Farmers facing disaster in 2019

It will be when it hits your ethanol supplies.

Nobody needs Ethanol. Nobody. Ethanol is a joke.

They need it to drive in a handful of states that mandate its use beyond the federal requirements.

Ethanol shouldn't be mandated for anything whatsoever. That needs to go away.

A) Wastes food (feed)

B) Does nothing except tear up gasoline equipment.

C) Is a net energy loss by the time corn is grown and made into Ethanol.

I don't disagree (though the Net Energy Balance of it is highly disputed with no clear answer), but that does not change that it is and therefore people have to have it. I use stabilizers in a lot of my equipment fuels that help with the issue caused by the stuff.

Okay, about the net energy loss thing: Hundreds of thousands of acres have to be strip-mined and material processed in order to get the fertilizer to grow corn, and THEN, it still has to be trucked to where the corn is is grown. (or transported by railway)
Strip-mining destroys trees, grass, all vegetation, and makes land uninhabitable for wildlife.

I've studied this, it's the same thing with the "Green Energy" biofuel bullshit,
actually Ethanol is "biofuel".

My uncle bought an old strip mine and turned it into a just have to be careful where to step when you are walking where the strip mine crossed the old tunnel mine because the earth just might swallow you whole.
Nobody needs Ethanol. Nobody. Ethanol is a joke.

They need it to drive in a handful of states that mandate its use beyond the federal requirements.

Ethanol shouldn't be mandated for anything whatsoever. That needs to go away.

A) Wastes food (feed)

B) Does nothing except tear up gasoline equipment.

C) Is a net energy loss by the time corn is grown and made into Ethanol.

I don't disagree (though the Net Energy Balance of it is highly disputed with no clear answer), but that does not change that it is and therefore people have to have it. I use stabilizers in a lot of my equipment fuels that help with the issue caused by the stuff.

Okay, about the net energy loss thing: Hundreds of thousands of acres have to be strip-mined and material processed in order to get the fertilizer to grow corn, and THEN, it still has to be trucked to where the corn is is grown. (or transported by railway)
Strip-mining destroys trees, grass, all vegetation, and makes land uninhabitable for wildlife.

I've studied this, it's the same thing with the "Green Energy" biofuel bullshit,
actually Ethanol is "biofuel".

My uncle bought an old strip mine and turned it into a just have to be careful where to step when you are walking where the strip mine crossed the old tunnel mine because the earth just might swallow you whole.


I have a hard time imagining how to grow crops in a former strip mine without backfilling the whole thing.
Looks like they got a late start planting. What was the delay?
Too much rain, I think. And if it was anything like here, prolonged cold.
This won't mean anything to you, but here the daisies are just beginning to bloom. It's July in one week! Everything is weeks' late, and people's gardens were ruined if they tried to plant earlier.
Seriously, what's the difference between those before and after crops? 3 weeks of growth?
Looks like they got a late start planting. What was the delay?
Too much rain, I think. And if it was anything like here, prolonged cold.
This won't mean anything to you, but here the daisies are just beginning to bloom. It's July in one week! Everything is weeks' late, and people's gardens were ruined if they tried to plant earlier.

I bet Amish have corn in their gardens up there.
They need it to drive in a handful of states that mandate its use beyond the federal requirements.

Ethanol shouldn't be mandated for anything whatsoever. That needs to go away.

A) Wastes food (feed)

B) Does nothing except tear up gasoline equipment.

C) Is a net energy loss by the time corn is grown and made into Ethanol.

I don't disagree (though the Net Energy Balance of it is highly disputed with no clear answer), but that does not change that it is and therefore people have to have it. I use stabilizers in a lot of my equipment fuels that help with the issue caused by the stuff.

Okay, about the net energy loss thing: Hundreds of thousands of acres have to be strip-mined and material processed in order to get the fertilizer to grow corn, and THEN, it still has to be trucked to where the corn is is grown. (or transported by railway)
Strip-mining destroys trees, grass, all vegetation, and makes land uninhabitable for wildlife.

I've studied this, it's the same thing with the "Green Energy" biofuel bullshit,
actually Ethanol is "biofuel".

My uncle bought an old strip mine and turned it into a just have to be careful where to step when you are walking where the strip mine crossed the old tunnel mine because the earth just might swallow you whole.


I have a hard time imagining how to grow crops in a former strip mine without backfilling the whole thing.

They do backfill the whole thing. It is part of the remediation process. It was done before they bought it. Mostly it was cheap land to buy and hunt, but they do farm part of it. There are parts that are more dodgy than other parts. To get to it, you have to go up this logging road a ways that is being actively timbered. I told him I am pretty sure the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse had their stables around there somewhere.
Welp, you just told 15 people on the internet they were going to starve to death, horribly. Any other news stories?


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These photos are more than just signs of a natural disaster. They are forewarnings for the months ahead and what every household in America faces in shortages and rising prices.





If you do not live in the middle of the country, you may have a difficult time grasping the true scope of what we are potentially facing.

If farmers do not grow our food, we do not eat. This is not a drill, and widespread crop failures are going to have dramatic implications for all of us in the months ahead. Food prices are going much higher, and I urge you to get prepared while you still can.

