Facebook censors news stories

Facebook is much like the Republican and Democratic parties....they are privately own/run entities. Oh sure you are 'members' but you don't get to make the rules and abide by their rules. Don't like it, quit Facebook.
Why liberals should worry about Facebook's conservative suppression, too

The Week

Jeff Spross 6 hrs ago

Facebook apparently has a liberal bias. And as a monopoly that counts nearly three in five American adults as users, this is a potentially enormous problem for all of us.

The controversy began on Monday, when Gizmodo published an eye-opening investigation charging that Facebook "routinely suppressed conservative news." Essentially, the "trending" news section that pops up in the right-hand side of your Facebook feed isn't a coldly mathematical automaton, after all. Facebook does have a batch of actual computer algorithms for finding and compiling news stories that are trending among Facebook users. But once compiled, those stories go through a team of human "curators" before they go up on Facebook's news crawl. These curators have the authority to both turn down stories collected by the algorithms and "inject" other stories the algorithms don't catch. They then write a headline and a summary for the aggregated story and up the link goes on Facebook's trending section.

It's hard to understate what a powerful perch this trending section is. Facebook has 1.65 billion active monthly users. Many American publishing giants get more than half of their traffic from Facebook. If Facebook "curators" put their thumbs on the scale, it has enormous effects, for publishers and readers alike.

And indeed, anonymous former curators said that the trending section was curated with a liberal bias. "I'd come on shift and I'd discover that CPAC or Mitt Romney or Glenn Beck or popular conservative topics wouldn't be trending because either the curator didn't recognize the news topic or it was like they had a bias against Ted Cruz." One of them even compiled a list of the stuff that got turned down:


But what happens if Facebook eats the internet? And then they're the only ones doing the curating? It should be a scary thought — and not just for conservatives. Liberals and leftists have long combated monopoly power, because of its capacity to exploit workers, to lock competitors out of the economy, and to warp the functioning of democracy.

This turned out to be one of those instances where the cultural predilections of the people with the centralized power lined up with some lefty preferences and values. But if left-wing politics are about fighting for the little guy, that obviously isn't always going to happen. Indeed, the unique and immensely powerful role in news curation that Facebook is carving out for itself should worry liberals, too.

Why liberals should worry about Facebook's conservative suppression, too
Give credit where credit is due - the Dumbocrats studied The Communist Manifesto and Saul Alinky's Rules for Radicals and they have implemented the plans flawlessly.

As a private organization, Facebook has every right to decide what to censor and what to show. I stand firmly behind that so don't even attempt to act like that is the issue. However, it does show a tremendous bias and a complete and total lack of integrity. Mark Zuckerberg is a typical liberal dirt-bag - not interested in the truth. No integrity. The ends-justify-the-means in their mind. Lie, cheat, and steal, so long as it pushes the liberal agenda.

But because of that lie, cheat, and steal at all costs to push the liberal agenda mentality, we have a real problem in America. And correcting it will be our biggest challenge yet. Because unlike liberals, we have jobs. Real jobs. We can't "Occupy Wall Street" because we have jobs to go to. We can't riot, assault people, and damage property at Hillary Clinton rally's like liberals do at Donald Trump rally's because we have careers to focus on and families to take care of. So it's hard for us to sit around developing new forms of social media (like an alternative to Facebook which doesn't actually censor the truth), new media outlets, etc. (and before anyone says that Mark Zuckerberg "has a real job" - he created Facebook in his dorm room while he was in college and had lots of free time...before he became the CEO of the company - something conservatives who hold jobs and take care of families are not afforded the luxury of).

But that being said - if America is to survive the cancer known as liberalism that is currently killing it (and killing it fast), we need to find a way to do it. I think Glenn Beck launching The Blaze was huge. It was a game changer. We're getting the full truth for the first time in many decades. Breitbart and Drudge have helped as well. But we still need to find a way to develop more platforms, organize better, and take back education which the Communist Manifesto instructed liberals to turn into indoctrination factories (something they have done a great job of achieving incidentally). We have to over come their advantage of not holding jobs and being able to be full time "activists" as they mooch off of society. I think technology will be the best way to achieve that.

