Faith is Born from Fear

What I worry about is a slow and incremental backpedaling to a culture with those same social norms as a result of Christian supremacy in this country. I don't really see it as much of a certainty, rather I am pleased to say that the opposite seems more likely, however I am still aware of what the likely consequences could be of Christian hardliners achieving the marriage of church and state that they desire.

I see now, you worry about something that you cannot actually show any evidence is occurring, and you use your fear to claim that other people are afraid.

Makes sense, to a crazy person.

Please just look at all the bit shot Christian demagogues that have the ear of politicians. Look at all the hyper religious politicians that make policy based on their religious beliefs. Look at all the examples where those laws clearly cross the line of constitutionality.
interestingly, you deny a fear of the afterlife, but you replace it with a fear of the current one......
Life without faith is empty. Most people require meaning to live. Therefore, it is not entirely irrational to have Faith. Perhaps our species can one day evolve to a point where we can place our Faith in each other instead of religion and dogma. Until then, most people will turn to God(s).

I don't think a lie is good no matter how good it makes you feel. I want to know the truth. That's what I seek. And when I ponder and don't know, that's ok with me. I'm not afraid. I might be a little sad at the thought one day it'll be over and maybe it'll be a horrible death rather than a quick one, but I don't fear death. I was dead before i was born and it didn't bother me one bit.

I do wonder/hope for something more after I die. That's just probably wishful thinking.

That shit christians muslims mormons and jews tell you, don't listen to them. They made it all up.

I got a flyer on my hood. Dr Judy is coming to town for a month in Plymouth, MI. She's going to tell people

How you can find piece and eternal life, tell what happens when you die, what happens right before end times, what role the USA plays, truth about the rapture, who the antichrist is and the mark of the beast and are heaven and hell real.

That's all completely praying on weak minded fearful people. You think this is good for them? To be conned by this church? Yes religions do a lot of good. Tell that to the Catholic kids that got molested or the 1400 kids in Ireland that got raped by muslims.

People need to know the truth. I need to make up my own flyer.

Ok. Here is the truth. You don't have a clue whether there is a God or not, or what the nature of God is if there is one. None of us do. All of the claims and assertions on both sides are nothing but pure belief. The more certain those assertions are, the greater the level of unsupported faith. You haven't freed yourself from belief, you have only changed your faith.

Agreed. Can the people I argue with agree with you?

It doesn't matter. Belief may sometimes be in compliance with reality but it doesn't create reality.

Thread is Faith is Born of Fear. The flyer on my car says it all. If we go to the meeting they're going to tell us:

How to find peace and find eternal life. If I'm worried about such things I would go to hear more.

What happens after death? Are you worried about that? If you are you'll show up. Will you believe her? Why? Tell me what evidence she presented to you.

What role the USA plays in bible prophecy, the rapture, mark of the beast, anti christ and is heaven and hell for real.

So, is religion born out of fear? You tell me.

No. It's not. Neither is faith. Anger is born of fear. Hatred and distrust are born of fear. Prejudice is born of fear. There are lots of things humans do which are born of fear. Religion and faith are not among them.

All those things are born in response to fear. Faith is just a more positive reaction but it is still a reaction. The first stage of grief of denial and faith is a denial of the inevitable truth. Nothing lasts forever. There is no such thing as eternal life.
did you ever think religion is born of love for ones fellow idiot atheist? lol.
Life without faith is empty. Most people require meaning to live. Therefore, it is not entirely irrational to have Faith. Perhaps our species can one day evolve to a point where we can place our Faith in each other instead of religion and dogma. Until then, most people will turn to God(s).

I don't think a lie is good no matter how good it makes you feel. I want to know the truth. That's what I seek. And when I ponder and don't know, that's ok with me. I'm not afraid. I might be a little sad at the thought one day it'll be over and maybe it'll be a horrible death rather than a quick one, but I don't fear death. I was dead before i was born and it didn't bother me one bit.

I do wonder/hope for something more after I die. That's just probably wishful thinking.

That shit christians muslims mormons and jews tell you, don't listen to them. They made it all up.

I got a flyer on my hood. Dr Judy is coming to town for a month in Plymouth, MI. She's going to tell people

How you can find piece and eternal life, tell what happens when you die, what happens right before end times, what role the USA plays, truth about the rapture, who the antichrist is and the mark of the beast and are heaven and hell real.

That's all completely praying on weak minded fearful people. You think this is good for them? To be conned by this church? Yes religions do a lot of good. Tell that to the Catholic kids that got molested or the 1400 kids in Ireland that got raped by muslims.

People need to know the truth. I need to make up my own flyer.

Ok. Here is the truth. You don't have a clue whether there is a God or not, or what the nature of God is if there is one. None of us do. All of the claims and assertions on both sides are nothing but pure belief. The more certain those assertions are, the greater the level of unsupported faith. You haven't freed yourself from belief, you have only changed your faith.

