Father Of Muslim American War Hero To Trump: 'You Have Sacrificed Nothing'

The man is muslim. I expect him to object. He'll be beheading his neighbors then want us to understand his religion.
Well he's probably right, Obama has sacrificed though....all those lives he threw away in Afghanistan after promising to bring them home....more than even Bush lost there

Yup and lets make sure the Op tells us all just what Hitlery has sacrificed??
Her goal in that case is just dead Americans.

the level of mental illness among rightwingnut bigots is daunting.

That's rich...coming from a mental deficient leftard commie klunt like you. (snicker)
Left-tard, right-turd, sticks and stones, as Johnny Depp would say in Pirates Of The Caribbean.

Well he's probably right, Obama has sacrificed though....all those lives he threw away in Afghanistan after promising to bring them home....more than even Bush lost there

Yup and lets make sure the Op tells us all just what Hitlery has sacrificed??
... Her own sanity while living with Bill.

Well that was her choice and she made it with her own success in mind.

Any woman who would stay with a man who has cheated on her since they were first married isn't much of a woman in my book.

In fact she's a fucking idiot.

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