
Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.
I was talking to a Republican who said this is what happens when Obama let al Qaeda into Iraq. So I pointed out that a well trained army doesn't spring up out of nowhere. Look how long we have been trying to train the Iraqi's. So he said, well then, where did they come from? I said this is what's left over of the Iraqi Army that Bush disbanded. So he said, "You're an idiot. Bush never disbanded the Iraqi Army."
So I did a search, "Bush disbanded the Iraqi Army" and watched all the links pop up. The fourth one down said, "Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army." That one was a standout.
A defeated army doesn't go away. They "regroup".
When you tell Republicans that this group is Sunni. And the government they put together in Iraq is Shiite, all they can say is "so what?" Because they don't know anything. So how are they expected to know anything about the Iraq fiasco. They are still back at "Ingrates, they hate us for our freedom".
America, what you are seeing are the results of letting Republicans run this country's foreign policy. You don't let someone who has never driven and knows nothing about cars try to fix one. Iraq is what happens. The mess the Republicans caused will trouble us for decades at least. Just getting us back to where we were before the GOP botch job will take decades. And that's being optimistic.
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.


Alleged ISIS 'sympathizer' arrested

Donald Ray Morgan was arrested on August 2 on arrival at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport from Frankfurt, Germany, according to federal court documents.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina charged him with illegal weapons possession, and prosecutors say he was involved in weapons trafficking in violation of his probation for a previous felony conviction, the court documents show.

The court documents make no mention of the ISIS connection, but U.S. officials say that part of what drew their attention is Morgan's online activities, making Twitter postings in support of the terrorist group.

Morgan is not thought to be involved in any active plots inside the U.S. or elsewhere and instead may be more of an "aspirational" supporter of ISIS.

Still, with the rise of ISIS, and more than 100 Americans believed to have traveled to Syria to fight in the ongoing civil war, the FBI is on alert for returning Americans who may be associated with groups fighting there.

The New York Daily News reported Sunday night that at his first appearance in court on August 4, prosecutors opposed bail, citing fears that he was possibly involved with ISIS, which is fighting to establish an Islamic extremist state in parts of Syria and Iraq. The group calls itself the Islamic State but formerly was known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

The Daily News report cited officials alleging that Morgan used the moniker Abu Omar al Amreeki to publish tweets in support of ISIS while he spent time in Lebanon. The newspaper quoted federal prosecutor Nadia Moore as saying in court: "It's possible that he traffics in guns to people in this organization (ISIS)."

Chief Magistrate Judge Steven Gold denied bond based on the government's argument, saying the tweets had "clearly implied to me that he is trying to go to Syria or Iraq," according to the Daily News.

Man arrested, accused of sympathizing with ISIS - CNN.com
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.
The current President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama does not have the balls to come out in favor of war on any facet of Islam. Obama pampers and favors the Muslims to the extent of removing the phrase "Muslim terrorists" from use in all government communications. He reassigned NASA to make Muslims feel better about their contributions to the world society. If Obama is not in fact a Muslim, he is certainly a Muslim-lover and protector. His actions lately have not been in the best interest of the United States, or its people, or its Constitution. Obama is either afraid to oppose the Muslims in any way (no matter how evil the entity that challenges us) or he wants them to prevail. He will likely do nothing significantly helpful in defeating them.

I have long promoted the solution you support....100% killing of all radical Muslims, their parents, their children....ALL of those that preach hatred and call for the death of so called "infidels". Anyone that calls for the death of someone else simply for not having the same religious beliefs should be killed.
I was talking to a Republican who said this is what happens when Obama let al Qaeda into Iraq. So I pointed out that a well trained army doesn't spring up out of nowhere. Look how long we have been trying to train the Iraqi's. So he said, well then, where did they come from? I said this is what's left over of the Iraqi Army that Bush disbanded. So he said, "You're an idiot. Bush never disbanded the Iraqi Army."
So I did a search, "Bush disbanded the Iraqi Army" and watched all the links pop up. The fourth one down said, "Bush: 'I can't remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army." That one was a standout.
A defeated army doesn't go away. They "regroup".
When you tell Republicans that this group is Sunni. And the government they put together in Iraq is Shiite, all they can say is "so what?" Because they don't know anything. So how are they expected to know anything about the Iraq fiasco. They are still back at "Ingrates, they hate us for our freedom".
America, what you are seeing are the results of letting Republicans run this country's foreign policy. You don't let someone who has never driven and knows nothing about cars try to fix one. Iraq is what happens. The mess the Republicans caused will trouble us for decades at least. Just getting us back to where we were before the GOP botch job will take decades. And that's being optimistic.