Agreed. Can the people I argue with agree with you?

It doesn't matter. Belief may sometimes be in compliance with reality but it doesn't create reality.

Thread is Faith is Born of Fear. The flyer on my car says it all. If we go to the meeting they're going to tell us:

How to find peace and find eternal life. If I'm worried about such things I would go to hear more.

What happens after death? Are you worried about that? If you are you'll show up. Will you believe her? Why? Tell me what evidence she presented to you.

What role the USA plays in bible prophecy, the rapture, mark of the beast, anti christ and is heaven and hell for real.

So, is religion born out of fear? You tell me.

No. It's not. Neither is faith. Anger is born of fear. Hatred and distrust are born of fear. Prejudice is born of fear. There are lots of things humans do which are born of fear. Religion and faith are not among them.

All those things are born in response to fear. Faith is just a more positive reaction but it is still a reaction. The first stage of grief of denial and faith is a denial of the inevitable truth. Nothing lasts forever. There is no such thing as eternal life.
did you ever think religion is born of love for ones fellow idiot atheist? lol.

Yes Islam is just bursting with love
All animals have a healthy fear of the unknown. Need an example? I have squirrels and one of them had the balls to come take a nut from my hand. The other ones saw it and they too now take from my hand. But the ones new to it are very nervous and as soon as they take the nut they run. The one who's been doing it the longest doesn't run in fact he's down right pushy.

And you know this because...

FYI, personal anecdotes are not evidence, something that many people have pointed out on this forum. Even if I took your post at face value, it is not in any way proof that animals fear the unknown. For all I know, you randomly grab squirrels that get close enough to take the nuts from your hand and bite their heads off. That would give the squirrels that you don't attack an actual reason to fear you, and have nothing to do with the unknown.

There are chickadees who land in my hand and will eat. Over millions of years they have lost the fear. The House Sparrows will never land in my hand. Maybe in a million years but not in my lifetime. No matter how much food I throw out to them, the blue jays, doves, cardinals won't land on my hand and they always run when I open the doorwall. They all have a healthy amount of fear. That keeps them safe.

Wait, I thought you said all animals have a fear of the unknown, now you claim that some don't. Seems a little inconsistent to me, but I am not an ignorant idiot who thinks he knows everything.

The fact that you argue such concepts makes me think you'll argue anything. I'm off tomorrow so until Saturday morning, f off. LOL. God is dead.

I didn't argue anything, I scoffed at the ignorant drivel that you posted. You actually managed to make my point for me when you tried to defend it, and are so stupid you didn't even notice.

Again you are arguing something that is a fact. All animals including humans have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown. Go ahead, stick your dick or your hand in that hole and see what happens. Are you just going to stick it in? If you would hesitate or ask questions first then you too have that healthy amount of fear. This helps keep you safe and alive.

Does a Polar Bear have the same level of fear as a chipmunk? Then you should understand that a chickadee doesn't have the exact same fear level as a sparrow or Dove. Just because a chickadee will land in my hand doesn't mean that they don't have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown too. A checkadee won't let you pet or grab it. They'll land in your hand but don't try to grab them or they'll fly away.

PS. You stupid.
Your hypothesizing is flawed and naive. You don't understand that prayer is an act of want, need and exchanging a behavior in hope of a future reward. In short, it's influence peddling.

You know this because you often pray, right?
You refuted your own argument.

I suggest you go back and read the article you posted. Prayer is an appeal to one or more gawds. The article identifies that no gods are involved in spite of the falsely titled article heading.

I didn't post a link to an article, and I clearly said prayer and meditation.

Want to try again?
Please just look at all the bit shot Christian demagogues that have the ear of politicians. Look at all the hyper religious politicians that make policy based on their religious beliefs. Look at all the examples where those laws clearly cross the line of constitutionality.

That was funny.

The only way to get a politician to listen to you is to give him more power. In order for your fears to be justified you would have to find a politician that is not a self centered narcissist, and then convince him to write a law that gives all the power he has to someone else. Then you would have to get all the other politicians to agree to that law.

In other words, you are afraid of something that is impossible, and you expect other people to humor your delusions. I suggest you go find a shrink, they get paid to humor crazy people.
Again you are arguing something that is a fact. All animals including humans have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown. Go ahead, stick your dick or your hand in that hole and see what happens. Are you just going to stick it in? If you would hesitate or ask questions first then you too have that healthy amount of fear. This helps keep you safe and alive.

Does a Polar Bear have the same level of fear as a chipmunk? Then you should understand that a chickadee doesn't have the exact same fear level as a sparrow or Dove. Just because a chickadee will land in my hand doesn't mean that they don't have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown too. A checkadee won't let you pet or grab it. They'll land in your hand but don't try to grab them or they'll fly away.

PS. You stupid.

