Explaining the Election

What I don't understand is why the two main parties are still so dominant? Can't everyone see that the only way out is to buck the present two-party system, at least for a while?
Au contraire.

My error was in assigning the same understanding of history and rectitude that those of us on the Right have to you Pod People.

The vid that I provided?

The tocsin in it are exactly the ones should be applied to the contemporary political realm.
It's just that Pods don't have ears to hear them.

You are so full of shit that it is coming out of your ears. No wonder you are impressed by Ann Coulter.

I always know I've beaten you when you start substituting vulgarity for civility.

The poster's version of a white flag.

OK....I'll let you off with a warning......this time.

Thank you for proving my point. I would love to play poker against you.

Ya' know, Boo....your characterization of my reaction to the election is flawed, in that I'm certainly not saying 'hey, I didn't want to win that election, anyway.'

You understand the distinction....don't you?

Or are you a member of the Pod People?
Oh...you are.

To set the record straight....my primary reaction is shock.
Not sour grapes......shock that I had overestimated so many Americans.

So...exactly when did you realize that you were anencephalic?

Do you realize how pathetic you sound? You are constantly stating your intellectual superiority to all on this board. Yet your predictions of this election showed a notable lack of being in touch with reality.

Then we have your posts concerning evolution, Darwin, Marx, and materialism.

Girl, you come across as one ignorant fruitloop. Lots of big words with zero understanding of how the world really works. Whether politically, or scientifically.

OK....you can call me 'paper'...'cause everyone knows paper beats rocks every time.
Ya' know, Boo....your characterization of my reaction to the election is flawed, in that I'm certainly not saying 'hey, I didn't want to win that election, anyway.'

You understand the distinction....don't you?

Or are you a member of the Pod People?
Oh...you are.

To set the record straight....my primary reaction is shock.
Not sour grapes......shock that I had overestimated so many Americans.

So...exactly when did you realize that you were anencephalic?

Do you realize how pathetic you sound? You are constantly stating your intellectual superiority to all on this board. Yet your predictions of this election showed a notable lack of being in touch with reality.

Then we have your posts concerning evolution, Darwin, Marx, and materialism.

Girl, you come across as one ignorant fruitloop. Lots of big words with zero understanding of how the world really works. Whether politically, or scientifically.

OK....you can call me 'paper'...'cause everyone knows paper beats rocks every time.

I've always thought of you as more of a "scissor".....as in cut and paste
Do you realize how pathetic you sound? You are constantly stating your intellectual superiority to all on this board. Yet your predictions of this election showed a notable lack of being in touch with reality.

Then we have your posts concerning evolution, Darwin, Marx, and materialism.

Girl, you come across as one ignorant fruitloop. Lots of big words with zero understanding of how the world really works. Whether politically, or scientifically.

OK....you can call me 'paper'...'cause everyone knows paper beats rocks every time.

I've always thought of you as more of a "scissor".....as in cut and paste

Ooh, I read "scissor" and my ears perked up. Not what I was hoping for. :(
Most of the response isn't worth replying too because, SHOCKINGLY! Partisan voters are indeed pod people.

Notice I said partisans, not liberals. Nearly all of your complaints about liberals could be turned on their head by looking back to how rabidly the Right supported Bush as he expanded Federal power and trashed out the Constitution or how rabidly the Right supported Romney as he tossed Conservatives under the bus to win the first debate.

Once you've locked yourself into a "I'm voting Repbulcan" or "I'm voting Democrat" mindset, your mind is effectively set to off.

I have a great many issues with Obama and personally do not think he deserved re-election. The problem is the GOP made the same mistake the DNC made in 2004, namely they ran a fairly terrible candidate and they ran a fairly inept campaign. So they lost.

As for this:

And, with your vocation, you don't see the continued devastation of education with the continuance of a Left-wing administration, the veritable lap-dog of the unions???


Private school for your young-uns?

I grew up in a Republican controlled state (Indiana) with top notch public schools and got a top notch public education despite being poor enough to qualify for free lunches and free book rental. My wife grew up in a swing state and got a top notch public education.

I now live in one of the mostly solidly Red states in the Union (Louisiana) and their school system is number 49 in the nation nearly every year running.

So what's the difference? Simple, I grew up in a State that made education a priority and now live in a State that is determined to defund public education. Jindal has been a nightmare for educators in this state and has pretty much forced anyone with a college education into the ranks of the Democrats.

So yeah, I'll be sending my kids to private school despite my personal beliefs because education is a priority for me despite the fact it ABSOLUTELY is not for the Republicans that run the State.

You're looking so hard for a Lib agenda that will explain all of the country's woes, but the truth is there isn't any. Just stupid people, R and D, doing stupid stuff.
Most of the response isn't worth replying too because, SHOCKINGLY! Partisan voters are indeed pod people.

Notice I said partisans, not liberals. Nearly all of your complaints about liberals could be turned on their head by looking back to how rabidly the Right supported Bush as he expanded Federal power and trashed out the Constitution or how rabidly the Right supported Romney as he tossed Conservatives under the bus to win the first debate.

