Falling down laughing


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
George W. Bush, Who Mirrored and Inflamed Public Passions, Attacks Trump for It
By Juan Cole, Informed Comment

16 February 16

eorge W. Bush came out of political exile on Monday to be his brother JEB!’s surrogate in attacking Donald Trump.

W. allowed as how “These are tough times and I understand Americans are angry and frustrated, but we do not need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our frustration. . .”

He also quoted his father that “labels are for soup cans,” suggesting that name-calling of one’s opponent is not useful political discourse. This from the man who had his swift-boaters wage a campaign of vilification against John Kerry in 2004. Is he annoyed that Trump zings his opponents directly rather than having capos do it for him?

Anyone who lived through the Bush years can only fall down laughing at the hypocrisy and impudence of this kind of talk coming from that man.

When al-Qaeda attacked the US on September 11, 2001, Bush’s response was to mirror and inflame public passions rather than to lead responsibly.

He declared a “war” on “terror” (he probably meant the tactic of terrorism rather than the emotion, but who knows? He isn’t an articulate man). French President Jacques Chirac pleaded with him not to use that diction, and to treat the attack as a criminal matter. Metaphysical wars like those announced on drugs and terrorism are unending and have a way of destroying our democratic freedoms. Now Gandhi-style civil disobedience is being treated as terrorism and government spied on everyone without so much as a warrant.

He so inflamed people’s frustration that he even created a set of color codes to tell us how afraid we should be on any particular day.

Then instead of going after al-Qaeda, the perpetrator, Bush wanted to invade Iraq. Al-Qaeda, as a little terrorist organization, wasn’t a big enough, a satisfying enough adversary. Bush mirrored this public frustration and inflamed the public with a constant barrage of fearmongering about Iraq. You’d have thought the ramshackle, wrecked little country of 25 million with no effective air force, driven into deep poverty by severe US/ UN sanctions, was just about to land at Galveston and march to Washington.

Bill Clinton’s terrorism czar, Richard Clarke, was kept on by Bush but demoted from his cabinet position. He remembers in September, 2001, how Bush demanded that he hang the attacks on Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein. Clarke was shocked. He realized that Bush was going to use the pretext of 9/11 finally to get the war on Iraq he had long dreamed of. (He told a biographer in the 1990s that if he ever became president he was going to “take out” Saddam Hussein).

According to the then British ambassador in Washington, even arch-hawk and Islamophobe, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, was alarmed that Bush might run off to Baghdad and leave London exposed to a still-vigorous al-Qaeda. He is said to have promised Bush his support on an Iraq War if only W. would please go after al-Qaeda in Afghanistan first.

Then Bush basically pulled the US military out of Afghanistan with the job half-done and ordered all the resources to be prepositioned in Kuwait for an invasion of Iraq.

Bush warned, and had his officials warn, that Iraq was close to completing a nuclear weapon. He said so in a speech in Dayton, OH, just before Congress was to vote on giving him war powers. We skeptics were dismissed. We don’t want the smoking gun, they said, to be a mushroom cloud. What does that even mean?
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
nice spin whitehall,,,,,,
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
AND Mr Whitehall The point of the post was supposed to be about bush accusing trump of inflaming peoples anger and passions,,,,WTF did that mealy mouthed moron GWB do ? got all your pubs up in arms scaring the s--t out of you?
George W. Bush, Who Mirrored and Inflamed Public Passions, Attacks Trump for It
By Juan Cole, Informed Comment

16 February 16

eorge W. Bush came out of political exile on Monday to be his brother JEB!’s surrogate in attacking Donald Trump.

W. allowed as how “These are tough times and I understand Americans are angry and frustrated, but we do not need someone in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our frustration. . .”

He also quoted his father that “labels are for soup cans,” suggesting that name-calling of one’s opponent is not useful political discourse. This from the man who had his swift-boaters wage a campaign of vilification against John Kerry in 2004. Is he annoyed that Trump zings his opponents directly rather than having capos do it for him?

Anyone who lived through the Bush years can only fall down laughing at the hypocrisy and impudence of this kind of talk coming from that man.

When al-Qaeda attacked the US on September 11, 2001, Bush’s response was to mirror and inflame public passions rather than to lead responsibly.

He declared a “war” on “terror” (he probably meant the tactic of terrorism rather than the emotion, but who knows? He isn’t an articulate man). French President Jacques Chirac pleaded with him not to use that diction, and to treat the attack as a criminal matter. Metaphysical wars like those announced on drugs and terrorism are unending and have a way of destroying our democratic freedoms. Now Gandhi-style civil disobedience is being treated as terrorism and government spied on everyone without so much as a warrant.

He so inflamed people’s frustration that he even created a set of color codes to tell us how afraid we should be on any particular day.

Then instead of going after al-Qaeda, the perpetrator, Bush wanted to invade Iraq. Al-Qaeda, as a little terrorist organization, wasn’t a big enough, a satisfying enough adversary. Bush mirrored this public frustration and inflamed the public with a constant barrage of fearmongering about Iraq. You’d have thought the ramshackle, wrecked little country of 25 million with no effective air force, driven into deep poverty by severe US/ UN sanctions, was just about to land at Galveston and march to Washington.

