Face it Conservorinos..Obama's doing a good job.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.

Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.


No, he's doing a great job.....

......fucking everything up.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..

handle what?

Healthcare act passed.
Finreg passed.
Economy saved.
Pirates capture boat..heads misted on Presidential orders.
Terrorists killed..in record numbers.
Averted terrorist attacks.
Oil spill by BP..BP pays for cleanup.
Torture? Buh bye!
Egypt? Work in progress..so far so good.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..

handle what?

Healthcare act passed.

Bold mine- Health care was SHOVED down the throat of Americans and is now being repealed, unfunded.Finreg passed.
Economy saved.

This has to be the biggest fucking joke of your laundry list. Over 10% Unemployment is an economy that has been saved?!!! Wow, frightening the mind of liberals.
Pirates capture boat..heads misted on Presidential orders.

LMFAO!! Desperation sinks in.. Crediting DingleBarry for something other's bravery accomplished.Terrorists killed..in record numbers.
Averted terrorist attacks.

Hey Genius, what in the hell do you call FORT HOOD?????????Oil spill by BP..BP pays for cleanup.
Torture? Buh bye!
Gitmo is closed? Obama promised it would be.

Egypt? Work in progress..so far so good.

Ahh, stabbing an ally in the back , meeting with a group who has terror -ties is a work in progress for libs.
Ahh, stabbing an ally in the back , meeting with a group who has terror -ties is a work in progress for libs. [/B]


Tax cut were "shoved" down the throats of Americans too..and with greater consequences. I like when stuff passes that actually helps Americans NOT DIE. Unlike Conservatives..who want the people not in the Elite club to die quickly..like Jan Brewer..when she directly caused the deaths of 2 red blooded Americans.

Commies hate Americans.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.


The funniest part is the new GOP Congress is in DC stumbling around aimlessly, between rants about abortion,

trying to figure out what they're supposed to do while they're there for the next 2 years.

Obama gave them their stupid tax cuts, which essentially shot their one-trick pony in the head and sent him to the glue factory.

All they have left is their bluster about spending cuts, which, in reality, they're scared shitless of doing because almost none of the cutting that might be done is politically advantageous.
Despite the rants of the right..President Obama's proved time and time again he can handle it..and with a great amount of grace. He's got it down when it comes to the ridiculous hyperbole..and he does it with style. Although he sometimes infuriates me with his olive branches to the right..gotta say..he's got a lock on keeping his enemies close.

And while I don't think he's charmed, indeed, alot of the work has been tough, he's been able to keep above the fray.

So 2012 looks like it's going to be a lock. Even my conservative friends are grudgingly admitting to that.

You're delusional

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