FACTS: 4.6% (Bush tax cut) would add $33 billion!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Do the FACTS mean anything to any of you especially those that promote class warfare?

If you want to be honest download this file..
BUT if you want to remain ignorant, kool aid drinker, LIARS don't!
But these are the FACTS!!!

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

The above spreadsheet shows taxes paid in 2009 by size of reported income.
140,257,244 Total Returns filed for LESS THEN $1 million or more income
235,883 returns reporting $1 million or more income

$6.899 trillion income reported on LESS THEN $1 million
726 Billion reported income for people at $1 million or more.

$4.237 Trillion (61% reported) taxable income LESS THE $1 million.
623.5 Billion (85% reported) taxable income of 235,883 returns.

TAXES paid...
by all for incomes under $1 million or less was 9.98% of $4.2 trillion income.
$688 billion in taxes paid by UNDER $1 million...

Taxes paid by 235,883 grossing over $1 million a year..
$177 billion in taxes or 24.4% of total reported income..

WAIT ... 24%???? Is that RIGHT?? those EVIL wealthy paid 24% or almost
3 TIMES MORE then what the rest of the 99% paid????

SO let's do away with Bush Tax cuts of 4.6%...
Before Bush upper rate 39.6% After Cuts 35%

So we add 4.6% MORE to those wealthy evil people that make $ million or more..
$ 726.9 billion was taxable income for over $1 million
4.6% MORE of $726 billion IS: $33.437 Billion MORE TAX REVENUE!

I am going to shout and make BIGGER !!!

$33.437 Billion MORE TAX REVENUE from those evil,wealthy making $1 million or More!

4.6% remember is what doing away with the Bush tax cuts on $ 1million or more would be!
So before you idiots say "well $33 billion is more then we have NOW..."

FACTS are for ever $1 million spent in the economy on yachts, Rolls,etc. there is the following AFFECT!

But as this economic study shows for every 1 million spent in retail there is an economic multiplier of
According to this web site:

For every 1 million dollars spent by the spent because of the TAX cuts:

• $1.188 million in total economic activity takes place for every $1 million spent..
33 billion equals $39.2 billion economic activity!

• Each $1 million spent provides $205,829 in labor incomes
$33 billion provides $6.7 Billion in labor income!

• Each $1 million represents 7.7 workers and assuming 35% (payroll taxes, FICA, FUTA, Medicare, SS)
$33 billion provides 254,100 JOBS!!!

And you idiots think collecting $33 billion in Federal Taxes that will be
1) Lent to states to pay teachers
2) Teachers MUST pay Union Dues.
3) 90% of union donations most coming from DUES.. goes to Democrat Party!

So WHY would ANYONE WANT their taxes to be donated to Democrats that HATE
the filthy wealthy 1%????
Your figures may have been correct; I'll reserve judgment on that. But your reasoning is, as usual, specious and irrelevant.
Your figures may have been correct; I'll reserve judgment on that. But your reasoning is, as usual, specious and irrelevant.

"specious"? --means "Superficially plausible, but actually wrong!"

DID YOU download the IRS spreadsheet?
Did you take the time to do the calculations?

I AM 100% confident YOU DID neither because there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the numbers provided by the IRS that states the actual amount those returns over $1 million in income on their reported taxable income of $623 billion paid $177.4 billion in taxes.
AND if raised to pre-Bush of 39.6% THAT is 4.6% more or $33 billion!

YOU are an IDIOT to say therefore they are actually WRONG!

THAT IS NOT wrong and I CHALLENGE you to prove differently that 4.6% of $726.9 billion of those making over $1 million IS NOT $33 billion i.e. the additional taxes they would PAY!!!


GEEZ where have you been? EVERYONE that is an IDIOT keep yelling like you evidently "PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE"... GEEZ they are paying 3 times what the rest of Americans are paying already!
And THEY like the POOREST don't get Free cell phones, free rent, free food, and a tax refund of up to $5,000!

