F-16 Source Codes


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The U.S. has agreed to supply Turkey with source code for F-16 fire control and flight system software, so that Turkey can modify F-16 software to use Turkish made weapons and equipment. This will be part of a Turkish refurbishment of 213 of their F-16s. This will cost about $5.2 million per aircraft, and include a lot of Turkish made equipment.
Over the last decade, Turkey has been producing more military gear locally, and now produces over half its military equipment needs.

Warplanes: Turkey Gets F-16 Source Code
When added to Turkey’s existing industrial capabilities, source code access could also serve as a partial form of insurance against damage to their American alliance. It would allow substitutions of local equipment for American-supplied gear as necessary, in a country that can already assemble and maintain the aircraft. That confers a great deal of independence.

Number of turkey Nobel Laureates for important contributions in science, economics and literature: Zero

Israel: Number of Nobel Laureates for important contributions in science, economics and literature: 7

Number of turkey technology companies listed on NASDAQ: Zero. Turkeys have difficulty listing companies on the istanbul exchange.

Israel: Number of companies listed on NASDAQ: 75, more than any other country, except the US.

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