Facebook's Marketplace


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I think it is really cool. Local groups can buy and sell or put in lil' ads for their shops and then there is a Marketplace that brings up all the towns around or close by you. There are also groups where people can share information on vintage cars around country or buy and sell in those too. I'm hoping more local bakeries and small business enterprises will get a boost as crop up with a little help from Facebook's affordable local ad tools.

After looking into the ways to sell certain things online, the advertising wars for bucks between Google, Amazon, etc. came to mind. I think it is no wonder peeps are out there slamming one group or another. Big money at play using online peeps as tools to promote or dissuade users of these various advertising applications in social media platforms. They all are scooping up private info. Just keep in mind if you put it online you have made it public knowledge so its there for the grabbing. If you wanna keep it private don't publish it.

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