Fat Boy Proved He Could Hit Guam

They started building nukes over a decade before GW came into office, dufus! He was building the weapon in the early 90's, and then they tricked Clinton and the UN into believing they were complying, until the big lie was proven.

Okay, if that's the story you want to go with.

Here's a different one. His dad agreed to inspections, but the Bush started talking smack.

Here's the thing. Saddam gave up his nukes, and we murdered him.

Qadafi gave up his nukes, and we murdered him.

Kim kept his nukes, and guess what, he's still in power.

Seems pretty simple to me.
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
Thanks for explaining that. I still have the same question however. If Kim takes the next logical step in his test progression and launches a missile over Guam what should our response be? Do we decimate their test range, or do we decimate their country? Or is there a non-military option?
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
Thanks for explaining that. I still have the same question however. If Kim takes the next logical step in his test progression and launches a missile over Guam what should our response be? Do we decimate their test range, or do we decimate their country? Or is there a non-military option?

It depends completely on the level of decimation of South Korea that we are willing to accept. Making a conventional attack on his launch facilities because some of these missiles apparently are capable of being fired from mobile launchers.

If we could locate them and launch a coordinated surprise attack using cruise missiles on their fixed facilities and mobile launchers, we just might convince him that the nuclear option is not his best bet. Having the B-2s standing by to mop up would also be a good idea.

The only problem is that NK could still launch a massive artillery attack on SK and kills possibly hundred of thousands of innocent civilians. Should he do that, the limits would have to come off and we would be forced to destroy Kim's regime to the last man. China might not like that.
Trump already said the US will do -0-, and let the UN handle the matter, A Dump knows he is too weak to counter Kim un Blob.
I thought this was the reason we had the CIA, Take him out and make it look like a accident. I guess the CIA is too busy now a days spying on Americans.

Jimmy Carter and Frank Church put an end to assassination squads, among other things.

The results are plain to see.
lil kim is testing our defenses. Checking out if we can shoot his missiles out of the sky over Japan. So far nothing so it emboldens him to push even further.
We should blow up his missiles either just off the launching pad or at his border.
If Kim Dim Bulb flies one over Guam will it be MOAB #2 on their nuclear test range or the rain of fire on NK?

MOAB is not designed for use in an area without total air superiority and no threat of anti-aircraft fire. Please stop using this weapons as an example of what we could use against NK. It simply cannot happen. It is dropped by a cargo aircraft by parachute.
And besides that, it would clearly cause a nuclear response from the other side because of the size of the devastation.

And it's all pointless because they have mobile rocket launchers with nuclear warhead capability, the kind most people have probably seen in Russian or Chinese parades. Those can be placed anywhere.
Yeah, President Trump isn't willing to literally kill millions of S. Koreans so he's a pussy. Jesus you people are sick...

We're still working China and Russia to apply adequate diplomatic pressure, they're bending a bit (textile exports and nat gas the last time, hopefully more this time)
Plus we actually might be better off letting Kimmy blow his weapons wad on posturing at this point; if we can break his bank he won't be able to build anymore.

Personally... I think we should have a 'removal' of the little shit and his closest friends, but the US shouldn't do it - just feeds into this idea that we're nation planning, that we're interfering, that we're sticking our nose into shit we shouldn't, plus American's don't want to pay for it, nor be responsible for it. We need to get another country to do it. Japan and S. Korea seem pretty feisty atm, though I personally think Russia should off the fucker and improve their global reputation. ~shrug~
Of course you lefties believe America is more dangerous. You lefties and ISIS are comrades when it comes to hate.

Trump isn't America. America said no to Trump. By about 3 million votes.

Sorry, not the rules of the game. Trump won 30 states. Clinton only won 20. That's a decisive victory and numbers only a butthurt liberal could possibly try to twist and say Trump doesn't "deserve" to be president. Like miss "delete those fucking emails bitch" deserves it.

That's like saying a football team won the game simply because they had more offensive yards. Nope, points count, not yards. Trump got more points than Clinton. Nuff said.

Trump also didn't campaign to win the popular vote because he knew that's not what would put him in office. Are you telling me if Clinton had won the electoral vote yet Trump won more popular votes you'd be saying that Clinton shouldn't be president? Give me a fucking break you political dimwit.
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Sorry, not the rules of the game. Trump won 30 states. Clinton only won 20. That's a decisive victory and numbers only a butthurt liberal could possibly try to twist and say Trump doesn't "deserve" to be president. Like miss "delete those fucking emails bitch" deserves it.

More people voted for Hillary. End of discussion, pretty much. Trump has no legitimacy. and it's only a matter of time before Republicans get fed up with him and say, "Yeah, we can go with PResident Pence!"
Trump also didn't campaign to win the popular vote because he knew that's not what would put him in office. Are you telling me if Clinton had won the electoral vote yet Trump won more popular votes you'd be saying that Clinton shouldn't be president? Give me a fucking break you political dimwit.

You are working on the assumption that the Orange Shitgibbon actually had a plan to win. The fact he is blundering from one day to the next while the Generals pull a silent coup proves he didn't.

His plan was to pimp his brand. Now he's probably destroyed it.
Sorry, not the rules of the game. Trump won 30 states. Clinton only won 20. That's a decisive victory and numbers only a butthurt liberal could possibly try to twist and say Trump doesn't "deserve" to be president. Like miss "delete those fucking emails bitch" deserves it.

More people voted for Hillary. End of discussion, pretty much. Trump has no legitimacy. and it's only a matter of time before Republicans get fed up with him and say, "Yeah, we can go with PResident Pence!"
Who gives a crap who 5 counties in KKKalifornia voted for?
It will be the most lopsided, brutal take-down in the history of military warfare. No pussyfooting or holding back with this regime. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan.
Iraq was a "cakewalk". Uh...wait a minute, not really. Unlike Iraq, North Korea has a military.
It will be the most lopsided, brutal take-down in the history of military warfare. No pussyfooting or holding back with this regime. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan.
Iraq was a "cakewalk". Uh...wait a minute, not really. Unlike Iraq, North Korea has a military.

Amazing how anxious they are for wars other people will fight.
Fat Boy hit Japan ...


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