Fairy Almanac: Christian Democrats (Roe v Wade)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-politics vignette inspired by The Milagro Beanfield War.

Signing off,



As a massive protest regarding abortion developed in D.C., President Trump declared a city emergency. The police were simply unable to deal with the mass of completely nonviolent protesters. The White House called for support from the Farmer's Union, desperate to find any vestige of support for the Republican Party which was being criticized for Trump's incendiary tweets about feminism biases.


The Christian Democratic Party [CDP] of D.C. decided to be one step ahead of the Trump Administration and lobbied with the Farmer's Union for months ahead of the Roe v Wade Protest (as it became termed) in D.C. Therefore, farmer-representatives showed up the rally carrying copies of the 2018 Farmer's Almanac, considered to be a symbolic resource for American intelligence/civilization. Now, the White House really needed a miracle.


Wall Street traders watched companies plummet during this D.C. rally as panic froze markets and the CIA worried that terrorists would respond with some kind of panic-creating disturbance (perhaps in NYC or LA). God's archangel Michael decided to pray for a heavenly-warrior who might be able to restore sanity, so Michael cited Revelation passage about Apollyon (mysterious 'master' of the even more mysterious 'bottomless pit') to pray for the coming of Apollyon himself to deal with all his new age madness.


Lo and behold, Apollyon came into being, as soon as the archangel Michael became so desperate that he pulled out a Ouija-board to invoke the spirit of Apollyon. Apollyon was like an astrological entity, a messenger of ethics and equity borne in the stars and cosmos and capable of dividing and re-organizing the heavens and minds of 'great governments.' Apollyon wanted to use media-labyrinths to restore sanity regarding this loud D.C. abortion-rally. Apollyon decided to use his mystical powers to reach out to the Farmer's Union of America.


As this 'magic' developed, an insidious Algerian-American terrorist named Ajay Satan, a bald, and somewhat rotund, eyeglass-wearing 'nerd,' decided to use the D.C. rally as an excuse to drop chemical gas-bombs (which released seemingly harmless smoke which turned out to be deadly tear-gas) all over the protest-crowds. Ajay Satan intended to make this 'tear-gas terror' a sign of things to come for a modern world 'hysterical' about the profiteerism of modern networks (even OPEC).


Apollyon used his newfound alliance with the Farmer's Union to market Children of the Corn iconography on the Internet and suggested that all forms of anti-fertility terror, including 9/11, signified civilization failures to properly manage 'vitality-claim passions.' Was Apollyon right? Did mankind become so 'obsessed' with commerce that they'd begun to even 'dismantle' themselves, leading to internal conflicts within OPEC and Washington?


Ajay Satan decided to make a pact with the Russian Mafia in Moscow, vowing to help them steal intellectual properties from the Salk Institute in California regarding the Soviet Union's development of genetically-bred 'super-ape soldiers' during the Cold War. Ajay and the Russian Mafia would then generate a 'legion' of 'ape-men' who would serve as punishers, radicals, terrorists (of course), minions, spies, messengers, and drones. How would Apollyon deal with these 'villainous ape-men'? Was this the Apocalypse?


Apollyon recommended to the Feminism Lobby [FL] that they use the abortion-rally in D.C. to market a series of politically-charged blue-pumpkin photos as 'icons' of new age liberalism. This would serve as a 'peaceful' reminder of pedestrian passions behind new age anti-government passions. The FL did just that, and the Blue Pumpkin Mosaic [BPM], as it came to be known on sites where photos/collages were provided/posted/presented (such as Facebook, Flickr, and MySpace), became popular as 'calendar-themes' made by eco-activism groups including the Leonardo DiCapriou Foundation. Blue-pumpkin calendars printed on recycled paper became the new 'anti-Republican rave,' but just as Apollyon predicted, it was completely peaceful and dialogical and hence not promoting of hysteria or dissent.


MICHAEL: You saved the day!
APOLLYON: All it took was some 'social optimism.'
MICHAEL: Are you a fan of the Blue Pumpkins?
APOLLYON: Well, I modestly read my Farmer's Alamacs I collected!
MICHAEL: The Trump Administration is better-equipped to handle protests.
APOLLYON: The White House can sort through the 'pedestrian passions.'
MICHAEL: Are you a supporter of the Christian Democrats in Washington?
APOLLYON: I think opinions regarding 'liberal drama' are helpful.
MICHAEL: Governance is so confusing...
APOLLYON: It really is; that's why we have Netflix!
MICHAEL: Netflix?
APOLLYON: Yeah, sure; Netflix enabled you to conveniently stream movies.
MICHAEL: Oh, and since movies are 'daydream billboards,' they promote sanity?
APOLLYON: Movies promote sanity...and privacy respect.
MICHAEL: True; you get all kinds of 'socialization meditation' in a theater-format.
APOLLYON: Precisely; thespian-performances are for the individual...and the group.
MICHAEL: Alright then, I'll go watch Jeepers Creepers on Netflix.
APOLLYON: Happy Halloween...




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