Facebook's Mark Zuckenberg will not be under oath before senate committee, but compelled by Senate


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Will Not Be Under Oath Before Senate Committee, But Compelled by Statute to Tell The Truth | Breitbart
When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg takes the stand before a joint congressional panel on Tuesday, he will not be under oath, Breitbart News has learned. But he will be required by federal statute to tell the truth, and if he lies he could face serious legal consequences.

If you do not see your rights sinking you are a bigger idiot than you even know. Just because Mr. Big wig here gets away with NO OATHE and can legally LIE, know that the tables can and will be turned on you when and if you have a day in court.

Also know that our Nations rights and freedoms have been stripped , now that Trump is trying to turn it around the left can't stand it......

Take lessons from Europe zombie asses.
Yeah, why put the poor, misunderstood billionaire under oath, that's only meant for the stick up kid living in the Projects.
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On Sunday, I reported on documents released in the Oregon trial involving journalist Pete Santilli, who was present at both the Bundy Ranch standoff and the Malheur Wildlife Refuge protest. These documents present both violations on Facebook’s part of presenting bulk data on users to the US government that was not specific to the constraints of the warrant and the government receiving that information and continuing to store data they obtained that was not a part of that warrant in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. As a result, more Americans were caught up in this data dump and Fourth Amendment violations than just those who stood in protest in Oregon or Nevada, and is now resulting in a class action lawsuit against Facebook.
Facebook Class Action Lawsuit Coming: Court Documents Expose Facebook's Bulk Data Dump To FBI Without Warrant
Facebook Class Action Lawsuit Coming: Court Documents Expose Facebook’s Bulk Data Dump To FBI Without Warrant
Facebook Class Action Lawsuit Coming: Court Documents Expose Facebook's Bulk Data Dump To FBI Without Warrant

We can bet the other big wig social media asses are or have done the same thing, Lets hope they get found out as well.
This bs of screwing the people has got to stop. These huge Corporations think they can control and dictate the people and for the sheep they could care less until the bs finds them personally.

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