Farmed Norwegian Salmon - World’s Most Toxic Food

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

What a stupid scientist, thinks pollutants cause fat, instead of fatter fish causing fatter people. :lol:
All one has to do is look at the videos and documentaries about farmed shrimp in Thailand and farmed Tilapia from China.
If your farmed Tilapia is from North America, your safe - but about 60% of the Tilapia America buys is from China...and that is a problem.
As a general rule, cold wild-caught fish is the safest seafood in the world...and consequently that is all I eat.
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

Well worth watching thank you!

You are what you eat and whatever it has ate along the way. Living bodies whether they be fish (animals of any kind) or people also make fat to store toxins. Once organs are damaged the bod can't properly dispose of toxins. Monsanto products in anything sucks!

From what I am reading online it looks like Rangel's and others are attempting to find alternatives but it is not there yet.

Ethoxyquin is a chemical antioxidant and was approved as a pet food additive in 1959. It is used to preserve certain spices (chili powder, paprika, and ground chili only), and is also used as a pesticide and a rubber preservative.
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

I wonder how much of this meat is in the smoked salmon we get prepackaged at the stores?
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

Well worth watching thank you!

You are what you eat and whatever it has ate along the way. Living bodies whether they be fish (animals of any kind) or people also make fat to store toxins. Once organs are damaged the bod can't properly dispose of toxins. Monsanto products in anything sucks!

From what I am reading online it looks like Rangel's and others are attempting to find alternatives but it is not there yet.

Ethoxyquin is a chemical antioxidant and was approved as a pet food additive in 1959. It is used to preserve certain spices (chili powder, paprika, and ground chili only), and is also used as a pesticide and a rubber preservative.

Eat fresh fish not farmed.

And broil off the fat before you eat it.
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

Well worth watching thank you!

You are what you eat and whatever it has ate along the way. Living bodies whether they be fish (animals of any kind) or people also make fat to store toxins. Once organs are damaged the bod can't properly dispose of toxins. Monsanto products in anything sucks!

From what I am reading online it looks like Rangel's and others are attempting to find alternatives but it is not there yet.

Ethoxyquin is a chemical antioxidant and was approved as a pet food additive in 1959. It is used to preserve certain spices (chili powder, paprika, and ground chili only), and is also used as a pesticide and a rubber preservative.

Eat fresh fish not farmed.

And broil off the fat before you eat it.

Look at this guy spearing a fish in paradise and eating it immediately on the boat.

Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

I never, ever, never, ever eat farmed fish, you can tell how much they suck when they're side by side with anything wild caught
This is why I fish and hunt. I also check to see where the product is from before buying.
At some point in the Malthusian future, only farmed fish and chicken will be affordable to eat. Anything else will become too expensive.

Possible but I believe humanity will wipeout a good portion of itself in the near future either through war or some massive disease.

Until then I will fish and hunt.
Pretty stunning.
I knew farmed fish had some issues, but nothing like this.
In the liberal/socialistic Norway, no less.
You can start at 18:30 to save time, but I watched, and suggest, the whole thing. It IS worth it.
I don't think I will ever eat this particular fish, or any non-wild one, again.

Well worth watching thank you!

You are what you eat and whatever it has ate along the way. Living bodies whether they be fish (animals of any kind) or people also make fat to store toxins. Once organs are damaged the bod can't properly dispose of toxins. Monsanto products in anything sucks!

From what I am reading online it looks like Rangel's and others are attempting to find alternatives but it is not there yet.

Ethoxyquin is a chemical antioxidant and was approved as a pet food additive in 1959. It is used to preserve certain spices (chili powder, paprika, and ground chili only), and is also used as a pesticide and a rubber preservative.

Eat fresh fish not farmed.

And broil off the fat before you eat it.

Nah, it all depends on where you catch the fish. The fish in the Everglades aren't fit to eat anymore either because they are also full of chemicals. There are many ponds and lake fish I wouldn't consider eating either for the same reason but even more so because of the diseases that are in those areas.

The video after that one in the OP is also very well worth watching. Some people wonder why so many do not trust government entities any more. This whole diseases in the fish in Canada pretty much explains why these giant government bureaucratic bodies with corporate lackeys in them are no longer trustworthy. The USA has the same problems in the government bureaucracies of officials willfully lying their asses off and going after privates or people willing to stand on the truth.


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