Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget
4 of Trump's largest companies stiffed creditors. Personally he is shielded by regulations people like you rant and rave about. Change those regulations tomorrow and he'd be held criminally liable.

Any asshole who gives their word in a business deal and then backs out stiffing the little guy -- should be unfit to hold public office. Smart companies do NOT plan on bankruptcies. You probably are one of those dolts who considered Karl Rove a genius in 2000 -- yeah a genius who planned on taking an election to the Supreme Court. right. :cuckoo:

The Illinois angle had "something with passing a budget" BUT the LINK said more. It suggested people are NOT getting paid lottery winnings. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a lie
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.

Well that's why he is a billionaire running for president and you are not.

Their is nothing ethical, moral, principled about abortion... But it is legal and you probably support that correct?

Abortion is murder to me and to you its a woman's right to choose..

So I wouldn't throw stones if I were you.
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget
4 of Trump's largest companies stiffed creditors. Personally he is shielded by regulations people like you rant and rave about. Change those regulations tomorrow and he'd be held criminally liable.

Any asshole who gives their word in a business deal and then backs out stiffing the little guy -- should be unfit to hold public office. Smart companies do NOT plan on bankruptcies. You probably are one of those dolts who considered Karl Rove a genius in 2000 -- yeah a genius who planned on taking an election to the Supreme Court. right. :cuckoo:

The Illinois angle had "something with passing a budget" BUT the LINK said more. It suggested people are NOT getting paid lottery winnings. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a lie

What are you talking about? The only people getting paid are the winners under $600 because that can be paid at the local store.
Well that's why he is a billionaire running for president and you are not.

Their is nothing ethical, moral, principled about abortion... But it is legal and you probably support that correct?

Abortion is murder to me and to you its a woman's right to choose..

So I wouldn't throw stones if I were you.
No. He's a billionaire trying to buy the Presidency because he thinks it is a toy and you one of his little Elves on his island of damaged toys

Your opinions are NOT facts and yes Their is lots that is ethical, moral, principled about abortion. Just ask The Donald, he has said so before.

F()ck you and your little dog called abortion-is-murder
What are you talking about? The only people getting paid are the winners under $600 because that can be paid at the local store.
There you go again...
Every winner is GOING to be paid. You have no problem with your Knight in Shinning armor Trump, stiffing the little guy in bankruptcy proceedings. Oh right, he gets to hide behind "but it;'s a company, except when it's successful and then it's him personally. :ack-1:

Every lottery winner will be paid in full
What are you talking about? The only people getting paid are the winners under $600 because that can be paid at the local store.
There you go again...
Every winner is GOING to be paid. You have no problem with your Knight in Shinning armor Trump, stiffing the little guy in bankruptcy proceedings. Oh right, he gets to hide behind "but it;'s a company, except when it's successful and then it's him personally. :ack-1:

Every lottery winner will be paid in full

I already said that, the only people getting paid right now is the under $600 dollar winners the rest won't get paid till they pass a budget.

Also God damn you are dumb, you think he micro managed all 126 companies? No he hires someone else to do it, a team of lawyers to find every damn loop hole possible.

He is out playing golf and just rakes in the cash. That's what smart owner's do.

You are just a typical liberal who makes up asinine rules and gets so upset when someone finds a loop hole .

I betcha you start pouting like a little child and scream "Mommy it's unfair they won't play by my rules !!!!!!"
Also God damn you are dumb, you think he micro managed all 126 companies? No he hires someone else to do it, a team of lawyers to find every damn loop hole possible.

He is out playing golf and just rakes in the cash. That's what smart owner's do.
are you living in a fantasy world where Ayn Rand was a prophet?

Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

Don't they have a republican governor?
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Obama has been in charge for almost 7 years and things are worse. You expect the other side to do what you aren't willing to hold your own guy to doing.

You folks have been hammering Obama over the economy for seven years and it began within the first few months of his presidency. Rauner should be held to the same candle, I have no idea why any would think differently.

Problem is you're holding Rauner to a standard for which you don't hold Obama.

That would be your standard.

One for which you ignore when it comes to Obama.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

Don't they have a republican governor?

already been covered genius read through the thread before commenting
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

Don't they have a republican governor?

already been covered genius read through the thread before commenting

I thought they did.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings
If you like your winnings, you can keep your winnings.
Liberals? Illinois is a RED NaziCon state with a Republican governor.


Is Illinois not a red state? Does Illinois not have a Republican governor?
When's the last time Illinois gone GOP in the presidential election?
In the General Assembly there are 118 members. 71 are democrats
In the Senate there are 59 members. 40 are democrat....
Is that blue enough for you?
You aren't smart enough to be here.

Yeah, sparky, but the two top jobs are held by Republicans.

And your point is what? That they are somehow responsible for all of the state's fiscal insolvency going back decades after only being on the job for nine months?

Lies seem to be all you have anymore to shelter yourself from the reality of the financial shit storm your party has created basically in every state they control.
Liberals? Illinois is a RED NaziCon state with a Republican governor.


Is Illinois not a red state? Does Illinois not have a Republican governor?
When's the last time Illinois gone GOP in the presidential election?
In the General Assembly there are 118 members. 71 are democrats
In the Senate there are 59 members. 40 are democrat....
Is that blue enough for you?
You aren't smart enough to be here.

Yeah, sparky, but the two top jobs are held by Republicans.

And your point is what? That they are somehow responsible for all of the state's fiscal insolvency going back decades after only being on the job for nine months?

Lies seem to be all you have anymore to shelter yourself from the reality of the financial shit storm your party has created basically in every state they control.

Funny, when Obama became president the financial meltdown was lumped on his shoulders and they Republicans demanded an immediate fix. Months became the metric not years, but Republicans in Illinois should be given all the time they need. Is that about right?
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

You mean when one of the companies he owned stock in declared bankruptcy?
The fucking crooks in Springfield should learn some fiscal responsibility.
The state is not like Donald Trump stiffing the people he owed money to. The state is going to pay out.

Your screed is bullshit

When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
You mean how many times did Trump stiff the people he owed money to

He never personally did, he owns what 126 company's and like 4 of them filed for bankruptcy and restructred? That's what smart companies do...

These lotto winners will get their money I didn't bother to read the OP but I thought I read it had something with passing a budget

Trump didn't even own the controlling interest in some of them.
When did Trump stiff the people he owed money to?
Bankruptcy is where people like Trump get to stiff the little guy in order to make the bug whole or close to it

"I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family," he said during the first Republican presidential debate on August 6.

Trump claims that successful businesses file for bankruptcy all the time. At the debate he said "virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the [bankruptcy] law."

But the facts don't back that comment up. Donald Trump bankruptcy: Everything you want to know

check this out: 4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy

Just because it is legal doesn't make it moral, ethical, or principled. In bankruptcy proceedings people get stiffed.

The guys who got "stiffed" were not "little guys. They were great big humongous banks - you know, the kind leftwing tards like you try to paint as the epicenter of everything that's evil in the world.

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