Facebook Blacklists Trending News Stories Daily, Contractors Say

Zuckerberg sold his soul to the devil a long time ago.

He is a slave to the New World Order.
3 2 1...
Glenn Beck, Anti-Trump Conservatives to Meet with Facebook’s Zuckerberg
by Adelle Nazarian16 May 2016

On Wednesday, billionaire Mark Zuckerberg will hold a meeting with “leading conservatives,” embattled The Blaze head Glenn Beck, and former George W. Bush Administration official and co-host of Fox News Channel’s The Five Dana Perino, at the website’s Menlo Park headquarters to discuss Facebook’s conservative media suppression and censorship scandal.

Last week it was reported that “anonymous sources at Facebook’s news team have confirmed to Gizmodo that, in addition to suppressing conservative news sources, the company suppresses stories about itself while artificially promoting stories about the Black Lives Matter movement.”


Glenn Beck, Anti-Trump Conservatives to Meet with Facebook's Zuckerberg - Breitbart
Facebook is swarming with conservatives. Why don't they all leave if they don't like the site's politics?
Such a statement needs a link other wise it's the same/lame left-wing BULL SHIT, now get to work or look like a deer in the headlights...

I was right, typical libtart...

You checked out the site already and couldn't find any conservatives?

Facebook is swarming with conservatives. Why don't they all leave if they don't like the site's politics?
Such a statement needs a link other wise it's the same/lame left-wing BULL SHIT, now get to work or look like a deer in the headlights...

I was right, typical libtart...

You checked out the site already and couldn't find any conservatives?

I'll do something the left never dose, I apologize, I thought you were talking about people that worked for face book...
Facebook is swarming with conservatives. Why don't they all leave if they don't like the site's politics?
Such a statement needs a link other wise it's the same/lame left-wing BULL SHIT, now get to work or look like a deer in the headlights...

I was right, typical libtart...

You checked out the site already and couldn't find any conservatives?

I'll do something the left never dose, I apologize, I thought you were talking about people that worked for face book...

Well that clears that up. Clarification is enough. No apology needed, especially one with a backhanded shot at liberals (which would include me) in it. lol
Yet another example of Facebook libtards pushing their agenda. Let's hope this ends for Facebook like it did for Target...

Exhibit A: Facebook characterizes Patricia Heaton’s pro-life message as ‘anti-abortion’ - Hot Air

Are you saying Facebook doesn't have a right to an agenda? It's a private sector for-profit company.
Carb - have you read any of this thread? I'm not a fascist liberal. I stated in my opening post that Facebook has every right as a private entity to do what they want (a right the rest of us wish we had when fascist liberals force us to take part in homosexual weddings and other nonsense).

But....I have a right to expose what they are doing, call them out on it, and encourage other people to avoid a platform that lies to its customers. The question is - why does that bother you so much Carb? Are you afraid of losing a valuable liberal propaganda platform? And more importantly - why wouldn't you want the truth? That alone says quite a bit about you.
As always, Jim DeMint nails it...

"I made it clear that Facebook has every right to be as biased as it wants to be as a private company, and conservatives have every right to look elsewhere for social platforms if they feel Facebook is silencing them. But if Facebook promises its users an unbiased platform for the free exchange of ideas – all ideas – then it should keep that promise."

Jim DeMint: Why I Met With Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg
As always, Jim DeMint nails it...

"The revelation of bias against conservatives is disturbing and difficult to understand. The ideas, values, and principles that conservatives advance are the same that made Facebook one of the most successful companies in the world: freedom of speech, entrepreneurship, free markets, individual choice, freedom of association, protection of property and intellectual rights and limited interference by government. We on the right often wonder why anyone at Facebook or other successful companies would support leftist political interests that want to destroy these free market principles."

Jim DeMint: Why I Met With Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg

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