Expand The US War In Syria Or Get Out: What Say You?...

Expand US War in Syria Or Get Out

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No, the US was already committed to defeating ISIS.
So who would have won?
Some coalition of Sunni groups since the Sunni make up the majority of the population and have been oppressed by both this Assad and his father. If you recall, ISIS was at war with the other Sunni groups as well as the Alawites who support Assad. So it would probably have been a moderate coalition of Sunni groups as well as some of the minorities like Kurds, Assyrians and Christians.
In other words another failed State to go with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Make Israel Great Again
It's a failed state now but if Russia had not stepped in to support Assad, the war would have ended, hundreds of lives would have been saved, millions of people would not have become homeless refugees and the Syrians would have had a chance to form a government that did not massacre them so casually.
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
No, the US was already committed to defeating ISIS.
So who would have won?
Some coalition of Sunni groups since the Sunni make up the majority of the population and have been oppressed by both this Assad and his father. If you recall, ISIS was at war with the other Sunni groups as well as the Alawites who support Assad. So it would probably have been a moderate coalition of Sunni groups as well as some of the minorities like Kurds, Assyrians and Christians.
Probably a moderate group? I'm sure. It would probably be a big mess and you have no reason to believe it wouldn't be. Aren't ISIS Sunni?
Moderate in terms of religion. ISIS and the other radical Sunni groups would continue to be under siege by the US and the rebel groups it supported, so the final coalition would tend to be moderate and inclusive.
Because Afghanistan and Iraq worked out so well. You are a special kind of stupid...
I'll take that as evidence you have given up.
Can't vote because like all of you, I dont know the facts.

But dont lef me stop you from passing ridiculous uninformed assumptions and judgments.
Did your ignorance stop you from voting in the Presidential election?
Oh look, a moron who thinks he's clever.


Tell me asshat, who did I vote for?
If I knew I wouldn't have posed the question.
If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
So who would have won?
Some coalition of Sunni groups since the Sunni make up the majority of the population and have been oppressed by both this Assad and his father. If you recall, ISIS was at war with the other Sunni groups as well as the Alawites who support Assad. So it would probably have been a moderate coalition of Sunni groups as well as some of the minorities like Kurds, Assyrians and Christians.
In other words another failed State to go with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Make Israel Great Again
It's a failed state now but if Russia had not stepped in to support Assad, the war would have ended, hundreds of lives would have been saved, millions of people would not have become homeless refugees and the Syrians would have had a chance to form a government that did not massacre them so casually.
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Some coalition of Sunni groups since the Sunni make up the majority of the population and have been oppressed by both this Assad and his father. If you recall, ISIS was at war with the other Sunni groups as well as the Alawites who support Assad. So it would probably have been a moderate coalition of Sunni groups as well as some of the minorities like Kurds, Assyrians and Christians.
In other words another failed State to go with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Make Israel Great Again
It's a failed state now but if Russia had not stepped in to support Assad, the war would have ended, hundreds of lives would have been saved, millions of people would not have become homeless refugees and the Syrians would have had a chance to form a government that did not massacre them so casually.
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Can't vote because like all of you, I dont know the facts.

But dont lef me stop you from passing ridiculous uninformed assumptions and judgments.
Did your ignorance stop you from voting in the Presidential election?
Oh look, a moron who thinks he's clever.


Tell me asshat, who did I vote for?
If I knew I wouldn't have posed the question.
If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
You're an idiot.
In other words another failed State to go with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Make Israel Great Again
It's a failed state now but if Russia had not stepped in to support Assad, the war would have ended, hundreds of lives would have been saved, millions of people would not have become homeless refugees and the Syrians would have had a chance to form a government that did not massacre them so casually.
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Your post seemed to show you weren't.
Can't vote because like all of you, I dont know the facts.

But dont lef me stop you from passing ridiculous uninformed assumptions and judgments.
Did your ignorance stop you from voting in the Presidential election?
Oh look, a moron who thinks he's clever.


