Fast food CEO on anti Trump protesters: don't show for work get fired.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illegals outing themselves as illegals by going to protests
Fast Food CEO on Anti-Trump Protesters: Don’t Show for Work, Get Fired

Reap what you sow................ you all think you are that great guess this means you all aren't that special. Getting treated like everyone else sucks doesn't it.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
if you are getting paid the wage you agreed to you are not being exploited
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
if you are getting paid the wage you agreed to you are not being exploited

If you are living a hand to mouth subsistence you are.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
if you are getting paid the wage you agreed to you are not being exploited

If you are living a hand to mouth subsistence you are.

not at all. You voluntarily agreed to take a job knowing what the pay was.
You are free to find an employer that will pay you more anytime you want
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
if you are getting paid the wage you agreed to you are not being exploited

If you are living a hand to mouth subsistence you are.

not at all. You voluntarily agreed to take a job knowing what the pay was.
You are free to find an employer that will pay you more anytime you want

And then there's reality. Workers everywhere have been sharecropped out to this pathological version of "capitalism".

Productivity has surged, but income and wages have stagnated for most Americans. If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

Growth is back...

...But jobs aren't

Sorry, not hiring
The sectors that have contributed the most to the country's overall economic growth have lagged when it comes to creating jobs.

The wage freeze
Increase in real value of the minimum wage since 1990: 21%

Increase in cost of living since 1990: 67%

One year's earnings at the minimum wage: $15,080

Income required for a single worker to have real economic security: $30,000

Working 9 to 7
For Americans as a whole, the length of a typical workweek hasn't changed much in years. But for many middle-class workers, job obligations are creeping into free time and family time. For low-income workers, hours have declined due to a shrinking job market, causing underemployment.

Labor pains
Median yearly earnings of:

Union workers: $47,684

Non-union workers: $37,284


Dude, Where's My Job?
More and more, US multinationals are laying off workers at home and hiring overseas.

Proud to be an American
The US is part of a very small club of nations that don't require...

Digital overtime
A survey of employed email users finds:

22% are expected to respond to work email when they're not at work.

50% check work email on the weekends.

46% check work email on sick days.

34% check work email while on vacation.

The second shift
Working moms pick up more child care and household duties than working dads—about 80 minutes more every day. Meanwhile, dads enjoy nearly 50 more minutes of watching TV and other leisure activities on a daily basis.

Chore wars
Thanks, guys—you're pitching in more than twice as much as you did in the '70s. But women still get stuck with the majority of work around the house.
They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
if you are getting paid the wage you agreed to you are not being exploited

If you are living a hand to mouth subsistence you are.

not at all. You voluntarily agreed to take a job knowing what the pay was.
You are free to find an employer that will pay you more anytime you want

And then there's reality. Workers everywhere have been sharecropped out to this pathological version of "capitalism".

Productivity has surged, but income and wages have stagnated for most Americans. If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

Growth is back...

...But jobs aren't

Sorry, not hiring
The sectors that have contributed the most to the country's overall economic growth have lagged when it comes to creating jobs.

The wage freeze
Increase in real value of the minimum wage since 1990: 21%

Increase in cost of living since 1990: 67%

One year's earnings at the minimum wage: $15,080

Income required for a single worker to have real economic security: $30,000

Working 9 to 7
For Americans as a whole, the length of a typical workweek hasn't changed much in years. But for many middle-class workers, job obligations are creeping into free time and family time. For low-income workers, hours have declined due to a shrinking job market, causing underemployment.

Labor pains
Median yearly earnings of:

Union workers: $47,684

Non-union workers: $37,284


Dude, Where's My Job?
More and more, US multinationals are laying off workers at home and hiring overseas.

Proud to be an American
The US is part of a very small club of nations that don't require...

Digital overtime
A survey of employed email users finds:

22% are expected to respond to work email when they're not at work.

50% check work email on the weekends.

46% check work email on sick days.

34% check work email while on vacation.

The second shift
Working moms pick up more child care and household duties than working dads—about 80 minutes more every day. Meanwhile, dads enjoy nearly 50 more minutes of watching TV and other leisure activities on a daily basis.

Chore wars
Thanks, guys—you're pitching in more than twice as much as you did in the '70s. But women still get stuck with the majority of work around the house.

productivity has surged because if technology and NOT the skill of workers
Technology now allows unskilled or semi-skilled people to produce more and higher quality goods than in the past

Think about it years ago a skilled craftsman had to hand turn furniture legs on a lathe he was limited as to how many tables he could complete in a week. Now any moron who can load the wood blanks into the automated lathe and push a button can make hundreds in a week. Productivity went way up but the skill needed was decreased to near zero. Should that guy get paid the same as a master craftsman doing the work by hand?

and what working moms and dads do to split the chores has nothing to do with this topic whatsoever
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.

If you don't want to work for someone else, go into business for yourself.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.

If you don't want to work for someone else, go into business for yourself.

That is the standard corporate line, yes.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
Until the new employer calls the old employer for a reference.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.

If you don't want to work for someone else, go into business for yourself.

That is the standard corporate line, yes.

Well, then, I guess you can just grow up and stop your fucking whining. That's all you ever seem to do.
I did, but I still didn't like the boss..

Odd isn't it, but yeah, that’s our system, the entire thing is built upon an adversarial relationship between employer and employee. And it’s all based upon this dysfunctional notion of how we approach capitalism in america. The goal of the employer is to get as much as he/she can out of an employee while rendering as little compensation in return as possible. And the american style capitalist goal of the employee is to give over to the employer as little as possible for as much compensation in return as possible; all parties pursuing maximization of their own individual profit margins and such.

A very inefficient system at the very least.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.

If you don't want to work for someone else, go into business for yourself.

That is the standard corporate line, yes.

Well, then, I guess you can just grow up and stop your fucking whining. That's all you ever seem to do.

Many fol
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.

If you don't want to work for someone else, go into business for yourself.

That is the standard corporate line, yes.

Well, then, I guess you can just grow up and stop your fucking whining. That's all you ever seem to do.
Many folks get very uncomfortable when the system is questioned in america don't they. Yours is the standared corporate approach to stifling any questioning at all. This system cannot withstand scrutiny.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

They can do that on their own time. if they agreed to work the posted schedule at their place of employment and don't show up it's no one's fault but theirs if they get shit canned

Fuck it, this is america, you can always find someone else in this power structure looking for an opportunity to exploit you and your labor.
Until the new employer calls the old employer for a reference.

That's exactly where the "job creator" class wants workers. Fearful. Too fearful to demand a fair shake, a higher stake in the prcoeeds of the wealth they've helped generate, and a recognition of their humanity rather than their commoditization. And then the job creator" class lobbies and crafts think tank legislation to pretty much make the working class folk into sharecroppers living a hand to mouth existence. Wasn't always this way, sure is now; for about half a century.
Heaven forbid american worker bees ever question the authoritarian system that keeps them in place.

You can do that on your day off butterfly. Employers don,t have to tolerate that shit.

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