You are selectively ignorant. that is, whenever it serves your purpose.

The reason for disbanding the Iraqi military is obvious and simple.

So simple one can be SURE you are aware of it, you just choose to trade on your supposed ignorance, figuring you can afford the 'hit.'


Anyway, the idea for keeping the Iraqi military and police intact would be with the presumption they would help move the country from violence and chaos and corruption and an insurgency to a nation of law and order and relative peace and with a sound and functional government.

But that is an unrealistic expectation.

You could not return or retain all of the local Iraqi government, police and military people to their pre-invasion jobs and automatically assume their Sunni-ness or their Shiite-ness or their anti-American-ness would take a back seat to a compromise government.

Advanced business management principles suggest that the best way to try to assure integrity in the new organization (government) would be to hire or re-hire each position based on how well they do in a competitive hiring situation and making sure they know who their NEW boss is.

Discovery of a government which is deceptively sound and functional but which is actually secretly, covertly, corrupt at just the right/wrong time can be fatal.

Although, that assumption hasn't done much to help Iraq avoid this sad turn of events.
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.

You know, Republicans wanted to vote Mitt Romney into office. He fled the country during Vietnam.
When asked why none of his five sons joined the military during the Iraq war which Mitt strongly supported, he said his sons were already doing something important, which was helping Mitt get elected president.

At least Obama stood up against the war when Republicans were trying to intimidate all Americans with "You are with us or with the terrorists".
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.

You know, Republicans wanted to vote Mitt Romney into office. He fled the country during Vietnam.
When asked why none of his five sons joined the military during the Iraq war which Mitt strongly supported, he said his sons were already doing something important, which was helping Mitt get elected president.

At least Obama stood up against the war when Republicans were trying to intimidate all Americans with "You are with us or with the terrorists".

And Mussolini made the trains run on time.
I say let it flower. We can keep suppressing the wishes of Muslims who want an ISIS like state and we'll always be putting out bush fires - until they get what they want and crash and burn on their own, that dream will never die. The Islamic World needs to figure out to do with the divisions in their own society. The West trampling all over these dreams doesn't do anyone any good.
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.


Alleged ISIS 'sympathizer' arrested

Donald Ray Morgan was arrested on August 2 on arrival at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport from Frankfurt, Germany, according to federal court documents.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina charged him with illegal weapons possession, and prosecutors say he was involved in weapons trafficking in violation of his probation for a previous felony conviction, the court documents show.

The court documents make no mention of the ISIS connection, but U.S. officials say that part of what drew their attention is Morgan's online activities, making Twitter postings in support of the terrorist group.

Morgan is not thought to be involved in any active plots inside the U.S. or elsewhere and instead may be more of an "aspirational" supporter of ISIS.

Still, with the rise of ISIS, and more than 100 Americans believed to have traveled to Syria to fight in the ongoing civil war, the FBI is on alert for returning Americans who may be associated with groups fighting there.

The New York Daily News reported Sunday night that at his first appearance in court on August 4, prosecutors opposed bail, citing fears that he was possibly involved with ISIS, which is fighting to establish an Islamic extremist state in parts of Syria and Iraq. The group calls itself the Islamic State but formerly was known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

The Daily News report cited officials alleging that Morgan used the moniker Abu Omar al Amreeki to publish tweets in support of ISIS while he spent time in Lebanon. The newspaper quoted federal prosecutor Nadia Moore as saying in court: "It's possible that he traffics in guns to people in this organization (ISIS)."

Chief Magistrate Judge Steven Gold denied bond based on the government's argument, saying the tweets had "clearly implied to me that he is trying to go to Syria or Iraq," according to the Daily News.