According to John Newton, the chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, we have never faced “anything like this since I’ve been working in agriculture”. We are truly in unprecedented territory already, and it won’t take very much at all to turn 2019 into a complete and utter national catastrophe.

Much more @ Shocking Before & After Photos Reveal Awful Truth About Widespread US Crop Failures In 2019
Just read the attached article. Werent you one of the people that mocked global warming and its effects?
This is not a result of global warming... And by the way its been cooling now for 9 years.
Dont tell me youre another person that doesnt understand what global warming is? So you think the ice caps are melting because its getting cooler?
These photos are more than just signs of a natural disaster. They are forewarnings for the months ahead and what every household in America faces in shortages and rising prices.





If you do not live in the middle of the country, you may have a difficult time grasping the true scope of what we are potentially facing.

If farmers do not grow our food, we do not eat. This is not a drill, and widespread crop failures are going to have dramatic implications for all of us in the months ahead. Food prices are going much higher, and I urge you to get prepared while you still can.

According to John Newton, the chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, we have never faced “anything like this since I’ve been working in agriculture”. We are truly in unprecedented territory already, and it won’t take very much at all to turn 2019 into a complete and utter national catastrophe.

Much more @ Shocking Before & After Photos Reveal Awful Truth About Widespread US Crop Failures In 2019
Just read the attached article. Werent you one of the people that mocked global warming and its effects?
This is not a result of global warming... And by the way its been cooling now for 9 years.
Dont tell me youre another person that doesnt understand what global warming is? So you think the ice caps are melting because its getting cooler?

The ice caps are growing, derp!
These photos are more than just signs of a natural disaster. They are forewarnings for the months ahead and what every household in America faces in shortages and rising prices.





If you do not live in the middle of the country, you may have a difficult time grasping the true scope of what we are potentially facing.

If farmers do not grow our food, we do not eat. This is not a drill, and widespread crop failures are going to have dramatic implications for all of us in the months ahead. Food prices are going much higher, and I urge you to get prepared while you still can.

According to John Newton, the chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, we have never faced “anything like this since I’ve been working in agriculture”. We are truly in unprecedented territory already, and it won’t take very much at all to turn 2019 into a complete and utter national catastrophe.

Much more @ Shocking Before & After Photos Reveal Awful Truth About Widespread US Crop Failures In 2019
Just read the attached article. Werent you one of the people that mocked global warming and its effects?
This is not a result of global warming... And by the way its been cooling now for 9 years.
Dont tell me youre another person that doesnt understand what global warming is? So you think the ice caps are melting because its getting cooler?

The ice caps are growing, derp!
If you honestly think the ice caps are growing then that means youre an idiot and I am not going to argue with you about it.
These photos are more than just signs of a natural disaster. They are forewarnings for the months ahead and what every household in America faces in shortages and rising prices.





If you do not live in the middle of the country, you may have a difficult time grasping the true scope of what we are potentially facing.

If farmers do not grow our food, we do not eat. This is not a drill, and widespread crop failures are going to have dramatic implications for all of us in the months ahead. Food prices are going much higher, and I urge you to get prepared while you still can.

According to John Newton, the chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, we have never faced “anything like this since I’ve been working in agriculture”. We are truly in unprecedented territory already, and it won’t take very much at all to turn 2019 into a complete and utter national catastrophe.

Much more @ Shocking Before & After Photos Reveal Awful Truth About Widespread US Crop Failures In 2019
Just read the attached article. Werent you one of the people that mocked global warming and its effects?
This is not a result of global warming... And by the way its been cooling now for 9 years.
Dont tell me youre another person that doesnt understand what global warming is? So you think the ice caps are melting because its getting cooler?

The ice caps are growing, derp!
If you honestly think the ice caps are growing then that means youre an idiot and I am not going to argue with you about it.


NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Daily Mail Online

One's losing some and one's growing more. There are 2 polar ice caps you know.
These photos are more than just signs of a natural disaster. They are forewarnings for the months ahead and what every household in America faces in shortages and rising prices.





If you do not live in the middle of the country, you may have a difficult time grasping the true scope of what we are potentially facing.

If farmers do not grow our food, we do not eat. This is not a drill, and widespread crop failures are going to have dramatic implications for all of us in the months ahead. Food prices are going much higher, and I urge you to get prepared while you still can.

According to John Newton, the chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, we have never faced “anything like this since I’ve been working in agriculture”. We are truly in unprecedented territory already, and it won’t take very much at all to turn 2019 into a complete and utter national catastrophe.

Much more @ Shocking Before & After Photos Reveal Awful Truth About Widespread US Crop Failures In 2019
Prayers up for the Farmers of America, Longknife. :hands:

I guess I was lucky. I chose this year to be my land's fallow year, and have only mowed fence areas for preventive reasons.
The farmers are fine, the crops are fine, so they started late, big fucking deal. Every year can not set records. Some years will actually be low yield years. The horror. But all that aside, what did the Democrats do to prepare us for this. They took farmland and converted it to solar farms and wind turbines so that there is less land to make up for losses in bad years.

Solar and Wind energy actually make this problem, a potential real problem. The solution to global warming destroys the earth and starves people.

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