Far from the Myth of 'Overpopulation'

It is all relative if we are destined to populate other planets we don’t have enough.. The thing is if the population was condensed into a small area we would fit easily into let’s say Spain and France leaving the rest of the world unpopulated… These ideas smack of Malthism who said we would starve long ago with way less of the population then we have now…Look at the vast tracks of land that are scarcely populated worldwide even in the states the majority of the population can be found on the eastern seaboard and some 50 odd million on the western leaving very small populations on the rest of it..
Pollution is not an indication of overpopulation. When the first human settlement was established the first pollution was born as well. Put a whole lot of very neat, careful people in the most populated city in the world and there will be much, much, much less pollution than another city a fraction of its size full of other people with other priorities.

The world is NOT overpopulated, and it is not going to be. Time to let go of a false crisis you were force-fed as a kid.
You're talking theoretically, I'm talking about the real world. Sure, if everything was perfect, we could fit more people on this planet without damaging it further, but you're in dreamland. Time to wake up.
Some people still insist on fomenting pointless panic over the idea of global 'overpopulation.' There is no such thing, never has been any such thing, and the world is trending strongly in the other direction (as I've been saying for years). Global fertility rates are converging around 1.7 children per woman of childbearing age. Remember, the 'break even' point for fertility is 2.1 children per. In South Korea, the population decline is so dramatic several sources calculate that if current trends remain unchanged, South Koreans will go extinct by 2750.

We have to start thinking creatively about boosting, or at least maintaining population levels, or plan with open eyes what a world with far fewer people might look like.

One rather small country is hardly a good comparison to global populations.

What "actual point"? Just claiming I'm "in dreamland" because I don't buy into your myth? Is that what you consider an "actual point"?
"in dreamland" is the only part of my answer that you were able to retain. Not very bright, are you?
Yea but we are putting up so much pollution that we are causing global warming.

We're not concerned about "pollution" that isn't destroying the planet. Look at the oceans. Look at man made climate change.

So we're to believe you not the UN?

There is NO empirical data that supports your claim.
Margaret Sanger and her posse had the right notion. The problem isn't overpopulation; the problem is that the people one would WANT to procreate are declining to do so (statistically speaking), and the ones who would better be sterilize are popping them out with reckless abandon.

This is especially true for POC's. The educated, industrious Blacks and Hispanics are declining to have kids as they chase the American Dream, while their friends and family who are sucking at the Government's ever-more capacious teats are having the field day.

Doesn't bode well for the future. Glad I won't be around to see how it plays out.
There is NO empirical data that supports your claim.

The key word is empirical. Maybe there isn't but there is enough other evidence that man made climate change is now a fact.

The entire GOP base has to be ignorant to believe their ridiculous propaganda about phony scandals and conspiracies with no evidence behind them, just high School grad excokehead DJs and scumbag pundits repeating the same bologna endlessly. They seem to be unable to watch real journalists and what law enforcement have to say. Poor america. Rupert Murdoch is a total scumbag who's not allowed to be on tv anywhere else in the world.
Wow, you got almost all of your favorite buzz words into one rant. Don't strain yourself.

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