Fact-check: Trump's is the best start in 50 years

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.
I still say that this is the best president that keeps working for the people in a dooged fashion. No president worked harder than he has. Thank you Mr. President!
Well, you may have to buckle up, not because of Trump's divisive and chaotic governing, but more so because of a recession.
CEOs Say Recession Is Top Worry for 2019
The possibility of a global recession ranks as the top concern on the minds of corporate leaders as they head into 2019, according to a new survey of chief executives from the Conference Board, a business research group.

That is a dramatic reversal from a year ago, when executives were sanguine about the risk of recession, ranking it their 19th concern overall out of 28 issues, below issues like outdated infrastructure, workforce diversity and income inequality.

The survey of more than 800 CEOs from around the world was conducted in the fall, before a sharp decline in stock prices amplified worries that economic growth is stalling.

Given that CEOs sensed the possibility of recession before the markets’ recent decline, much of their sentiment stems from other challenges that ranked high on their list of external concerns, said Bart van Ark, the Conference Board’s chief economist. After recession, the top four risks were threats to global trade systems, global political instability, new competitors and declining trust in political and policy institutions.
CEOs Say Recession Is Top Worry for 2019

Trump inherited a 10 year long-running growing economy, eventually it's due to slow down. Many economists, think the time is approaching based on signs within the markets.
Maybe, the US shouldn't of added to0 much debt ($2 Trillion), that last 2 years.when the economy was already growing?
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.

I wouldn't trust anything coming from Trump numbers and I mean nothing!! FAKE NEWS!!
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.

I wouldn't trust anything coming from Trump numbers and I mean nothing!! FAKE NEWS!!
Coming from a FAKER, that is hilarious...ROTFLMFAO!
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.

I wouldn't trust anything coming from Trump numbers and I mean nothing!! FAKE NEWS!!
The only numbers to trust is the richter magnitude scale when Trump walks..
Yet the sorry bastard said Mexico would pay for the wall and we the taxpayer were lied to since they have been using taxpayers funds to upgrade the non-existent fence, wall border etc. etc.
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.

Trump inherited a economy that was heading in the right direction. Growth was solid but not spectacular. The most peace and prosperity I saw was the last 6 years of Ronald Reagan. Unlike Trump, President Reagan had a serious crisis on his hands. The economy had suffered under Carter and there was a crisis in confidence among Americans. By 1984, the economy was going gangbusters and confidence in America was at a all-time high. President Reagan cruised to re-election by winning 49 of 50 states. President Reagan put in place the policies that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

All the economic statistics are a outgrowth of the economic growth that was occurring before Trump took office. Obama didn't have anything to do with it nor did Trump.

Americans have not gotten off food stamps. They were kicked off by Republicans who have made it harder to get food stamps. When you look at states that are deemed food insecure, the top 3 are Mississippi, Louisiana, and West Virginia. If you take that further, states that Republicans control dominate the top of the list.

As to regulation, Trump has gone too far. There has been no thought given to it except it might inconvenience big business. Some you can make a case for getting rid of them however some you cannot. There has been no thought given.
And is a Russian Putin puppet.

Well then Putin must want the US to win, so that's okay too.

Yeah I know it.... Putin is controlling Trump so Trump can make the United States far
more powerful and more successful than ever before.... Putin is controlling Trump so Trump can pump up the oil industry and drive the Russian economy into the ground.
Putin is controlling Trump so Trump can kick start the military infrastructure and get back some of the Lost ground during the eight years of the Obama sabotage....so that the American military can become even more intimidating than it already is.

Thank God Putin is in charge!

Trump gave the corporations & the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals the biggest tax cut in history & it is permanent.
This is NOTHING MORE than BRIBERY going to the GOP donor class.

Trump gave the working class folk a 'bread crumb' tax break that expires in a few years; a tax cut that does NOT keep up with inflation.

Trump has added $2 TRILLION to the debt, a record for the past six years.

So, Trump traded the well being of the mass of Americans for the benefit of the very few ultra rich & wealthy, all while Trump dumped another $2 TRILLION of debt onto your children & grand kid's plates.

If anyone believes that is 'winning' for the average working class American then anyone that believes that is a complete & utter dumb ass, and is getting screwed worse than any pooch.
Don Surber's Blog ^ p

Bob emailed me, "As of January 20, we can compare two years of Trump to forty-eight years of Nixon through Obama."

These are the best two years.

1. "Jobless claims fall to 203,000. They haven’t been this low since Dec. 6, 1969."

2. "Record $300 billion repatriated to USA."


3. "U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans."

4. "Dow blows past 24,000 for the first time ever."

5. "The black unemployment rate has never been closer to the white rate."

6. "For blacks and Latinos, record low unemployment."

7. "Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year."

8. "Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs."

9. "US median household income climbs to new high of $61,372."

10. Lowest Misery Index ever recorded for a president, going back to Truman at the very least.

11. "Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months."

12. Most Supreme Court justices confirmed in first two years in office (tied).

13. Most appellate court judges confirmed in first two years in office (30).

14. "Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised." (A record.)

15. "Greenhouse gas emissions dropped nearly 3 percent in Trump’s first year."

16. "The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years."

17. "The United States is now the largest global crude oil producer."

18. Fulfilled Clinton/Bush/Obama campaign promise to move embassy to Jerusalem.

Let us add to Bob's list defeating the Islamic State that grew from a JV squad to a rogue nation under Obama the Weak, more NATO nations meeting their military commitments, peace with North Korea, and new free trade agreements with South Korea, Canada, and Mexico.

This is the most peace and prosperity I have seen since JFK was president.

Obama had as much to do with this as Hoover had to do with FDR's legacy.

Any idea why don created fewer jobs than Obama?
His first 2, Obamas last 2 years?
Obama had 300000 months too you know.
Last time I looked I lost money in my 401k in 2018.
Forgot Obama was losing 750000 jobs a month when he came in.?
All dons "gains " are following the Obama graph

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