"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

We are slowly breaking those types of political hold in the GOP. A Kasich and Rubio or Paul ticket and plus a national victory will do that.

Unless you are the Tea Party, you're not breaking any holds in the GOP. Kasich has about as likely a chance of being picked as Hillary's VP than winning the GOP nomination. Paul and Rubio are both Tea Party conservatives who would be very viable VP picks for Ted Cruz.

It's highly unlikely that Monica Lewinsky's Ex-boyfriend's wife will be picking a VP... more likely she'll be picking a Defense Attorney.
Says the neo-con who turned America into a police state.

"Police state" is your leftist utopia. Obama style. From the IRS crack down on conservative groups, to fomenting racial hatred, attacks on religious freedom, government mandates and crony deals under Obamacare, to open boarders and Balkanization, of this country. Yeah fake your leftist utopia is in full swing here
To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016.
^^^ Same old tired-ass bullshit.

Pay attention, Einstein: there aren't enough Conservatives in the U.S. to elect a POTUS all by their lonesome.

Period. This has been proven using actual math and science. It will not happen.
To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016.
^^^ Same old tired-ass bullshit.

Pay attention, Einstein: there aren't enough Conservatives in the U.S. to elect a POTUS all by their lonesome.

Period. This has been proven using actual math and science. It will not happen.

Doesn't mean much coming from one of the dumbest clowns on this board:slap:
To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016.
^^^ Same old tired-ass bullshit.

Pay attention, Einstein: there aren't enough Conservatives in the U.S. to elect a POTUS all by their lonesome.

Period. This has been proven using actual math and science. It will not happen.

It happened the last time we nominated a Conservative.

What has been proven is, moderates running away from Conservatism don't win. Also, moderates pretending to be conservative don't win.

But hey... the GOP should drop everything and listen to one of the Insane Clown Posse here because you obviously have better insight into what Republicans should do.
We are slowly breaking those types of political hold in the GOP. A Kasich and Rubio or Paul ticket and plus a national victory will do that.

Unless you are the Tea Party, you're not breaking any holds in the GOP. Kasich has about as likely a chance of being picked as Hillary's VP than winning the GOP nomination. Paul and Rubio are both Tea Party conservatives who would be very viable VP picks for Ted Cruz.
TP will not choose a far right candidate. Kasich has a much better chance that Perry or Cruz, Paul and Rubio are responsible conservatives, who wink at the TP and hold its hand from time to time but have no intention to commit to its wierdness.
The great lie that the mainstream GOP fully understands is that the TP says it is mainstream America. No it is 15% of America on the far right that want to go back sixty years. The millennials for one, who are now the largest voting generation and will vote for the first time next year in its entirety, really don't like GOP and increasingly the farther the right goes. They are going to live for a long time, and the TP is much, much older, and dying off in greater numbers every year.
We are slowly breaking those types of political hold in the GOP. A Kasich and Rubio or Paul ticket and plus a national victory will do that.

Unless you are the Tea Party, you're not breaking any holds in the GOP. Kasich has about as likely a chance of being picked as Hillary's VP than winning the GOP nomination. Paul and Rubio are both Tea Party conservatives who would be very viable VP picks for Ted Cruz.
TP will not choose a far right candidate. Kasich has a much better chance that Perry or Cruz, Paul and Rubio are responsible conservatives, who wink at the TP and hold its hand from time to time but have no intention to commit to its wierdness.

There is no "far right" until you've established some credible way for us to evaluate such. That hasn't been shown in this thread, I have been asking for something, but it hasn't been provided. Kasich isn't a Conservative. He's a nice guy, not a bat-shit-crazy liberal, but he is not a Conservative.

And the Tea Party doesn't "choose a candidate" because there is no formal political party, it is a conglomeration of many regional groups of grass roots conservative activists. There will not be a Tea Party Primary. Currently, they seem pretty fucking giddy over Ted Cruz. Not a single primary vote has been cast for anyone yet... so it's a long way to go before we can SAY who will vote for whom.

