Famous attorney Dershowitz on Rittenhouse legal issues

“then sue liberal media outlets for their 'deliberate and willful lies”

I love it!
I'm waiting for the news story that seems inevitable

Dershowitz Joins Republican Party, Flips Dims the Bird...

I always thought Dims didn't make much sense... but then I recall Dershowitz

always liked listening to him on Fox..
The day after he testified, Nick Sandman invited him over to the club......................He said, Wasn't it worth it now to be a bajillionaire, and make CNN look like fucking ass holes for the 1001th time...BAWWWWWHAHAHA

I always thought Dims didn't make much sense... but then I recall Dershowitz

always liked listening to him on Fox..
I think the recent allegation about the Steele Dossier (which has been known by some of us for which we were harrassed at every turn for pointing it out) have been a wake up call to Professor Dershowitz about a party that through the Squad has lost his faith in the now radicalized Democrat Party to seal the deal on wiping out Israel with their destructive leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan and partying in print with the Taliban who killed a significant number of New Yorkers at the WTC on September 11, 2001.

I think he has had his heart broken by the radicals in the DNC who are doing chaos on every street corner in the US, reaching into public schools to promote a kind of brainwashing parents can't stop due to covid mandates that are being absurdly used to acclimate free people to being exhorted fully by the NEA and extremists in enforcing Marxism throughout America.
The day after he testified, Nick Sandman invited him over to the club......................He said, Wasn't it worth it now to be a bajillionaire, and make CNN look like fucking ass holes for the 1001th time...BAWWWWWHAHAHA
dersh said that?


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