FamilyTreeDNA opens its database to the FBI

Family Tree DNA opens its genealogy database to FBI

Hm,guess those of whose who have REFUSED to get this shit done were right after all.
You are an economic unit, nothing more in american society. Corporations are people however.
The one thing you have said I agree with. Corporate are not a person yet they have been given that status. Perhaps that should change as it is a lie. They are a collective so they fit under the definition of powers and principalities just like any other bureaucratic entity.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Family Tree DNA opens its genealogy database to FBI

Hm,guess those of whose who have REFUSED to get this shit done were right after all.
Yup. I've tried to warn the sheeple myself. But to little avail... 23, and me is the worst offender of the lot. Worse still... The "info" a customer pays for, is next to worthless. Amazing how many people will so enthusiastically tie their own noose....
Family Tree DNA opens its genealogy database to FBI

Hm,guess those of whose who have REFUSED to get this shit done were right after all.
Yup. I've tried to warn the sheeple myself. But to little avail... 23, and me is the worst offender of the lot. Worse still... The "info" a customer pays for, is next to worthless. Amazing how many people will so enthusiastically tie their own noose....
I got 23&me for xmas and just got my results. I'm pretty happy with the results: no markers for major illnesses and already connected with a second cousin. They asked me a whole bunch of questions that I'm guessing will greatly aid medical research.

The people that need to worry are my relatives that have committed crimes since they can now be traced through me. F'em
Family Tree DNA opens its genealogy database to FBI

Hm,guess those of whose who have REFUSED to get this shit done were right after all.
Yup. I've tried to warn the sheeple myself. But to little avail... 23, and me is the worst offender of the lot. Worse still... The "info" a customer pays for, is next to worthless. Amazing how many people will so enthusiastically tie their own noose....
I got 23&me for xmas and just got my results. I'm pretty happy with the results: no markers for major illnesses and already connected with a second cousin. They asked me a whole bunch of questions that I'm guessing will greatly aid medical research.

The people that need to worry are my relatives that have committed crimes since they can now be traced through me. F'em
You’re rather short sighted...
Family Tree DNA opens its genealogy database to FBI

Hm,guess those of whose who have REFUSED to get this shit done were right after all.
Still will not help you. So many people have done it that they likely have enough of a genetic record from your family members to track you down any way. Then lets talk about real ID and siging up to put your name in a facial recognition database. Does not end there you do not think that insurance companies are looking at those genetic records and accessing risk. I could go on and on, but I am just nuts right? Thats what people have been telling me for years when I spoke about this years ago. We already have people puting rfid in thier right hand for convenience right?

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I got 23&me for xmas and just got my results. I'm pretty happy with the results: no markers for major illnesses and already connected with a second cousin. They asked me a whole bunch of questions that I'm guessing will greatly aid medical research.

The people that need to worry are my relatives that have committed crimes since they can now be traced through me. F'em
You’re rather short sighted...
23&me already asked about my vision. Personally, I think contributing to our knowledge of genetics will help my family in the long-term.
I got 23&me for xmas and just got my results. I'm pretty happy with the results: no markers for major illnesses and already connected with a second cousin. They asked me a whole bunch of questions that I'm guessing will greatly aid medical research.

The people that need to worry are my relatives that have committed crimes since they can now be traced through me. F'em
You’re rather short sighted...
23&me already asked about my vision. Personally, I think contributing to our knowledge of genetics will help my family in the long-term.
You don’t need eyes to see. You need vision...
Ethnic bioweapon - Wikipedia
Weapons can be developed that can specifically target people, specifically based on genetics. Simply put; a bio weapon can feasibly made to target an individual, a family, or even a race.

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