
so there is nothing in the ideal of fairness that you find real?

Oh the founders would be so proud of you

What "ideal?" You haven't told us what it is yet.

"Fairness" is a scam. It's a nebulous term with no concrete meaning. That's why Dims are so fond of it. No matter what the facts are, unless everyone is exactly equal in income, assets, education, brains or beauty, Dims can whine about "fairness."
and here's the political perspectives...

LIBERALS - believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.

Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.


CONSERVATIVES - believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.

Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs

What a crock.... I think we should ALL believe in EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES. Maybe not outcomes.. we all can fail... but we should all have the OPPORTUNITY to succeed or fail on our own accord.

You believe in Personal responsibility... Great... Stop driving on the roads I paid for. Make your own fucking road.

Free Markets... Great.. stop killing our small business community with Walmarts and Burger Kings. You want free Markets, yet you allow huge corporations to dominate and destroy any competition that comes their way... let me tell you something... that's NOT a free market.

What are your "Traditional American values"... let me guess.... Queers suck, aborters suck...Christianity is the ONLY Religion... and... just for argument's sake anyone who is different than you should be put to death immediately.... yeah... that's not Tyranny at all, is it?

Lastly... a strong defense.. Actually... I semi-agree with that sentiment... specifically the word DEFENSE. "nuff said on that subject.
That's all I ever hear about from the liberals, we want fairness. So, what exactly is that and how do you achieve it in reality. Fairness based on outcomes? Everybody gets the same paycheck regardless of skill or effort? Or fairness based on equal opportunity? Kinda hard to guarantee that, I would think. Suppose somebody fucks off, do you subsidize him anyway? Step up and explain how the concept of fairness works for you.

Still no answer. What is fairness? How can you make it work in reality? Who decides what is fair? Come on libs, you bitch about fairness all the time but you can't even define it or figure out how to implement it? Are you going to throw out the free enterprise system? Property rights? What would you want America to be like?
Tories? The KKK? Just how conservative are you?

There is no such ideology as 'Conservatism'. Conservatism is nothing more and nothing less than reastionism and the desire to preserve the status quo or return to the status quo ante.

traditional American values

Like slavery?

Like ethnic cleaning ans Manifest Destiny?

Like Segregation?

:lol:.. Where do I start..?

Oh .. here's someone that has conveniently forgotten their Liberal/Democrat history.

...and therefore feels absolved, I'm guessing..

In other words, forget it.. you're cookie-putts...:lol:
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so there is nothing in the ideal of fairness that you find real?

Oh the founders would be so proud of you

What "ideal?" You haven't told us what it is yet.

"Fairness" is a scam. It's a nebulous term with no concrete meaning. That's why Dims are so fond of it. No matter what the facts are, unless everyone is exactly equal in income, assets, education, brains or beauty, Dims can whine about "fairness."

Here's a dramatization of the "Fairness" concept of equal outcomes:

"Twilight Zone" Eye of the Beholder (TV episode 1960) - IMDb
How about freedom from silly Straw-Man arguments like yours?

Fairness means "equal justice under law". Corporations and rich people must play by the same rules as everyone else.

IN practice, liberal don't believe in that definition. The laws are equally enforced now, but libturds are still continually whining about "fairness."

If the fucking liberals believed in fairness there would be no progressive income tax.
and here's the political perspectives...

LIBERALS - believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.

Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.


CONSERVATIVES - believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.

Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs

What a crock.... I think we should ALL believe in EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES. Maybe not outcomes.. we all can fail... but we should all have the OPPORTUNITY to succeed or fail on our own accord.

You believe in Personal responsibility... Great... Stop driving on the roads I paid for. Make your own fucking road.

Free Markets... Great.. stop killing our small business community with Walmarts and Burger Kings. You want free Markets, yet you allow huge corporations to dominate and destroy any competition that comes their way... let me tell you something... that's NOT a free market.

What are your "Traditional American values"... let me guess.... Queers suck, aborters suck...Christianity is the ONLY Religion... and... just for argument's sake anyone who is different than you should be put to death immediately.... yeah... that's not Tyranny at all, is it?

Lastly... a strong defense.. Actually... I semi-agree with that sentiment... specifically the word DEFENSE. "nuff said on that subject.

I merely offered the generally accepted perspectives from a...(( link))... You aren't required to fit into either box .. okay..:eusa_eh:
Fairness is a process... not an outcome.

No liberal believes that. They always judge fairness by outcomes.

Let me in return ask you a question.... How much is too much? How much money, power and influence is too much? What is the difference if Tyranny evolves from government(NAZI's, USSR, China, N. Korea, the Middle East).... or from Corporate Dominance?

You're just trying to weasel out of answering the question. Define fairness. That's the topic of this thread.

Suppose one Company has enough money, power and influence to buy out every other company in the country... should we let them?

How could that possibly happen? Now answer this question: how can you devise legislation to achieve "fairness" if you can't define the term?

EDIT.... Step up and explain YOUR rationale.

You're weaseling.

Who do you think you're fooling?

You are an absolutist, aren't you? You want a definite answer... well let me clue you in on something... there is no definite answer.

You call it weaseling... I call it dynamic. When one side has too much power... the other side rebels. That is the makeup of our system... the founding fathers knew it, rational people know it. You, however... don't.
Fairness is a process... not an outcome.

No liberal believes that. They always judge fairness by outcomes.

You're just trying to weasel out of answering the question. Define fairness. That's the topic of this thread.

How could that possibly happen? Now answer this question: how can you devise legislation to achieve "fairness" if you can't define the term?

EDIT.... Step up and explain YOUR rationale.

You're weaseling.

Who do you think you're fooling?

You are an absolutist, aren't you? You want a definite answer... well let me clue you in on something... there is no definite answer.

You call it weaseling... I call it dynamic. When one side has too much power... the other side rebels. That is the makeup of our system... the founding fathers knew it, rational people know it. You, however... don't.

The Tea Party Knows It. Yey Tea Party!
Fairness | Define Fairness at Dictionary.com

1    /fɛər/ Show Spelled
[fair] Show IPA
adjective, -er, -est, adverb, -er, -est, noun, verb
1. free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge.
2. legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair fight.
that's why liberals are so weak,,, and pussified. they think everything has to be fair.
Real fairness means that we are treated equally under the law.

Anything else is a form of cronyism which is UNFAIR.

Yet you advocate that people you like or support should not be prosecuted when they break laws? Like the people feeding the homeless illegally? You advocated they were being treated unfairly.
Real fairness means that we are treated equally under the law.

Anything else is a form of cronyism which is UNFAIR.

Yet you advocate that people you like or support should not be prosecuted when they break laws? Like the people feeding the homeless illegally? You advocated they were being treated unfairly.

No, I think the law in that case is stupid, and doesn't treat people fairly under it.
so when provided with a definition of the word that you can not refute you slip right into personal insults?

why am I not surprized.

Im sure you tell all your small relatives that being fair is a pussy thing to persue
That's all I ever hear about from the liberals, we want fairness. So, what exactly is that and how do you achieve it in reality. Fairness based on outcomes? Everybody gets the same paycheck regardless of skill or effort? Or fairness based on equal opportunity? Kinda hard to guarantee that, I would think. Suppose somebody fucks off, do you subsidize him anyway? Step up and explain how the concept of fairness works for you.

it isn't a formulaic thing. it means doing the right thing as you believe it to be. it means everyone having an equal shot.

a foreign concept to randians on the right. but nonetheless....

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