Exposing Another Conservative Lie


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
I hope like hell that you don't live in one of those states. Apparently, my state, the state of Oklahoma is listed as #8 on that list. Course, the first five shootings in Tulsa for 2015 were armed robbers and home invaders that got killed while in the commission of crimes. And I'm supposed to feel bad about this?

Don't come here. Stay far away. We have tornadoes, flash floods, prairie fires, rattle snakes, copper heads, tarantulas, micro bursts, baseball sized hail, and the list goes on and on. If I was you, I'd stay in a state on one of the coasts. Us Okies, we'll just try and survive without you. It'll be tough to go on without another whiny assed liberal trying to tell us what to do, but we'll give it our best shot. I mean really, how in God's name did we survive without so many of you well-intention know-it-alls sticking your finger into the festering sore of our small corner of America.

I think I'll go out and shoot...
I hope like hell that you don't live in one of those states. Apparently, my state, the state of Oklahoma is listed as #8 on that list. Course, the first five shootings in Tulsa for 2015 were armed robbers and home invaders that got killed while in the commission of crimes. And I'm supposed to feel bad about this?

Don't come here. Stay far away. We have tornadoes, flash floods, prairie fires, rattle snakes, copper heads, tarantulas, micro bursts, baseball sized hail, and the list goes on and on. If I was you, I'd stay in a state on one of the coasts. Us Okies, we'll just try and survive without you. It'll be tough to go on without another whiny assed liberal trying to tell us what to do, but we'll give it our best shot. I mean really, how in God's name did we survive without so many of you well-intention know-it-alls sticking your finger into the festering sore of our small corner of America.

I think I'll go out and shoot...

Spent about 2 hours at the range this morning.

Love being in the fresh air.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

The far left always shows their debunked religious dogma with such posts..

Most of the large cities in "red" states are run by far left drones like yourself that think if they throw enough money at the problem, that will fix it. Has not worked on any level, but yet the far left continues to push for gun "control" when they want a wide open border.

Silly far left drones..
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This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
Apparently you failed to read the article you posted. Do you work for the NY Times or WaPo?

This from the article:
As in many other states with high gun-death rates, the vast majority of deaths were the result of suicide.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
It's NOT guns, it's the people that use guns for the wrong reasons. If guns weren't available, those same people would use knives, baseball bats, home-made bombs, bows and arrows, dart guns, lead pipes, poisons, rope, acid, and anything else they could find that would do the same job.

A loaded gun can lay on a table for years and not harm a single person. Guns are safe until human hands pick them up. I have guns in my home and they harm no one. I know many people that own guns, and those guns harm no one. The problem is PEOPLE, not guns. Besides, laws, rules, and regulations, can not keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them. Guns are sold from the trunks of cars, on the street, at gun shows, pawn shops, through private sales, traded for cash or other items, and are readily available for anyone that really wants one. I bought a Mauser rifle off the internet from an individual. All I did was sign a sales receipt.

So, say what you want about guns, but just keep in mind where the real problem lies. Also, how many guns have been given away by our own government that eventually end up in the hands of drug dealers and gangs?
I hope like hell that you don't live in one of those states. Apparently, my state, the state of Oklahoma is listed as #8 on that list. Course, the first five shootings in Tulsa for 2015 were armed robbers and home invaders that got killed while in the commission of crimes. And I'm supposed to feel bad about this?

Don't come here. Stay far away. We have tornadoes, flash floods, prairie fires, rattle snakes, copper heads, tarantulas, micro bursts, baseball sized hail, and the list goes on and on. If I was you, I'd stay in a state on one of the coasts. Us Okies, we'll just try and survive without you. It'll be tough to go on without another whiny assed liberal trying to tell us what to do, but we'll give it our best shot. I mean really, how in God's name did we survive without so many of you well-intention know-it-alls sticking your finger into the festering sore of our small corner of America.

I think I'll go out and shoot...
Libtard facts are always screwed up.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
Obviously a libtard post being not truthful.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
Notice they have no restrictions on handguns

Comes in handy when someone pisses you off
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
It's NOT guns, it's the people that use guns for the wrong reasons. If guns weren't available, those same people would use knives, baseball bats, home-made bombs, bows and arrows, dart guns, lead pipes, poisons, rope, acid, and anything else they could find that would do the same job.

A loaded gun can lay on a table for years and not harm a single person. Guns are safe until human hands pick them up. I have guns in my home and they harm no one. I know many people that own guns, and those guns harm no one. The problem is PEOPLE, not guns. Besides, laws, rules, and regulations, can not keep guns out of the hands of those that really want them. Guns are sold from the trunks of cars, on the street, at gun shows, pawn shops, through private sales, traded for cash or other items, and are readily available for anyone that really wants one. I bought a Mauser rifle off the internet from an individual. All I did was sign a sales receipt.

So, say what you want about guns, but just keep in mind where the real problem lies. Also, how many guns have been given away by our own government that eventually end up in the hands of drug dealers and gangs?

Very true

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

Ask the people in Sandy Hook and Aurora
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

Funny how liberals call everything a conservative says "a lie" but fail to consider that they tell them, too.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

Once again...adding suicides......don't count....Japan has no civilian gun ownership and 2 times the suicide rate...also...Tennessee....the six largest cities including 2 of the most violent cities in the country,Memphis and Nashville....are all run by democrats....even in a red state......
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

And they are adding in police shootings as well......of course they are....
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

And now for the declaration..this is bullshit.......

for Wyoming....sucides....

With the second highest firearm-related suicide rate, Wyoming residents were more than twice as likely to commit suicide as residents across the nation. More than 87% of firearm deaths in Wyoming were due to suicide, considerably higher than the 63% of all gun-related fatalities across the country.

If they don't use suicide they can't push the gun control agenda........again...Japan has 2 times our suicide rate....and extreme gun control....

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