"F*** yo Flag" Movement Calls For Black Mives Matter Violence on 9/11


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Ni66ers, jus bein' Ni66ers!

Breitbart ^ | 09 SEP 2015 | Lee Stranahan
Members of the Black Lives Matter splinter group "Fuk Yo Flag" are threatening violence on September 11 in videos and blog posts. (SNIP - WARNING - GRAPHICS AT LINK)#FukYoFlag The video begins with Noble saying: The orders have just come down from the head organizer of #FYF911 movement from Palmetto Star — the ratched revolutionary, too raw for TV — the order has come down to reveal the secret locaiton of FYF mobilization. The event will be held in Stone Mountain. Get there. In Stone Mountain, you will witness the end of U.S. imperialist white supremecy. September 11th, Stone Mountain....

If #BlackLivesMatter so fucking much....

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Wiping your ass with the flag is nothing new or original .
The question is why did you choose one to be "outraged" about it.
Obama's speech taken out of context is just chicken shit.

We have never had a president as equipped - not even close - to at least improve race relations as Obama.

This has been a terribly wasted opportunity, and I have no doubt that he has largely voted "present" on this critical issue because he didn't want to challenge a key POLITICAL constituency. And now, he we are.

I don't care if you think what I posted is "chicken shit" or not.

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