NO those wealthy stick it to them and take the $33 billion that they would spend cause they don't every invest it do they.. cause according to imbeciles like you they BURY it or hide under their mattresses you idiot!

YOU idiots have NEVER answered my question regarding the "rich"..i.e.
WHAT do you think they do with their filthy lucre? Do you dumbly and naively think they bury or hide under their mattresses?

DO YOU THINK for ONE moment they might be "duh..." RE-INVESTING???
into businesses deposits in banks...
NO idiots like you believe they bury or hide it!
Your facts don't mean what you say they mean. It therefore doesn't matter whether your figures are right or not.
So before you idiots say "well $33 billion is more then we have NOW..."

FACTS are for ever $1 million spent in the economy on yachts, Rolls,etc. there is the following AFFECT!

But as this economic study shows for every 1 million spent in retail there is an economic multiplier of
According to this web site:

For every 1 million dollars spent by the spent because of the TAX cuts:

• $1.188 million in total economic activity takes place for every $1 million spent..
33 billion equals $39.2 billion economic activity!

• Each $1 million spent provides $205,829 in labor incomes
$33 billion provides $6.7 Billion in labor income!

• Each $1 million represents 7.7 workers and assuming 35% (payroll taxes, FICA, FUTA, Medicare, SS)
$33 billion provides 254,100 JOBS!!!

And you idiots think collecting $33 billion in Federal Taxes that will be
1) Lent to states to pay teachers
2) Teachers MUST pay Union Dues.
3) 90% of union donations most coming from DUES.. goes to Democrat Party!

So WHY would ANYONE WANT their taxes to be donated to Democrats that HATE
the filthy wealthy 1%????

Big business gives to the Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats. That money has to come from somewhere. Corporations raise their prices to give money to Republican politicians. Get it?

Only about 10% of American workers belong to unions. But corporations take from everyone to support Republicans.
News flash: The deficit is 1.3 trillion! That's 1,300 Billion. 33 Billion is barely a drop in the bucket. And it's hardly worth the negatives of raising taxes. Sure, those making 1 million or more probably can afford it, but would we want to risk even more capital being moved overseas?

We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
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News flash: The deficit is 1.3 trillion! That's 1,300 Billion. 33 Billion is barely a drop in the bucket. And it's hardly worth the negatives of raising taxes. Sure, those making 1 million or more probably can afford it, but would we want to risk even more capital being moved overseas?

We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

Absolutely correct!
There is absolutely NO justification for these types of totally stupid expenditures of Americans' taxes!!!
* $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
* The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting.
* A university study of how much alcohol college freshmen women require before agreeing to sex!
* $700,000 federal grant to examine "greenhouse gas emission from organic dairies, caused by cow burps.
* The National Science Foundation spent $250k to Stanford to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.
* (ATF) spent over $20,000 in taxpayer money "to unravel the anonymity of a 2,500-year-old mummy."
News flash: The deficit is 1.3 trillion! That's 1,300 Billion. 33 Billion is barely a drop in the bucket. And it's hardly worth the negatives of raising taxes. Sure, those making 1 million or more probably can afford it, but would we want to risk even more capital being moved overseas?

We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

Absolutely correct!
There is absolutely NO justification for these types of totally stupid expenditures of Americans' taxes!!!
* $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
* The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting.
* A university study of how much alcohol college freshmen women require before agreeing to sex!
* $700,000 federal grant to examine "greenhouse gas emission from organic dairies, caused by cow burps.
* The National Science Foundation spent $250k to Stanford to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.
* (ATF) spent over $20,000 in taxpayer money "to unravel the anonymity of a 2,500-year-old mummy."

Wow. You've really done your research on this. I admire that.
Tax Loopholes are the issue, not tax rates.

Q - Why does Wal-Mart buy dead peasant policies on most of it's low level employees?

A - To get around paying taxes!

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