Man arrested, accused of sympathizing with ISIS - CNN.com

Of course. Give this creep bail and he'll be as disappeared as a fly that flys out of your window.
This idiocy has gone on far too long. These lunatics called ISIS, IS, or ISIL or whatever the hell their names are, never should have been allowed to hatch in the first place. Now that they're established, and have killed thousands of people (including children), and are threatening to come to the USA and carry on their genocide here, one thing needs to be done. That is to EXTERMINATE these filthy creeps 100%. > NOW!!

There must be no listening to their treats against journalists or politicians, or whatever games they're trying to play. In World War II, America did not play Germany's games. Germany was carpet-bombed by US and British bombers for 4 years, decimating their cities, while killing hundreds of thousands of Germans, most of them civilians. Likewise, a quarter of a million people in Japan (almost all of them civilians) were nuclear bombed.
Those Americans did what they had to do. That's the way war is.

Now we have a president who never served a day in the military, and is now the commander of it. God help us. Hopefully, somebody can get this guy to comprehend what is happening here. We are only weeks away from the time when ISIS will be here in the US ("See you in New York"), snatching people out of WalMart parking lots, and killing them.

Obama needs to wise up and toughen up. This is his biggest challenge so far. If he blows it (like he so commonly does) a lot of Americans are going to die here in the US, and a lot of innocent people (Christians, Tazidis, etc ) are already dying. Obama should allocate every ounce of US military might, and diplomatically work to get other countries, to join in to OBLITERATE ISIS. ASAP. Period.

You know, Republicans wanted to vote Mitt Romney into office. He fled the country during Vietnam.
When asked why none of his five sons joined the military during the Iraq war which Mitt strongly supported, he said his sons were already doing something important, which was helping Mitt get elected president.

At least Obama stood up against the war when Republicans were trying to intimidate all Americans with "You are with us or with the terrorists".
And Obama seems to still be standing up AGAINST the war (against the terrorists). YeahI That's the problem. We need him to WAGE the war. Full force.
I say let it flower. We can keep suppressing the wishes of Muslims who want an ISIS like state and we'll always be putting out bush fires - until they get what they want and crash and burn on their own, that dream will never die. The Islamic World needs to figure out to do with the divisions in their own society. The West trampling all over these dreams doesn't do anyone any good.
What good is does is prevent the ANNIHILATION of the USA.
I say let it flower. We can keep suppressing the wishes of Muslims who want an ISIS like state and we'll always be putting out bush fires - until they get what they want and crash and burn on their own, that dream will never die. The Islamic World needs to figure out to do with the divisions in their own society. The West trampling all over these dreams doesn't do anyone any good.
What good is does is prevent the ANNIHILATION of the USA.

A bunch of camel jockeys are not a threat to the US.
ISIS is the scum of the earth. Perhaps it is time to take out the trash again.

we aren't going to do anything.
If we won't protect our own embassy personnel and ambassador in benghazi, we aren't going to do shit about this guy getting his head cut off....oh..there'll be a lot of stern talk...but nothing is going to happen.
I say let it flower. We can keep suppressing the wishes of Muslims who want an ISIS like state and we'll always be putting out bush fires - until they get what they want and crash and burn on their own, that dream will never die. The Islamic World needs to figure out to do with the divisions in their own society. The West trampling all over these dreams doesn't do anyone any good.
What good is does is prevent the ANNIHILATION of the USA.

A bunch of camel jockeys are not a threat to the US.
I disagree. With our southern border wide open, one of these days something REALLY BAD will be smuggled across the border by these people and used against us.
...meanwhile we have to take our shoes off in an airport and go through scanners and be searched...This country is finished.
I say let it flower. We can keep suppressing the wishes of Muslims who want an ISIS like state and we'll always be putting out bush fires - until they get what they want and crash and burn on their own, that dream will never die. The Islamic World needs to figure out to do with the divisions in their own society. The West trampling all over these dreams doesn't do anyone any good.
What good is does is prevent the ANNIHILATION of the USA.

A bunch of camel jockeys are not a threat to the US.

I think you will recall i have expressed my admiration of you and an appreciation of at LEAST one of your posts. Actually, it seems like many more than one.

But I must take exception to this post of yours.

Underestimating the foe, ESPECIALLY THIS FOE, is a dangerous conceit. And one I think we shouldn't ever afford ourselves.

This enemy seems to derive a special delight in taking advantage of us when we underestimate him.

They ARE a threat to the USA.

For example, did you know the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the GOP?

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