Fake News Media & Democrats Successfully Distractiung Americans From The Fact That Cuomo Murdered 15,000 Americans Then Tried To Hide It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Funny how due process is now in vogue. Man, he's got a whole angry hen house running after his ass....lolol
Funny how due process is now in vogue. Man, he's got a whole angry hen house running after his ass....lolol

'Due process is 'in style' now? After 4 years of 'we got him now - he's guilty - Impeach him', we have Democrats and fake news media protecting a man who perpetrated 15,000 counts of Manslaughter. attempting to give him an 'out' by allowing him to resign for sexual harassment, without being held responsible for Manslaughter...and he refuses to take it. The longer this gets drawn out, when it should have been over by now, the more likely Cuomo will get away with all of it. The Democrats and their liberal surrogate fake news media has made them (Democrats) 'untouchable' - even after murdering over 15,000 elderly Americans.
Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Andrew Cuomo is a corrupt, power hungry politician. He is not a murderer. Your flair for drama is noteworthy, but ultimately incorrect.
Andrew Cuomo is a corrupt, power hungry politician. He is not a murderer. Your flair for drama is noteworthy, but ultimately incorrect.
Look up the definition of 'Manslaughter', snowflake. what Cuomo did falls under the exact definition of the word.

I would argue, and have, that Cuomo knew EXACTLY what he was doing, sending elderly Americans to their deaths. One week before he signed his 'sacrifice the elderly' edict he publicly declared on nation-wide TV that the elderly were the most likely do tie from COVID-19...and then ha signed the edict that forced virus-infected patients into nursing homes with none of these homes being able to refuse to take the virus-infected patients in.

Cuomo f*ing KNEW what he was doing WHILE he was killing elderly Americans - he hid the numbers while elderly nursing home members were dying. He ordered his staff to hide the numbers, according to whistleblowers. According to them, Cuomo ordered them to hide the numbers because he feared the Trump administration would come after him, would use the numbers to go after him in retaliation for him and his brother attacking Trump.

The SOB kept killing elderly patients while hiding the numbers in order to PROTECT HIMSELF.
Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Andrew Cuomo is a corrupt, power hungry politician. He is not a murderer. Your flair for drama is noteworthy, but ultimately incorrect.
He's certainly guilty of manslaughter by malpractice and neglect.
Why didn't he use the medical ship and field hospital that President Trump supplied.???
Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Andrew Cuomo is a corrupt, power hungry politician. He is not a murderer. Your flair for drama is noteworthy, but ultimately incorrect.

If Cuomo is not a murderer, then come out and say what every liberal on this board will not say: That President Trump is not a "murderer" either, as he is so often blamed for the cornovirus deaths in this country.
Didja hear, didja hear? A 5th victim has come forward to accuse Governor Andrew Cuomo of Sexual Harassment!
....And Cuomo vows he will NOT step down as governor.

THAT is on the headlines of almost every news media today....NOT the fact anymore than Cuomo committed over 15,000 criminal counts of MANSLAUGHTER by signing and enforcing a criminally lethal policy that forced COVID-19-infected patients into nursing homes AFTER he publicly admitted the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus....then criminally falsified / withheld / HID the number of elderly Americans that died as a result of his failed policy.
- That investigation continues, yet you would not know that if you paid attention to the news.

When did making an unwanted sexual advance to someone become a bigger crime than murdering over 15,000 Americans?

Where is the early-morning search warrant raid by heavily armored and armed federal agents, accompanied by full camera crews, on Cuomo's office and residents searching for evidence, records, etc... pertaining to his Nursing Home Death scandal?!

Where is any media asking what the status is of the investigation into Cuomo's Manslaughter crimes?

The Fake News / Liberal / Democrat game plan is obvious - distract the American people with the story of how Cuomo was / is a sexist, sexually harassing pig, start spinning it as a politically partisan attack (which it was just called on CNN) on Cuomo for his attacks on Trump...and eventually everyone will forget how Cuomo murdered over 15,000 Americans.

...and then there is President Joe Biden completely ignoring Cuomo's sex scandal.....as he has done and continues to do about his murdering 15,000+ elderly Americans. The reason Biden is running from the Cuomo Manslaughter Scandal is because one of his Cabinet appointments is the he/she-freak from Pa who racked up a death total of over 20,000 elderly deaths in running the same policy...while taking 'its' own parent out of such a nursing home to save their life yet leaving the rest to die. Also, President Biden is the only President (aside from Clinton) to vere actually grab a woman by the pu$$y.

Then there is VICE PRESIDENT Harris who was EXTREMELY vocal in her condemnation of USSC Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, yet she is quiet as a church mouse when it comes to Cuomo.

The Biden administration CAN'T condemn Cuomo for his sexual harassment scandal and CAN'T say anything about the Nursing home scandal....and, as mentioned, the fake news media is covering the sexual harassment scandal just enough to try to keep the American people distracted from the fact that Cuomo perpetrated more than 15,000 counts of manslaughter then attempted to cover it up.

Andrew Cuomo is a corrupt, power hungry politician. He is not a murderer. Your flair for drama is noteworthy, but ultimately incorrect.

He IS a murderer. His orders directly led to the deaths of thousands. He might as well have pulled the trigger.
New York Republicans announce Cuomo impeachment resolution: 'We believe the time has come'

42 mins ago
New York Republicans announce Cuomo impeachment resolution: 'We believe the time has come'

The Fake News Media has already signaled their intent to try to spin this move as a partisan attack against Cuomo; however, several Democrats have joined the Republicans in calling for Cuomo's Impeachment, should he refuse to resign.

Hopefully the NY AG will accomplish what I would love to see more than I want to see him Impeached - Cuomo being charged for 15,000 counts of Manslaughter.

CNN has covered this quite a bit, nailing Cuomo several times. Appropriately.

But Trumpsters don't know that, because they stay hidden in their informational ecosystem.

Then they attack out of pure ignorance, because that's all they know to do.


CNN has covered this quite a bit, nailing Cuomo several times. Appropriately.

But Trumpsters don't know that, because they stay hidden in their informational ecosystem.

Then they attack out of pure ignorance, because that's all they know to do.


Yeah. His brother.

That changes nothing about my post.

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