If it was a fact you would be able to provide evidence to support it, what it is is a belief you have based on who knows what. In other words, it is a statement of personal faith.
All animals have a healthy fear of the unknown. Need an example? I have squirrels and one of them had the balls to come take a nut from my hand. The other ones saw it and they too now take from my hand. But the ones new to it are very nervous and as soon as they take the nut they run. The one who's been doing it the longest doesn't run in fact he's down right pushy.

And you know this because...

FYI, personal anecdotes are not evidence, something that many people have pointed out on this forum. Even if I took your post at face value, it is not in any way proof that animals fear the unknown. For all I know, you randomly grab squirrels that get close enough to take the nuts from your hand and bite their heads off. That would give the squirrels that you don't attack an actual reason to fear you, and have nothing to do with the unknown.

There are chickadees who land in my hand and will eat. Over millions of years they have lost the fear. The House Sparrows will never land in my hand. Maybe in a million years but not in my lifetime. No matter how much food I throw out to them, the blue jays, doves, cardinals won't land on my hand and they always run when I open the doorwall. They all have a healthy amount of fear. That keeps them safe.

Wait, I thought you said all animals have a fear of the unknown, now you claim that some don't. Seems a little inconsistent to me, but I am not an ignorant idiot who thinks he knows everything.

The fact that you argue such concepts makes me think you'll argue anything. I'm off tomorrow so until Saturday morning, f off. LOL. God is dead.

I didn't argue anything, I scoffed at the ignorant drivel that you posted. You actually managed to make my point for me when you tried to defend it, and are so stupid you didn't even notice.

Neuroscience and biology can easily explain why some animals seem to posses this fear while others, even of the same species don't. It is very likely that the squirrel that is the first to eat from the hand has a smaller, or less active amygdala therefore reducing the potency of the flight or fight response when faced with new and possibly threatening situations. The others likely follow suit because they've seen one of their own achieve positive results.

Why would Quantum Douchbag deny that all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown? Makes me not want to talk to her if she's even going to deny the obvious.

Maybe admitting this is true would be admitting that faith too is born from fear? So she's going to argue anything I say. Even if I said water is wet she'd want me to prove it.
Again you are arguing something that is a fact. All animals including humans have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown. Go ahead, stick your dick or your hand in that hole and see what happens. Are you just going to stick it in? If you would hesitate or ask questions first then you too have that healthy amount of fear. This helps keep you safe and alive.

Does a Polar Bear have the same level of fear as a chipmunk? Then you should understand that a chickadee doesn't have the exact same fear level as a sparrow or Dove. Just because a chickadee will land in my hand doesn't mean that they don't have a healthy amount of fear of the unknown too. A checkadee won't let you pet or grab it. They'll land in your hand but don't try to grab them or they'll fly away.

PS. You stupid.

If it was a fact you would be able to provide evidence to support it, what it is is a belief you have based on who knows what. In other words, it is a statement of personal faith.

You are just fucking dumb.
All those things are born in response to fear. Faith is just a more positive reaction but it is still a reaction. The first stage of grief of denial and faith is a denial of the inevitable truth. Nothing lasts forever. There is no such thing as eternal life.

Prove the bolded.

Nothing lives forever.
gosh, what great proof!......

The fact that nothing lives forever isn't proof? I think that is great fucking proof. It's the best proof I got.

A star lives for billions or trillions of years. The universe even has a birthday. You can point to NOTHING that lives for eternity. Oh yea, expect for your invisible man friend who cares about you and is sending me to hell. What a fool you are. LOL
Why would Quantum Douchbag deny that all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown? Makes me not want to talk to her if she's even going to deny the obvious.

Maybe admitting this is true would be admitting that faith too is born from fear? So she's going to argue anything I say. Even if I said water is wet she'd want me to prove it.

Because I base my life on actual facts, not delusions and platitudes?
Your hypothesizing is flawed and naive. You don't understand that prayer is an act of want, need and exchanging a behavior in hope of a future reward. In short, it's influence peddling.

You know this because you often pray, right?
No. Its a waste of time.

Here a simple experiment to test for prayer. Find two people with radical appendicitis. Person A, apply the same steps as were applied before the mid 1800's (i.e., pray over them, light incense, tell them to “believe”, rattle bones, whatever). Person B -- perform an appendectomy using modern surgical techniques without any prayer. Who will survive, who will die -- consistently? Then ask yourself why is it that when using prayer (or hoping for miracles) they've always died, and not until man learned the science of medicine did people start to survive (i.e., only until man learned how to remedy appendicitis, did "god suddenly have the power to perform this miracle")? It's pretty self-evident.

Perhaps you could pray for the ability to present a rational argument?
Why would Quantum Douchbag deny that all animals have a healthy fear of the unknown? Makes me not want to talk to her if she's even going to deny the obvious.

Maybe admitting this is true would be admitting that faith too is born from fear? So she's going to argue anything I say. Even if I said water is wet she'd want me to prove it.

Because I base my life on actual facts, not delusions and platitudes?
How's that flat earth and talking snakes thing working out for ya'?

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