As far as the mandates, I never heard Fauci say that past covid infected people must get vaccinated. He never actually said they should nor said they shouldn't..... I presumed if they wanted a medical exemption, their own Doctors who knew they had covid previously and antibodies, would write a doctor's note....

At the time that vaccine mandates were being created, the Science of how well a previous infection created antibodies and how long they lasted were not known....along with how these antibodies would hold up to covid variants like the Delta variant.

They made a mistake by not discussing all of that openly, and finding a way to give a covid survivor, a choice.
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
The NIH changed the definition of "gain of function," on a Friday when no one was paying attention.

Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China
No he is not...

Get real information and not Trump Cult News...

Sorry but the misinformation spread about Fauci is because he didn't kiss the ring...

No other President asks a man in Fauci's position to kiss the ring...

Ye are really upset about that..
WTF! Fauci has admitted to lying to the American people. Are you unaware of this?

Im still waiting on some leftist POS to call me a knuckle dragger to my face. Clown will need dental work if he does!!!

But the internet is a "safe space" for pussies.
You included, apparently. You get no credit for complaining about insults and then spouting them off yourself. That makes you a hypocrite.
This piece in an establishment left leaning publication may be a game changer. Fauci’s days may be numbered.

How Fauci Fooled America​

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump's chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion
Newsweek is pretty centrist and it's an opinion piece from two controversial figures. Fauci ain't going nowhere.
No he is not...

Get real information and not Trump Cult News...

Sorry but the misinformation spread about Fauci is because he didn't kiss the ring...

No other President asks a man in Fauci's position to kiss the ring...

Ye are really upset about that..
Kiss the ring? WTF are you talking about?
He LIED about GoF. His emails show he is a corrupt fraud.

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