Far right wing county ARRESTS people; Then forces them into a church!!!

In response to many above posts....when your precious, sacred, Holy Tax Dollar is spent defending lawsuits, you'll be pissed off.

This was dumb. They should've known better...sadly.
150 warrants served in Operation Dragnet in Spartanburg County | GoUpstate.com

Ok. So the devil is in the details. But seriously. A massive warrant round up, in the uber-conservative upstate of South Carolina. The prisoners are taken, in handcuffs in custody, into a First Baptist Church to be processed before going to jail!!!!!

No shit. They actually arrested them, and then force them into a Baptist Church before taking them to jail.

The right wing never left the 1800's I suppose.

OH nos! A church! Perhaps it was the only place large enough to hold the criminals? Were they preached to? Nope. Were any of them forced to pray? Uh uh. How many were baptized? None. How many were forced to carry a fetus to term? None.
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?
Oh dont get me wrong, I love the warrant round up. And I for one dont give a shit about where they process them.

BUT...in todays lawsuit happy society, one would think it would be smarter to NOT round them up, force them into a church, THEN take them to jail. That county is going to get sued over this, no doubt about it. Just one of those criminals whines to a lawyer that his freedom of/from religion was violated, and cha-ching!!!

I doubt they placed them in the sanctuary for processing, many chruches here have gyms and community centers on their properties which would be more suitable. Your story wasn't specific but I would bet that was the case.
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

We do our voting in a local church, for example.

Are you handcuffed, and led in there by men with guns? No.

They will get sued over this (sadly). IT was dumb. I'd think people who find the almighty tax dollar to be the most Holy item on Earth would be a bit more upset at risking lawsuits by such carelessness. Guess not.
Imagine this: Some local mayor or governor, a huge supporter of Barack Obama, does a massive tax-evasion warrant round up. And then herds them into a Muslim mosque before taking them to jail. Would there be outrage??? No question.

That's true. Fox News would lead with the story, accompanied by doom music. Then an out of context clip of the mosque's imam saying it is everyone's duty to throw puppies into rush hour traffic. Then a quick flash to Obama. Linkage. Then Hannity asking if we really want more dangerous criminals converted to the ideology of Islam. Then another Obama cameo.

Within five minutes after the Fox News story, there would be ten topics on USMB about Obama attempting to make murderers into Muslims.

This is what we call "journalism" today.


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Bottom line: They were taken into govt custody, and led into a church against their own free will. They will get sued over this.

I thought people who worship the Holy Tax Dollar as the most sacred item on Earth...would be pissed that their right wing leaders would risk that tax dollar to lawsuits by such a careless move.

BTW....Spartanburg is part of the Greenville/Sptbg/Anderson "CSA" which the Census says is home to over 1,000,000 people. I bet they have some vacant buildings or something other than a church in a metro area that size.
Oh dont get me wrong, I love the warrant round up. And I for one dont give a shit about where they process them.

BUT...in todays lawsuit happy society, one would think it would be smarter to NOT round them up, force them into a church, THEN take them to jail. That county is going to get sued over this, no doubt about it. Just one of those criminals whines to a lawyer that his freedom of/from religion was violated, and cha-ching!!!


What a tool.

Ah, but right wingers will be outraged when their precious, blessed, sacred Holy Tax Dollar is spent defending the ACLU lawsuits.

You're assuming facts that are not in evidence.

When and if a lawsuit is filed you may have a point.

But I doubt it.
Imagine this: Some local mayor or governor, a huge supporter of Barack Obama, does a massive tax-evasion warrant round up. And then herds them into a Muslim mosque before taking them to jail. Would there be outrage??? No question.

That's true. Fox News would lead with the story, accompanied by doom music. Then an out of context clip of the mosque's imam saying it is everyone's duty to throw puppies into rush hour traffic. Then a quick flash to Obama. Linkage.

This is what we call "journalism" today.


Sad but true. You just KNOW thats how it would go. If the Feds rounded up...whoever, illegals, tax evaders, whatever.....and herded them into a mosque before jailing them, Fox and the right wing would go ballistic!
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

There was no religion presented moron. Its a building made of wood bricks and steel just like EVERY OTHER building.

Just change your avatar vote for obama and stop playing games
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

Please highlight the "freedom from religion" part.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

There was no religion presented moron. Its a building made of wood bricks and steel just like EVERY OTHER building.

Just change your avatar vote for obama and stop playing games

So a House of God is nothing but a building of bricks, wood and wires? You are not a very good Christian if you believe that.

So...I assume you'd be ok with the mosque being built near the WTC right? After all, its just a building. Or you'd be ok with Obama hording federal prisoners in mosques before taking them to jail, right?
150 warrants served in Operation Dragnet in Spartanburg County | GoUpstate.com

Ok. So the devil is in the details. But seriously. A massive warrant round up, in the uber-conservative upstate of South Carolina. The prisoners are taken, in handcuffs in custody, into a First Baptist Church to be processed before going to jail!!!!!

No shit. They actually arrested them, and then force them into a Baptist Church before taking them to jail.

The right wing never left the 1800's I suppose.

Another example of how churches benefit the communities.

It's probably the biggest, best maintained building in the area. They were generous to allow the use of it.

Oh, and btw, you're a hysterical extremist loon.
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

Please highlight the "freedom from religion" part.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So you'd be ok with Ram Emanuel having Chicago PD herding prisoners into Chicago mosques first.........then taking them to jail at a later time?
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

No it doesn't. Being forced to WORSHIP at the Church does. The function of processing criminals is not a function of the Church, and does not excessively entangle government and religion. Merely entering the building of a Church imposes no religion on anyone. It is simply serving the function of a processing center.

This was settled years ago with Churches giving out meals to the homeless that were served inside the Church. Lawsuits were dutifully filed saying that requiring people to enter the Church violates their religious rights to freedom from religion. Over and over it was held that merely entering the building imposed no religion, but giving a sermon prior to serving the food did. So, unless someone was at the altar preaching during processing, no one's rights were violated. It's a matter of settled law.
I think the cops should have just chained them all to the nearest tree, in order to avoid ACLU lawsuits.

...no, wait

....that wouldn't work...
I wonder how the idiot OP feels about the fact that the majority of food pantries are manned and run out of churches...and much of the food that is given out is generated by those churches?
Merely entering a church does not remove any constitutional religious rights.

Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

No fool! It's freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;...

Holding prisoners in a church does not establish a State religion, nor deny anyone free exercise of their moral code.
Being forced into one while in the custody of the government does. You cant be forced into a church...regardless of circumstance. Freedom FROM religion, remember?

Please highlight the "freedom from religion" part.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So you'd be ok with Ram Emanuel having Chicago PD herding prisoners into Chicago mosques first.........then taking them to jail at a later time?

Nope, who gives a shit where the felons are processed?

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