I think Cruz is smarter than you think. I think he has the stamina to stay on message and sharp for the entire campaign, and articulate conservative philosophy at a level we haven't seen since Reagan. He has pretty thick armor, he has been attacked by Republicans and Democrats alike, and the mainstream media is constantly in his face... and he handles them like a pro. But most important of all, the man stands for his principles whether they are popular or not. If he says he is going to do it, you can believe he is going to give every effort to do it. I like that in a leader.

Rand Paul might have been a good candidate but he suffers the affliction of having Paul DNA. This causes his kind to be prone to sudden bouts of insanity and say insane things at the worst possible time. Other than that, he's a fairly solid conservative and I have no problems with him, I think he would be a good VP pick, but probably third on my short list behind Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.

I really think (at this point) Cruz/Rubio is the winning ticket. It's bold... two Latinos on the ticket? But Rubio brings Florida, a crucial swing state.
No it is 15% of America on the far right that want to go back sixty years. The millennials for one, who are now the largest voting generation and will vote for the first time next year in its entirety, really don't like GOP and increasingly the farther the right goes. They are going to live for a long time, and the TP is much, much older, and dying off in greater numbers every year.

And ALL of this tripe is contrived bullshit that you can't support with fact.

There is no "far right" ...all that means is "conservative" and you've proven this in the thread. You refused to define the difference between a "far right" conservative and a "regular" conservative. ALL conservatives are called "far right" and people who are not conservatives are called "moderates."

So what you have done with the Tea Party is the same thing you did with Conservatives... attach an assortment of 'extreme' views that are undesirable, and pretend that is what all the Tea Party represents. This is just silly and dumb, but it also shows a level of extreme bigotry and prejudice because you seem to want to stereotype entire groups.

Yep, there ARE older people dying off every day... many of them were also the radical left wing socialists and hippies who did too many drugs in the 60s. Lefties are dying at the very same rate, moron!

The younger generation is surprisingly not as 'radical' as you think. If you read up on the cycles of generations... they've studied the patterns through dozens of generations... every so many generations there is a "hero" generation who aspires to such status by 'saving the world' in some way. The WWII generation was the "hero" generation. The next "hero" generation is supposedly the millennials. The "hero" generation generally follows a "protest" generation.
To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016.
^^^ Same old tired-ass bullshit.

Pay attention, Einstein: there aren't enough Conservatives in the U.S. to elect a POTUS all by their lonesome.

Period. This has been proven using actual math and science. It will not happen.

Doesn't mean much coming from one of the dumbest clowns on this board:slap:
I correctly predicted another Obama runaway in 2012 over Mitt Romney.

You did not. Who's the dumb one?
Conservatives don't have the pull and the power to even nominate a fellow conservative! They end up with McCain, Romney, Bush.

And they won't have the power to nominate one in 2016, either.

Then they'll turn around and blame the media.
I really think (at this point) Cruz/Rubio is the winning ticket.
Who is going to vote for them? Other than old White conservatives? Or are you actually deluded enough to believe that's all you need?
With that ticket they've lost the whole KKK side. They won't vote for those wetbacks.
I swear, these wingnuts are delusional, totally in their own FoxNews bubble, never hearing any conflicting news. That's how you get Karl Rove melting down on election night, and Mitt honestly being shocked that he lost, when he lost BIG.

Just read this - it's from January 2014, but it's very good:

Frank Rich on Fox News Roger Ailes -- New York Magazine
Again, we're listening to one of the Insane Clown Buddies prattle on with his absolute nonsense. Anyone who coordinates his avatar with other members in order to ridicule Conservatives is probably not a very good objective (or mature) source of reason when it comes to Conservatives. It's like asking someone with a swastika on their arm who they think the Jews should elect as president of Israel. You have NO credibility in this debate. Why are you even here?

Shouldn't you be spending your precious time occupying the Democrat thread on why they shouldn't nominate Hillary, who is much older than Cruz and in the back pocket of more big money millionaires than all Republican front-runners combined? Oh wait... there is no such thread because you lot don't have a non-hypocritical bone in your body. You'll march in lockstep like a bunch of little sheep with the same avatar, to vote for whomever is opposed to the Conservative.

