FactCheck Immigration


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
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An interesting piece. Asks questions and then tells you which answer is right.

Some very surprising results!

Take the test and read the answers @ Nov. 28 Immigation Part 2
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An interesting piece. Asks questions and then tells you which answer is right.

Some very surprising results!

Take the test and read the answers @ Nov. 28 Immigation Part 2

Wondering if it mentioned this:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's new plan to ease the threat of deportation for 4.7 million undocumented immigrants violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal judge found on Tuesday, handing down the first legal ruling against the plan.

However......Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional - Yahoo News
I'm waiting for a judge to declare anchor babies to be illegal aliens, just like their parents. They have never been legal. The birthright citizenship clause of the 14th amendment was never intended by its author (Jacob Howard), to give citizenship to foreigners, just because the parents came here before they were born (to acquire a lifetime of benefits at US taxpayer expense, from the birth of that child on the US side of the border).
Howard is a far more significant name in American history than most people realized. Some historians consider him to be as important as Lincoln in the abolition of slavery. He is credited with working closely with Lincoln in drafting and passing the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery.
He also introduced the 14th Amendment, and served on the Joint Committee on Reconstruction which drafted it. At this time, he said >> "[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person."

Clearly, Howard was not meaning to have foreigners helping themselves to US citizenship, and fortunes of US benefits, thereby.

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So many so willing to bitch and moan and whine online, but unwilling to get off their asses and do anything about something they supposedly feel strongly about.
Yep, a lot of bitchy nobodies sitting on their fat asses whining, but doing nothing to suggest the slightest conviction.

Schwab says he ruled on the executive action issue because he concluded that Juarez-Escobar could be eligible for relief under the executive action.

Government lawyers told Schwab that Juarez-Escobar, who has pleaded guilty to re-entering the country, was not eligible because Obama's order does not affect criminal proceedings.

Judge declares Obama immigration action unconstitutional Reuters
and I thought some people here were clueless...
even better. The Judge is exposed as an angry :cuckoo:


Judge takes aim at Obama s immigration policy MSNBC

The 38-page memo from Schwab, available in its entirety here (pdf), is a mess. More importantly, it doesn’t seem to have any legal weight – as msnbc’s Amanda Sakuma reported, the opinion “will not likely have any direct impact or serve to invalidate the policy.” The White House policy remains fully intact; Schwab’s angry missive was effectively little more than a press release.

Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, a law professor at Pennsylvania State University and expert in prosecutorial discretion in immigration law, told msnbc, “It strikes me as odd for a single judge to devote so many pages of a memo to his feelings about the president’s executive action when the case itself is about an individual immigrant who faces illegal re-entry charges.

There’s a little bit of political theater, and maybe the judge had a bad day.”

What makes this story especially interesting, though, is appreciating just how many bad days Judge Schwab has had.​
So many so willing to bitch and moan and whine online, but unwilling to get off their asses and do anything about something they supposedly feel strongly about.
Do what ? And how do you know what "they" are or are not doing ?

He and another one in here call debating this issue "whining" because they are too stupid to research it themselves and the truth doesn't fit their agenda. Yes, how do they know what we are doing about getting birthright citizenship re-interpreted as it was intended? I have already contacted my congressman about a bill languishing outside of committee on this for two years and even tried to contact the congressman who introduced it. We are limited as to what we can do as it is congress that has to handle this but I am doing all I can to make this happen.

Keep up the good work in here exposing the truth. As for me I am going to ignore these types who call civil debate "whining" just because the truth doesn't fit their agenda.
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.
I have written my Senator over this issue and thanked him for his stance against it. Senator Sessions from Alabama.

But beyond that given the current balance of power, other than the court cases now filed what can we do?
So many so willing to bitch and moan and whine online, but unwilling to get off their asses and do anything about something they supposedly feel strongly about.
Do what ? And how do you know what "they" are or are not doing ?

He and another one in here call debating this issue "whining" because they are too stupid to research it themselves and the truth doesn't fit their agenda. Yes, how do they know what we are doing about getting birthright citizenship re-interpreted as it was intended? I have already contacted my congressman about a bill languishing outside of committee on this for two years and even tried to contact the congressman who introduced it. We are limited as to what we can do as it is congress that has to handle this but I am doing all I can to make this happen.

Keep up the good work in here exposing the truth. As for me I am going to ignore these types who call civil debate "whining" just because the truth doesn't fit their agenda.

You need numbers
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.

The name is Oldglory1 you hateful POS! I haven't written my congressman I called his office and I also tried to contact the writer of this law and I don't give a damn what you think because I have no reason to lie. Now kindly stop responding to me Mr. Topix. In other words get lost!!!
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.

The name is Oldglory1 you hateful POS! I haven't written my congressman I called his office and I also tried to contact the writer of this law and I don't give a damn what you think because I have no reason to lie. Now kindly stop responding to me Mr. Topix. In other words get lost!!!

Do you read your own posts?
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.

The name is Oldglory1 you hateful POS! I haven't written my congressman I called his office and I also tried to contact the writer of this law and I don't give a damn what you think because I have no reason to lie. Now kindly stop responding to me Mr. Topix. In other words get lost!!!

Do you read your own posts?

I don't need to. I don't contradict myself.
So many so willing to bitch and moan and whine online, but unwilling to get off their asses and do anything about something they supposedly feel strongly about.
What do you suggest..........
I don't believe oldgloryhole has written to his congressman or done anything else besides bitch and moan here.

The name is Oldglory1 you hateful POS! I haven't written my congressman I called his office and I also tried to contact the writer of this law and I don't give a damn what you think because I have no reason to lie. Now kindly stop responding to me Mr. Topix. In other words get lost!!!

You're full of shit, oldgloryhole. You're just hot air.

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