Fake News is older than Trump.....


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.
Ya think?

When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.
True enough, but Dan Rathar is the father of modern fake news which reaches a fevered pitch when an "illiberal" becomes president.
When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.
True enough, but Dan Rathar is the father of modern fake news which reaches a fevered pitch when an "illiberal" becomes president.

Exactly I could flame this thread with fake news I read since I was old enough to read around 1970..

But what would be the point?

When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.

When did anyone make the claim that fake news wasn’t around before President Trump?

The MSM has been lying for decades.
Fake news has always been with us. The Ruling Class is expert at using it to get what they want. The people are easily fooled.

Today we have a majority of the MSM controled by six billionaires. That should work out really well for the Ruling Class.
When did anyone make the claim that fake news wasn’t around before President Trump?


Our platformed and algorithmically optimized world is vulnerable — to propaganda, to misinformation, to dark targeted advertising from foreign governments — so much so that it threatens to undermine a cornerstone of human discourse: the credibility of fact.

But it’s what he sees coming next that will really scare the shit out of you.
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When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.
More lies from the trolls. I've observing the media lie and distort for decades.

The original use of the term "fake news" was to describe websites like WND, InfoWars, Brietbart and the rest who regularly belched out purely fabricated stories during the Obama administration that were eaten up and advanced by their fans as fact.

Trumpsters were able to pretty much successfully commandeer the term via Trump's presidential bully pulpit.

The nuance that Trumpsters don't or won't or can't see is that there is a difference between bias and fantasy.
The original use of the term "fake news" was to describe websites like WND, InfoWars, Brietbart and the rest who regularly belched out purely fabricated stories during the Obama administration that were eaten up and advanced by their fans as fact.

Trumpsters were able to pretty much successfully commandeer the term via Trump's presidential bully pulpit.

The nuance that Trumpsters don't or won't or can't see is that there is a difference between bias and fantasy.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties.

There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
The original use of the term "fake news" was to describe websites like WND, InfoWars, Brietbart and the rest who regularly belched out purely fabricated stories during the Obama administration that were eaten up and advanced by their fans as fact.
Trumpsters were able to pretty much successfully commandeer the term via Trump's presidential bully pulpit.
The nuance that Trumpsters don't or won't or can't see is that there is a difference between bias and fantasy.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties. There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
I see a pretty clear difference between bias and fantasy. Maybe because I was in the business for many years.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties. There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
The problem with the far right is that they believe that anyone who even remotely is critical about trump, automatically hates him. While on the surface it shows an extremely limited vocabulary, there is an immensely large gray area they ignore. Once again, they live in a dichotomy. It is they (the far right) whom are creating this irreconcilable chasm. When one goes into a discussion with the idea that only they are right and there are no compromises, it creates an environment rich in confusion and acrimony.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties. There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
The problem with the far right is that they believe that anyone who even remotely is critical about trump, automatically hates him. While on the surface it shows an extremely limited vocabulary, there is an immensely large gray area they ignore. Once again, they live in a dichotomy. It is they (the far right) whom are creating this irreconcilable chasm. When one goes into a discussion with the idea that only they are right and there are no compromises, it creates an environment rich in confusion and acrimony.
If you cannot see all the deceptive stories, half truths and lies the media puts out then you are an idiot.
When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.

When did anyone make the claim that fake news wasn’t around before President Trump?

The MSM has been lying for decades.

It's like you can't see out of the partisan box. You do know there's more to life than partisan American politics, right?
The original use of the term "fake news" was to describe websites like WND, InfoWars, Brietbart and the rest who regularly belched out purely fabricated stories during the Obama administration that were eaten up and advanced by their fans as fact.
Trumpsters were able to pretty much successfully commandeer the term via Trump's presidential bully pulpit.
The nuance that Trumpsters don't or won't or can't see is that there is a difference between bias and fantasy.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties. There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
I see a pretty clear difference between bias and fantasy. Maybe because I was in the business for many years.
Or maybe you were too close to it, to see the truth. Many Americans can't accept that the MSM is mostly yellow journalism...aka fantasy.

I would call the attacks on Trump and Kavanugh by the MSM fantasy. To think Trump hired prostitutes to pee on his bed, is most certainly fantasy. To think Kav raped multiple women as a teenager, is fantasy too. I could go on, but no need to.
I don't see much difference between those sites you mention and NBC CBS ABC PBS NPR MSNBC CNN WAPO NYTIMES AP REUTERS BLOOMBERG ETC. One side inflames righties and the other lefties. There is way too much Trump hate today, just like there was too much Big Ears hate back then. It does a good job of dividing Americans so that the Ruling Class can have it's way.
The problem with the far right is that they believe that anyone who even remotely is critical about trump, automatically hates him. While on the surface it shows an extremely limited vocabulary, there is an immensely large gray area they ignore. Once again, they live in a dichotomy. It is they (the far right) whom are creating this irreconcilable chasm. When one goes into a discussion with the idea that only they are right and there are no compromises, it creates an environment rich in confusion and acrimony.
The EXACT same thing applies to the left. They aren't any different. Partisans on both sides do the same thing.
When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.

When did anyone make the claim that fake news wasn’t around before President Trump?

The MSM has been lying for decades.

It's like you can't see out of the partisan box. You do know there's more to life than partisan American politics, right?

I agree. You still haven’t answered the question.
When the BBC did fake news

A good article in al Jazeera, they're basically bashing the BBC for being a bunch of hypocrites.

Written by an Iranian who looks back to 1953 overthrow of the Iranian regime.

"The role of BBC in the overthrow of Mosaddeq was not out of character or unusual. In a piece titled Why the taboo tale of the BBC's wartime propaganda battle must be told published by The Guardian, David Boyle writes about characters like Noel Francis Newsome (1906-1976), who "as director of European broadcasts ... led what is still the biggest broadcasting operation ever mounted, in 25 different languages for a total of just over 25 hours a day, across three wavelengths." "

Fake news has existed for thousands of years. The Trump supporters in the US act like it didn't happen until a few years ago (or some unspecified time because they have no idea).

The reality is fake news is probably at its LOWER ebb right now. It still exists, but many people will claim "fake news" simply because what they're hearing is not what they want to hear.

The news media will always be biased. It's a simple financial arrangement. People want their news to tell it to them in a way they understand, with the readers' own bias. Without that bias they won't trust the media they're reading or listening to.

But bias isn't fake news. Bias is usually an opinion, seeing things in a different light, putting more power on one piece of evidence than another piece of evidence. Humans do this all the time.

When did anyone make the claim that fake news wasn’t around before President Trump?

The MSM has been lying for decades.

It's like you can't see out of the partisan box. You do know there's more to life than partisan American politics, right?

I agree. You still haven’t answered the question.

You love introducing things that don't have much to do with anything and then demand that people respond to your nonsense.

Sorry, not happening.

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