As for your warped perspective of the demographics, need I remind you that the vast and overwhelming majority of Conservatives began as Liberals when they were young and stupid like you? The problem you have is not your voters dying, it's that they get smarter and grow the fuck up... then they are Conservatives.
To the GOP Elites: You better get on board with a solid Conservative or the Democrats will win in 2016.
^^^ Same old tired-ass bullshit.

Pay attention, Einstein: there aren't enough Conservatives in the U.S. to elect a POTUS all by their lonesome.

Period. This has been proven using actual math and science. It will not happen.

Doesn't mean much coming from one of the dumbest clowns on this board:slap:
I correctly predicted another Obama runaway in 2012 over Mitt Romney.

You did not. Who's the dumb one?
Yeah your genius is your on mind...And Romney wasn't my candidate I never picked him to win anything.
Again, we're listening to one of the Insane Clown Buddies prattle on with his absolute nonsense. Anyone who coordinates his avatar with other members in order to ridicule Conservatives is probably not a very good objective (or mature) source of reason when it comes to Conservatives. It's like asking someone with a swastika on their arm who they think the Jews should elect as president of Israel. You have NO credibility in this debate. Why are you even here?

Shouldn't you be spending your precious time occupying the Democrat thread on why they shouldn't nominate Hillary, who is much older than Cruz and in the back pocket of more big money millionaires than all Republican front-runners combined? Oh wait... there is no such thread because you lot don't have a non-hypocritical bone in your body. You'll march in lockstep like a bunch of little sheep with the same avatar, to vote for whomever is opposed to the Conservative.

As for your warped perspective of the demographics, need I remind you that the vast and overwhelming majority of Conservatives began as Liberals when they were young and stupid like you? The problem you have is not your voters dying, it's that they get smarter and grow the fuck up... then they are Conservatives.

I've thought the same... Leftist group think, pretty pathetic actually. I think this guy is the leader though .He's was the original clown boy. The other clown's followed this idiot. That tells you the level of intellect we are dealing with in these morons.:eusa_wall:
Conservatives don't have the pull and the power to even nominate a fellow conservative! They end up with McCain, Romney, Bush.

And they won't have the power to nominate one in 2016, either.

Then they'll turn around and blame the media.

I don't blame the media, I blame the stupidity of republicans who apparently don't comprehend conservative philosophy but think they can convince conservatives they do. Karl Rove is at the top of my list, followed by John McCain, Goober Graham, Krispy Kreeme and Mittens Romney.

The party establishment, the people who run the GOP and have been in power for years and years, are not Conservatives. They are Republicans. The whole entire concept of "too conservative" is their invention and it has nothing to do with practical application. In essence, it means the same thing as "conservative" or "far right" to you.

There are not degrees of Conservative philosophy and this is why I have repeatedly challenged you to define and delineate what constitutes a "far right" conservative, what is the thing that makes one "far right" as opposed to "normal" right? You can't answer me. You either HAVE a conservative philosophy or you don't, there is no extreme because it's not an ideology.
I've thought the same... Leftist group think, pretty pathetic actually. I think this guy is the leader though .He's was the original clown boy. The other clown's followed this idiot. That tells you the level of intellect we are dealing with in these morons.:eusa_wall:

The thing I don't get is this... Why are they flooding this thread with all the OCD on Cruz and the Tea Party? If they are so sure these represent the Kiss of Death to their opposition, they should be showering them with praise! Partying in the streets! Hey, nobody is going to vote for them 'cept old white men! Hooray for the Liberals, they're going to win in a landslide, right? They got this!

But no... they are here in full regalia with their clown faces on, ready to do battle against the enemy they fear, Conservatism. I personally think they HOPE there are enough addle-minded republicans out there who will shy away from the conservative candidates if they make the conservative out to be terrible enough. This is why we get all this spewing of baseless rhetoric that they cannot back up when challenged.

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