Tell me asshat, who did I vote for?
If I knew I wouldn't have posed the question.
If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
You're an idiot.
Did your ignorance stop you from voting in the Presidential election?
Oh look, a moron who thinks he's clever.


Tell me asshat, who did I vote for?
If I knew I wouldn't have posed the question.
If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
You're an idiot.
Idiot - Wikipedia
It's a failed state now but if Russia had not stepped in to support Assad, the war would have ended, hundreds of lives would have been saved, millions of people would not have become homeless refugees and the Syrians would have had a chance to form a government that did not massacre them so casually.
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Your post seemed to show you weren't.
Who did the Bush administration promote to PM of Iraq in the new government?
So far it Isn't. The Iranians have SUCCESSFULLY brought about a disaster in Yemen via their SHILLS---the houthis who have created a bloodbath in Yemen-----they have taken major
cities----THE MOST IMPORTANT----Sanaa the capital and the
most important port---ADEN. Their activities ALSO INCLUDE
attacks on Saudi Arabia for the benefit of Iran. Iran seeks the
seaports in order to be able to BLOCK various parts of the red
sea-------vital for SEA GOING TRANSPORT USED BY THE USA . GOT IT NOW? The conquest puts lots of power into the hands of your fave imperialist terrorists-----IRAN and --incidentally-----russia
Thank you for explaining. I always tell my students, if you want to see who has the power in any period of history, look to the ships. It is still true.
I don't think Iran is going to tell us where to send our ships, though, Rosie. They'd be sorry little monkeys if they did.
And you can stop with assuming I have any dog in this fight. I don't. I don't want to, either.

oh good-----you understand that the issue is the SEA WATER
WAYS AND THE PORT CITIES-----both about the red sea
and the Mediterranean. AND you understand how VITAL they
are to the civilized world. Iran and Russia ABSOLUTELY will
block our ships at the vital strait of Hormuz if they can-----and if
you have your way -----they will be able to do so
If they try it we will go to war over it. Continuing this proxy war in Syria is not going to make a difference.

right------just like letting adolf have der sudentenland would not
make any difference.------or POLAND------or MOSCOW
I hope you're wrong. From looking at the map, I swear I can't see how Iran allying with Syria is going to make a tinker's damn of difference in whether the Straits of Hormuz are blocked. Iran could try it tomorrow, if they wanted to. And we would blow them to oblivion if they tried.

try again----you left out Iranian control of Yemen
Sure and no lives were lost after the fall of Saddam...
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Your post seemed to show you weren't.
Who did the Bush administration promote to PM of Iraq in the new government?
Maliki, who was a relative moderate but a weak man who was well managed by the Bush administration and given a crash course in democracy, but who became paranoid after Obama withdrew US troops and support for his government and for the Sunni militias who had been fighting al Qaeda.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
You know my stance on that. Hawk is the last word you would use to describe me.

I LOATH the World Police role.

I agree with you here brother. We have paid way too much in human cost and monetary costs!
Thank you for explaining. I always tell my students, if you want to see who has the power in any period of history, look to the ships. It is still true.
I don't think Iran is going to tell us where to send our ships, though, Rosie. They'd be sorry little monkeys if they did.
And you can stop with assuming I have any dog in this fight. I don't. I don't want to, either.

oh good-----you understand that the issue is the SEA WATER
WAYS AND THE PORT CITIES-----both about the red sea
and the Mediterranean. AND you understand how VITAL they
are to the civilized world. Iran and Russia ABSOLUTELY will
block our ships at the vital strait of Hormuz if they can-----and if
you have your way -----they will be able to do so
If they try it we will go to war over it. Continuing this proxy war in Syria is not going to make a difference.

right------just like letting adolf have der sudentenland would not
make any difference.------or POLAND------or MOSCOW
I hope you're wrong. From looking at the map, I swear I can't see how Iran allying with Syria is going to make a tinker's damn of difference in whether the Straits of Hormuz are blocked. Iran could try it tomorrow, if they wanted to. And we would blow them to oblivion if they tried.

try again----you left out Iranian control of Yemen
Would it be correct that they are there trying to fulfill the Prophecy that they believe in..........................Army of the Faithfull awaiting someone?????????????//

Would ISIS be trying to fulfill their version of the Prophecy trying to create Armagedon in Syria..............

