Fascism in Action: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

You sad little nincompoop. Individuals are not customers of Google; they are products. Google is a platform to get idiots like you to click on ads for which Google is paid by its real customers (advertisers).

I seriously doubt the advertisers are complaining about your (or anyone's) choice to use Google idiot.

^^^ Fish in a Barrell^^^

New Complaints Filed Against Google in Europe
Good grief he's a nincompoop.
Free-Speech-Orwell truth.jpg
You sad little nincompoop. Individuals are not customers of Google; they are products. Google is a platform to get idiots like you to click on ads for which Google is paid by its real customers (advertisers).

I seriously doubt the advertisers are complaining about your (or anyone's) choice to use Google idiot.

^^^ Fish in a Barrell^^^

New Complaints Filed Against Google in Europe
Good grief he's a nincompoop.

I am betting you didn't read the article either.
Advertisers didn't make the complaint (although the word advertisers was used at some point in the first two paragraphs).

You probably missed this part as well:

"In some European countries, Google has more than 80 percent of the market for Internet searches and advertising linked to them — greater even than in the United States. European Commission officials had said in the past, however, that market dominance was not, in and of itself, sufficient cause for antitrust sanctions."

Which is the point I have been making all along.
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You can play semantics if it suits your insecurities

Look deep into that mirror, you'll find your own insecurities, my dialogue has nothing to do with it. The common default in the liberal argument is to insult, deflect, stay away from logic / truths and basically accept failure as the only outcome...

if the Justice Department could bring a monopoly case against Google they would

Time will tell, their rise to superiority took place with the past Liberal Admin, I'll admit it will be a tough case, but they clearly have a monopoly...

I never argued whether or not I had to pay for other people to get Obamacare

No you babbled some nonsense about what the government should intervene with and claimed ObamaCare should have never happened, you do read what you type I suspect, it just doesn't register with you and you pay for it at the same time...

You're just a whiner sitting on the sidelines whining...

you spend more time insulting yourself than me.

Yeah I know, exchanging post with you is below my standards, I'll learn someday...

Did you always lose on the play ground or just in an adult environment?

Google is not a monopoly, there are other choices and no one is forced to use Google

Clearly you have no idea what constitutes a monopoly...

It's not that I sit on the sidelines at all,

Yes you do, just admit it, there are millions just like you, it's okay come out of the closet...

I just don't need anything in particular from you or your corrupt government to accomplish what I desire.

This is an example of the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, and conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law.

Oh I understand how the law can be used to support either side, you're the fool that believes there is only one side to every story...

An undocumented immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization; all persons in the United States are entitled to a presumption of innocence and comprehensive due process – including those undocumented.

It's a shame how our education system has failed us, here is a prime example...

I certainly have no problem with legal immigration, there are millions of immigrants that followed our laws and enter this country legally, for some reason you're confused about the difference...

Indeed, many undocumented immigrants are refugees seeking asylum, they have the right to apply for refugee status, to have that application reviewed by immigration officials, and appeal the determination of the application if appropriate.

Care to support this nonsense with any facts? Or are you going to continue to verify how stupid you can really be?

The problem isn’t ‘illegal’ immigration or 'radical' Muslims, the problem is the fear, ignorance, and hate most on the right have toward immigrants, conservatives’ desire to deny those undocumented their right to due process, and the unwarranted hostility most on the right have with regard to immigration in general by denying access to immigrants who want to come to the United States legally.

If you blew this crap out your ass instead, we would have a hard time telling the difference...
The jewish groups basically, for some reason, got control of the MSM on the net and are censoring it. Meanwhile they produce really weird, content from Hollywood. Go figure!
You can play semantics if it suits your insecurities

Look deep into that mirror, you'll find your own insecurities, my dialogue has nothing to do with it. The common default in the liberal argument is to insult, deflect, stay away from logic / truths and basically accept failure as the only outcome...

if the Justice Department could bring a monopoly case against Google they would

Time will tell, their rise to superiority took place with the past Liberal Admin, I'll admit it will be a tough case, but they clearly have a monopoly...

I never argued whether or not I had to pay for other people to get Obamacare

No you babbled some nonsense about what the government should intervene with and claimed ObamaCare should have never happened, you do read what you type I suspect, it just doesn't register with you and you pay for it at the same time...

You're just a whiner sitting on the sidelines whining...

you spend more time insulting yourself than me.

Yeah I know, exchanging post with you is below my standards, I'll learn someday...

Did you always lose on the play ground or just in an adult environment?

Google is not a monopoly, there are other choices and no one is forced to use Google

Clearly you have no idea what constitutes a monopoly...

It's not that I sit on the sidelines at all,

Yes you do, just admit it, there are millions just like you, it's okay come out of the closet...

I just don't need anything in particular from you or your corrupt government to accomplish what I desire.


Wow, that was very enlightening, thank you so much trying so hard and better luck next time.

People choose what search engine they use, advertisers go where the people are, and whiners whine about it.
If you want to make the case that people choose Google so they can be exposed to more advertising, I would suggest that probably isn't quite up to par with public opinion.
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Yet true conservatives seek to grant the Federal government the power to discriminate against same-sex couples, immigrants, and Muslims.

Are you suggesting Conservatism should promote same sex couples? Let's be honest, it's delusional Liberalism that feeds the perversion that the LGBTQ community is all of a sudden normal...

The issue is Illegal Immigrants and Radical Muslims, I know that's a tough concept for you...

The problem with ‘true’ conservatives is that for more than 40 years they’ve failed to even make an effort to take back their wrongheaded ideology from those who misappropriated ‘true’ conservativism: the social right, blind partisan extremists, and reactionary libertarians.

You can live with conviction or you can live on the fence, a True Conservative lives with their convictions, you're confused with the difference...

Indeed, it’s gotten to the point now that the notion of ‘true’ conservatives has become meaningless and devoid of merit.

I guess the "Liberal" definition of merit, is paying $12 MM for a fake dossier or stealing the DNC nomination? Take your pick...

The ignorance and stupidity of this thread’s premise in fact represents much of what is now true conservativism, as it has existed for quite some time.

The only ignorance and stupidity demonstrated in many threads, is how easy it is to led so many to Socialism...
Only because of the disenchantment with capitalism and party politics..
Google is safe from alt right interference for this election.
What pisses them off is their inherent lack of vision and lack of innovation for entrepreneurship on social media......

It pisses the whiners off, because conservatives can use all the social media platforms to do business.
Right-wing, left-wing and center wingnuts can fight over who's sandbox it is.
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

another great example of how facism is here is youtube has deleted the account of jerome korsi who has exposed Obama for the fraud he is that he is not a us citizen.they obviously want to try and suppress those facts about him from getting out.
I believe his account was reinstated the next day.

thats good news.
probably cause too many people know about it and word got out,the fact it was even deleted in the first place temporarily still proves what a facist country this is.

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