Fake News CNN (Clinton News Network) Taking a Pounding From Rush Today.

CNN polls regular CNN viewers only and surprise surprise they trust CNN more than Trump
Same responders trust their safe space more than being engaged in real life
Rush is mocking the left for predicting earth's temps will rise to 250 degrees because Trump withdrew from the Paris climate nonsense. :laugh:
And these are the people we're supposed to take seriously for our news?

I don't take them serious. I don't watch them for comedy. I don't even get CNN or MSNBC on my TV package! I see all I need to see replayed on Sean's and other's shows, or as You Tube videos here, though I do have to admit that I did smile watching Rachael go through her antics before the election she was so damned frickin' sure of herself that Hillary would win.

All the idiots on liberal shows who laughed at Trump running or even winning! They ain't laughing now, and that is a REAL good feeling.
A POTUS calling out the liberal media for their bias and lies, this has unhinged the left its hilarious.
President Trump will go down as the Most Hilarious President that ever lived.
He is toying with these fools, who have been getting a Free Pass for decades, and who have ZERO accountability to The American People.
Not only that, while they are whining and crying, he is getting things done at a record pace.
The Whiner in Chief always running away from valid questions from the press shows he has ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY to the American people.
Damn he hates it when they hold him accountable for all his lies.
The Winner in Chief always running away from valid questions from the press shows he has ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY to the American people.

Hey, Winner In Chief! I like that! WIC for short. As in lighting your wic. Running away from the press! Very good! You mean like Hillary did during all of her campaign while Trump was on like TEN shows a day taking ANY question going on ANY show hostile or friendly?

ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY! I like that! Another air head dweeb who can't even spell basic words with a whole fucking computer in his hand to spell check him.
And these are the people we're supposed to take seriously for our news?

I don't take them serious. I don't watch them for comedy. I don't even get CNN or MSNBC on my TV package! I see all I need to see replayed on Sean's and other's shows, or as You Tube videos here, though I do have to admit that I did smile watching Rachael go through her antics before the election she was so damned frickin' sure of herself that Hillary would win.

All the idiots on liberal shows who laughed at Trump running or even winning! They ain't laughing now, and that is a REAL good feeling.
Rachel Maddow has the top rated show on cable news. Sean Hannity just whines and cries being the hack no one watches.
Good times!
The Winner in Chief always running away from valid questions from the press shows he has ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY to the American people.

Hey, Winner In Chief! I like that! WIC for short. As in lighting your wic. Running away from the press! Very good! You mean like Hillary did during all of her campaign while Trump was on like TEN shows a day taking ANY question going on ANY show hostile or friendly?

ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY! I like that! Another air head dweeb who can't even spell basic words with a whole fucking computer in his hand to spell check him.
You changed my post which is against the rules. I clearly said WHINER in Chief and that he is
You can't debate so you change words and whine about a misspelling.
You can't discuss how your pussy grabber won't answer questions but only cries fake news instead like you sheep.
The Winner in Chief always running away from valid questions from the press shows he has ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY to the American people.

Hey, Winner In Chief! I like that! WIC for short. As in lighting your wic. Running away from the press! Very good! You mean like Hillary did during all of her campaign while Trump was on like TEN shows a day taking ANY question going on ANY show hostile or friendly?

ZERO ACCOUNTIBILITY! I like that! Another air head dweeb who can't even spell basic words with a whole fucking computer in his hand to spell check him.
You changed my post which is against the rules. I clearly said WHINER in Chief and that he is
You can't debate so you change words and whine about a misspelling.
You can't discuss how your pussy grabber won't answer questions but only cries fake news instead like you sheep.

Man, you really are a good whiner! You squeal like a stuck pig and can't even take a joke. Go watch Rachel Madcow, at least we know where are all the subversive liberals are then by tallying up the DVD usage records and will know where to send the MIB when the right time comes.
Trump's too scared to face CNN one on one. He has to run away and post cartoons.

He'd get his ass kicked if he faced direct questions.

He loved CNN when they would let him rant and rave about Bush and call for Bush's impeachment. He couldn't get on CNN enough when he was a birther or when he was calling for us to cut and run from Iraq.

But to have the spotlight turn around on him? He runs.

Total chickenshit. Sad.
NO ONE is afraid of CNN, moron.

Don Lemon literally thinks that black holes can exist on earth's surface.
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p

Rush Limbaugh is a fake conservative. He sold his soul to the Devil aka Trump. I say that as a former listener. If I wanted genuine news, I would trust CNN more than Rush.

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