Bill Clinton’s terrorism czar, Richard Clarke, was kept on by Bush but demoted from his cabinet position. He remembers in September, 2001, how Bush demanded that he hang the attacks on Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein. Clarke was shocked. He realized that Bush was going to use the pretext of 9/11 finally to get the war on Iraq he had long dreamed of. (He told a biographer in the 1990s that if he ever became president he was going to “take out” Saddam Hussein).

According to the then British ambassador in Washington, even arch-hawk and Islamophobe, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, was alarmed that Bush might run off to Baghdad and leave London exposed to a still-vigorous al-Qaeda. He is said to have promised Bush his support on an Iraq War if only W. would please go after al-Qaeda in Afghanistan first.

Then Bush basically pulled the US military out of Afghanistan with the job half-done and ordered all the resources to be prepositioned in Kuwait for an invasion of Iraq.

Bush warned, and had his officials warn, that Iraq was close to completing a nuclear weapon. He said so in a speech in Dayton, OH, just before Congress was to vote on giving him war powers. We skeptics were dismissed. We don’t want the smoking gun, they said, to be a mushroom cloud. What does that even mean?

Bush had quite a bit of help in inflaming the country about Iraq.

Just two of dozens of examples for you.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 |

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 |

Hi there. I know I just made you poop your pants, but I will keep you safe from all the boogeymen in your closet I just told you about. But I'm going to need to spy on you day and night, citizen. By the way, where's your flag pin? How else can we know if you are for us, lessen you have a flag pin, for fuck's sake? If you aren't for us, you're against us.

"YAY! He kept us safe!"
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
the rest of the story
Bush’s CIA refused to sign off on some of his manipulative whoppers, like the false allegation that the African country of Niger had sold Iraq yellowcake uranium. Bush, determined to scare the people into a war, sourced the falsehood to British intelligence instead. Who knows if MI6 even thought the fraudulent documents were authentic. Bush and his people knew no decency in their constant falsehoods.

Iraq didn’t even have a nuclear program. It humiliated Bush by having destroying its chemical weapons in the 1990s, as the UN inspectors had demanded. Bush knew Iraq might not have nuclear capabilities, so he used the weasel phrase, “weapons of mass destruction” as a pretext for his splendid little war. He figured if the US occupation forces didn’t find a nuclear program, at least the US would find the old chemical weapons stores, and could declare them the WMD he had been warning about. Even after Bush brutally attacked a country that had not attacked the US, and militarily occupied it, and it became immediately obvious that there were no unconventional weapons there, Bush kept insisting that he was searching for the “WMD.” Finally in August, 2003, Zbig Brzezinski broke the spell and declared on national television that the ‘searching for WMD’ cover story was “increasingly ludicrous.”

And now this man who violated US treaty obligations as signatory to the UN Charter and launched a vicious, unprovoked war of aggression on a defenseless, wretched little country, some 500,000 of whose children had been killed by US sanctions– now this man who assiduously inflamed the passions of the American public and took dastardly advantage of their frustrations and fears after 9/11, has come back out to castigate others for committing the sins he himself perfected.
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?
We could have saved alot more if we let the slaves be slaves.....yo.
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?
We could have saved alot more if we let the slaves be slaves.....yo.
your neck Red??
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?

When a cease fire is agreed too and one of the countries is in material breech of the cease fire, the only viable alternative is to resume firing. Now do you understand who started the so-called bs war?
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?

When a cease fire is agreed too and one of the countries is in material breech of the cease fire, the only viable alternative is to resume firing. Now do you understand who started the so-called bs war?
what firing?? Of the planes bombing them?
Actually I thought the "falling down laughing" post might be about Hillary barking like a dog but it was about WMD's in Iraq. So much for left wing humor. Wouldn't you think someone who claims to have an "informed comment" would be informed enough to know that the use of the U.S. Military in Iraq had little to do with WMD's? Bill Clinton claimed that Iraq was developing WMD's and maybe they were but the stated mission that the U.S. Congress signed on to was to enforce U.N. sanctions on Saddam which he had ignored. About 36% of democrats in congress signed on to the operation and then became traitors by undermining it.
Bush spun so much bullshit no one knew why we were going there womd oil saddam was a bad man etc etc etc
We all knew that a man that gassed his own people was really a very good man, or at least you did.
and we're the worlds police??? saddam was the lowest of the low ,,bush starting a bs war is just a little behind him......how many 1000's of our soldiers would still be walking if not for that cowardly lying pos?

When a cease fire is agreed too and one of the countries is in material breech of the cease fire, the only viable alternative is to resume firing. Now do you understand who started the so-called bs war?
what firing?? Of the planes bombing them?

No planes bombed them until they were targeted by a SAM site while enforcing the no-fly zone. Then the only bombed the SAM site. Try again.

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