The Radicals are after something.............don't you think.............and this plays right down the line of what one side HOPED FOR to begin with..........
Destroying Iraq shifted the balance of power in the region. Syria is a direct result.

It wasn't by accident.
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Your post seemed to show you weren't.
Who did the Bush administration promote to PM of Iraq in the new government?
Maliki, who was a relative moderate but a weak man who was well managed by the Bush administration and given a crash course in democracy, but who became paranoid after Obama withdrew US troops and support for his government and for the Sunni militias who had been fighting al Qaeda.
On 16 July 1979, al-Maliki fled Iraq after he was discovered to be a member of the outlawed Islamic Dawa Party. According to a brief biography on the Islamic Dawa Party's website, he left Iraq via Jordan in October, and soon moved to Syria, adopting the pseudonym "Jawad". He left Syria for Iran in 1982, where he lived in Tehran until 1990, before returning to Damascus where he remained until U.S. coalition forces invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam's regime in 2003.[9] While living in Syria, he worked as a political officer for Dawa, developing close ties with Hezbollah and particularly with Iran, supporting that country's effort to topple Saddam's regime.[10]
The war in Iraq was costly, but by the time Bush left office it had stabilized the region; it was Obama's withdrawal that led to ISIS and the instability in Iraq and Syria.
Cram it. I'm well aware of what happened.
Your post seemed to show you weren't.
Who did the Bush administration promote to PM of Iraq in the new government?
Maliki, who was a relative moderate but a weak man who was well managed by the Bush administration and given a crash course in democracy, but who became paranoid after Obama withdrew US troops and support for his government and for the Sunni militias who had been fighting al Qaeda.
On 16 July 1979, al-Maliki fled Iraq after he was discovered to be a member of the outlawed Islamic Dawa Party. According to a brief biography on the Islamic Dawa Party's website, he left Iraq via Jordan in October, and soon moved to Syria, adopting the pseudonym "Jawad". He left Syria for Iran in 1982, where he lived in Tehran until 1990, before returning to Damascus where he remained until U.S. coalition forces invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam's regime in 2003.[9] While living in Syria, he worked as a political officer for Dawa, developing close ties with Hezbollah and particularly with Iran, supporting that country's effort to topple Saddam's regime.[10]
Let me guess, you are starting to think that I may indeed understand what happened.

A moderate huh? Do you understand...... the US destabilized the region. Not Obama.......the USG. Fully supported by morons like yourself who now wish to destroy Syria.

Need more proof?

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was described in a leaked March 2009 diplomatic cable:

The King said he had "no confidence whatsoever in (Iraqi PM) Maliki, and the Ambassador (Fraker) is well aware of my views." The King affirmed that he had refused former President Bush's entreaties that he meet with al-Maliki. The King said he had met al-Maliki early in al-Maliki's term of office, and the Iraqi had given him a written list of commitments for reconciliation in Iraq, but had failed to follow through on any of them. For this reason, the King said, al-Maliki had little credibility. "I don't trust this man," the King stated, "He's an Iranian agent." The King said he had told both Bush and former Vice president Cheney "how can I meet with someone I don't trust?" Al-Maliki has "opened the door for Iranian influence in Iraq" since taking power, the King said, and he was "not hopeful at all" for al-Maliki, "or I would have met with him."[44]
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Oh look, a moron who thinks he's clever.


Tell me asshat, who did I vote for?
If I knew I wouldn't have posed the question.
If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
You're an idiot.
Idiot - Wikipedia
I was expecting a funny. You disappoint like a lost child

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