Once you've locked yourself into a "I'm voting Repbulcan" or "I'm voting Democrat" mindset, your mind is effectively set to off.

I have a great many issues with Obama and personally do not think he deserved re-election. The problem is the GOP made the same mistake the DNC made in 2004, namely they ran a fairly terrible candidate and they ran a fairly inept campaign. So they lost.

As for this:

And, with your vocation, you don't see the continued devastation of education with the continuance of a Left-wing administration, the veritable lap-dog of the unions???


Private school for your young-uns?

I grew up in a Republican controlled state (Indiana) with top notch public schools and got a top notch public education despite being poor enough to qualify for free lunches and free book rental. My wife grew up in a swing state and got a top notch public education.

I now live in one of the mostly solidly Red states in the Union (Louisiana) and their school system is number 49 in the nation nearly every year running.

So what's the difference? Simple, I grew up in a State that made education a priority and now live in a State that is determined to defund public education. Jindal has been a nightmare for educators in this state and has pretty much forced anyone with a college education into the ranks of the Democrats.

So yeah, I'll be sending my kids to private school despite my personal beliefs because education is a priority for me despite the fact it ABSOLUTELY is not for the Republicans that run the State.

You're looking so hard for a Lib agenda that will explain all of the country's woes, but the truth is there isn't any. Just stupid people, R and D, doing stupid stuff.
not even a polite, "you're welcome" from PC?

This thread has been a humorous little diversion on a drizzly Mexican afternoon. Neither political party in America bears hardly any resemblance to the party they were at their origin. To attempt to say that the democrats were the party of racism and segregation might be true, but only in an academic historical context, because we certainly are not that party today.

24 years ago, Mike Dukakis got a greater percentage of the white vote than Obama got in 2012... and Dukakis got his ass kicked. The GOP is the white party today, and, America and the democratic party is getting more "colorful" and more tolerant every election cycle. Either the GOP figures out how to do some substantive "rebranding", or they will find themselves further marginalized with each passing election cycle.

It is interesting to note that, even though the GOP maintained control over the House of Representatives, they were allowed that minor victory primarily as a result of gerrymandering. In this past election, more Americans cast their votes for Democratic House candidates than for Republicans.

It's time for the GOP to do some serious introspection, and threads like this one certainly won't facilitate that process... but I can understand how some sore losers are still having a tough time with the humiliation of seeing Barack Obama whip the guy with the magic underwear! Actually... from my perspective, the longer their whining and caterwauling continues, the sweeter the sense of delicious victory is for me.

Thanks for the laughs, PC.... great fun! great fun!
You are so full of shit that it is coming out of your ears. No wonder you are impressed by Ann Coulter.

I always know I've beaten you when you start substituting vulgarity for civility.

The poster's version of a white flag.

OK....I'll let you off with a warning......this time.

Thank you for proving my point. I would love to play poker against you.

I've heard the only thing you play is Solitaire....

...due to your personality.
Oh boy...another "Obama voters are stoooooopid" threads. Way to win those hearts and minds!!!

This post makes you the "Poster Child" for this thread!!!

"Way to win those hearts and minds!!!"

The whole point of the thread is that those who voted for Obama are PODS!!!!


Thanks for sticking your paw up and proving the point.
Do you realize how pathetic you sound? You are constantly stating your intellectual superiority to all on this board. Yet your predictions of this election showed a notable lack of being in touch with reality.

Then we have your posts concerning evolution, Darwin, Marx, and materialism.

Girl, you come across as one ignorant fruitloop. Lots of big words with zero understanding of how the world really works. Whether politically, or scientifically.

OK....you can call me 'paper'...'cause everyone knows paper beats rocks every time.

I've always thought of you as more of a "scissor".....as in cut and paste

Geeezzz....I shoulda seen that comin'.

That makes two things I must remember never to do....that 'paper' line, and never make eye contact when eating a banana.
Oh boy...another "Obama voters are stoooooopid" threads. Way to win those hearts and minds!!!

This post makes you the "Poster Child" for this thread!!!

"Way to win those hearts and minds!!!"

The whole point of the thread is that those who voted for Obama are PODS!!!!


Thanks for sticking your paw up and proving the point.

Climb out of your own pod. You can't see the forest for the trees. The deficit is job 1. The rest can wait.
OK....you can call me 'paper'...'cause everyone knows paper beats rocks every time.

NOTHING beats rock!!! :rock:

Reminds me of the comedian that was asking how on Earth paper beats rock. Scissors cuts paper into shreds. Rock breaks scissors in two. Paper covers rock to which rock says "I'm still here...."

I understand how scissors can beat paper…and I get how rock can
beat scissors…but there’s no way paper can beat rock!!!
Paper is supposed to be magically wrapped around rock leaving it
Why can’t paper do this to scissors??
Screw scissors…why can’t paper do this to people?
Why aren’t college-ruled notebook paper sheets constantly
suffocating students as they attempt to take class notes?
I’ll tell you why: ‘cause paper can’t beat anybody!
A rock would tear it up in two seconds!
When I play paper-rock-scissors I always choose rock.
Then, when somebody claims to have beaten me with their
paper, I can punch them in the face with my already-clenched
fist, and say ‘oh, sorry, I thought paper would protect you!’
1. At an earlier juncture, I merely disagreed with the Progressives/Liberals/Democrats. Strongly.

