Fake News CNN (Clinton News Network) Taking a Pounding From Rush Today.

The country trusts CNN more than they do the Liar in Chief.

CNN Has The 'Trust' Advantage Over President Trump In A New Poll | HuffPost


April 19 Quinnipiac poll

Do you approve of the way the media covers Trump
Approve 37
Disapprove 58

Do you approve of the way Trump talks about the media
Approve 31
Disapprove 61

Do you trust Trump or the media to tell the truth on major issues
Trump 31
Media 58

The fact is that voters don't like either the media or Trump but they trust the media more than Trump.
Here's what a fierce knock down drag out fight and beating is for conservatives. To them, it is brutal.

Talk about threatening a private citizen out of his constitutional 1st amendment rights. I think we all know what happened, it looks like they ganged up on this poor kid.

“CNN is not publishing ‘HanA**holeSolo’s’ name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again,” the article stated. “…CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”
Pure projection. Half his ever shrinking audience listen to hear what he is LYING about!

27 million Rush listeners daily...rachel maddcow 1.4 million
Only if you are stupid enough to believe the pathological liar. But then again 27 million is a loss of about half his claimed audience, and the scumbag whose talent for lying is on loan from Gawwwwwd-da said he would pull himself off the air if he lost 20% of his audience, but that was just another lie like every audience number he has ever given.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.
27 million Rush listeners daily...rachel maddcow 1.4 million

wrong. That's weekly

List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia
Talkers has him DOWN from the 26+ million when that entry was originally made to 13.25 million currently.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.
if it's ok for CNN to go after Trump, it's ok for Trump to go after CNN.

no snowflakes allowed on either side!
It's now being reported the guy that made the GIF may be a fifteen year old kid. If that is true, and it's not confirmed, think about what it means to be CNN. A teen makes a GIF in about ten minutes and posts it. Trump spends two seconds retweeting it. It goes viral. CNN sends out official reply, runs show after show about it, sends people out to find and harass this kid and is now what? Six days into this disaster and thousands of dollars for what? They look dumber now than when it started. As a bonus everyone knows a GIF can make them lose their damn minds.

And these are the people we're supposed to take seriously for our news?

Reflects more poorly on our President than a 15 year old kid
Shows his mental maturity
if it's ok for CNN to go after Trump, it's ok for Trump to go after CNN.

no snowflakes allowed on either side!

CNN attacks Trump's policies and performance as President
Trump responds with juvenile taunts

Hardly a fair fight
Rush says people watch CNN, like they do Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, for the comedy element. Everyone is laughing at CNN being trolled by The Donald posting that animated GIF body-slamming CNN! Meanwhile CNN says their legal team of goofballs will continue to try to shut down free speech as outlined by the First Amendment which provides protection for The Donald and all American citizens to tell it like it is! :p

Rush Limbaugh is a fake conservative. He sold his soul to the Devil aka Trump. I say that as a former listener. If I wanted genuine news, I would trust CNN more than Rush.
Fake Poster.... IGNORED. It's getting pretty easy to spot you trolls these days. Try harder.

Figures you like what our white trash president did with that video being white trash yourself.

Remember the brown buffoon before trump told his followers to bring a gun to a knife fight. Further inciting violence.

Dear Brown Pole Smoker-Liar:

Your Party actually paid Criminals, Felons, The Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Illegal Aliens to go to Trump Rallies to Criminally Assault American Citizens-GOP Voters.

You and you entire clan of genetically defective inbred cockroaches can kindly phuck off, and move to Cuba.

Veritas Voter Fraud Compilation – #VoterFraudIsReal – PVA


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