2. I came to understand that they were less informed, less educated than the Right. I came to name the “Party of the Uninformed.”

a. Yet, I always thought that education was the problem, and given the same facts that we on the Right have, they would join up.

b. They were the “reliable Democrat voters.”

3. A very astute observer of the political scene revealed the reality: “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.” Of course, therein lies the explanation for this election.

a. “Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges.” (Coulter)

4. If they did, they might have wandered into “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Almost 200 years ago, he wrote about the charm and the effect of Liberalism: In the 1830’s, he described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness.” Sounds great, eh? And, so many vote for exactly that.

a. But he also suggest that folks ask whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

6.Doubt that “Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals”? Check this out:

a. When Obama whispered to the Russians that he’d be more ‘flexible’ after the election…who among the Obama voters asked what was the flexibility, or why he was whispering it?

b. The uneducated and uncaring Obama voter claimed ‘Bush lied!,’ As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress….then did so his first week in office. Did "Obama Lies" become a bumper-sticker?

c. The obtuse Obama voter endorsed the Constitution by an ‘atta boy’ when Obama claimed to be a Constitutional law professor….but when he issued an executive order obviating a law, the Clinton welfare bill [“Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday confirmed that President Barack Obama did in fact change the rules in Bill Clinton’s landmark Welfare Reform Act despite the Obama administration's claims to the contrary. “], ….not a whimper. Seems they didn’t understand the designation ‘Legislative Branch.’ They forgot all about the Constitution.

d. While denying any proclivity toward Marxism, the ‘reliable Democrat voter’ rushed to pull the lever for a 20-year congregant of a James Cone inspired Black-Liberation church. Cone: “Marxism as a tool of social analysis can… help Christians to see how things really are.”
Cone, “For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church,” p. 187. “You Didn’t Build That!”

e. When the Obama administration was involved with incidents in which Americans were killed, ‘Fast and Furious,’ and Benghazi….they chose stone-walling as the strategy of choice. Seems that 'Bush Lied, People Died' didn't really mean anything to 'em.

f. Make a fuss about separation of religion from the public arena…but complain about voting for Romney because of his religion. And that Mormonism having been historically unkind to black folks….but support a party that produced Jim Crow laws, and fought against anti-lynching laws.

7. So, who elected this failed President to a second term? The Pod People.

No longer "The Uninformed," or simply 'reliable Democrat voters'.....

they are the Pod People.

Subsumed in an unthinking alien philosophy which allows no thought or reasoning.


No longer people: Pods.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Trailer - YouTube

Now, all of us live, not in the United States of America....but in

The Latter-day League of Legumes.

Way too complicated.

Republicans arrogantly thought they had it in the bag. They turned ou to be fuckin' wrong.

There ya go, simplified.
NOTHING beats rock!!! :rock:

Reminds me of the comedian that was asking how on Earth paper beats rock. Scissors cuts paper into shreds. Rock breaks scissors in two. Paper covers rock to which rock says "I'm still here...."

I understand how scissors can beat paper…and I get how rock can
beat scissors…but there’s no way paper can beat rock!!!
Paper is supposed to be magically wrapped around rock leaving it
Why can’t paper do this to scissors??
Screw scissors…why can’t paper do this to people?
Why aren’t college-ruled notebook paper sheets constantly
suffocating students as they attempt to take class notes?
I’ll tell you why: ‘cause paper can’t beat anybody!
A rock would tear it up in two seconds!
When I play paper-rock-scissors I always choose rock.
Then, when somebody claims to have beaten me with their
paper, I can punch them in the face with my already-clenched
fist, and say ‘oh, sorry, I thought paper would protect you!’

What's your point? Is that the essence of conservatism, then? I win or I'll hit you in the face? :eusa_eh:
NOTHING beats rock!!! :rock:

Reminds me of the comedian that was asking how on Earth paper beats rock. Scissors cuts paper into shreds. Rock breaks scissors in two. Paper covers rock to which rock says "I'm still here...."

I understand how scissors can beat paper…and I get how rock can
beat scissors…but there’s no way paper can beat rock!!!
Paper is supposed to be magically wrapped around rock leaving it
Why can’t paper do this to scissors??
Screw scissors…why can’t paper do this to people?
Why aren’t college-ruled notebook paper sheets constantly
suffocating students as they attempt to take class notes?
I’ll tell you why: ‘cause paper can’t beat anybody!
A rock would tear it up in two seconds!
When I play paper-rock-scissors I always choose rock.
Then, when somebody claims to have beaten me with their
paper, I can punch them in the face with my already-clenched
fist, and say ‘oh, sorry, I thought paper would protect you!’

So you're prone to violence when faced with those who you don't agree with.....

That explains everything.

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