EXCLUSIVE: 700 Venezuelans Cross into West Texas Border Town in Seven Days


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Ah, yes, the open borders policy in full effect thanks to the dipshit Joe Biden and his POS administration.

A law enforcement source, speaking on a condition of anonymity, reported the illegal entry of 106 Venezuelan nationals south of Del Rio, Texas, on Thursday. The group consisted of 56 family units and was quickly apprehended by the Border Patrol. They were transported to nearby stations for processing.
Since Friday, more 700 Venezuelan nationals have entered through the small West Texas town. Most will be summarily released into the community to travel to their destination in the United States.
Last Friday, Border Patrol Agents apprehended 167 Venezuelans in the same area. On Sunday, an additional 112 made entry adding to the total. On Monday, 106 Venezuelan nationals made landfall in the same area. On Wednesday, over 200 Venezuelans illegally entered as well.
This group will more than likely be released into the United States to pursue asylum claims even though they would not qualify for the TPS designation. The source reports many of the Venezuelans interviewed during the week directly attributed the suspension of deportations by the Biden Administration as the impetus for their entry into the United States.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector.

A never-ending horde of turd-world people thanks to the Idiot-In-Chief Biden.
Why would anyone want to flee from Venezuela?
Venezuela is doing everything the Progressive way.
no rich people
no corporations
no eeeeevil Anglos
everyone is equal
free food.....lol
Ah, yes, the open borders policy in full effect thanks to the dipshit Joe Biden and his POS administration.

A law enforcement source, speaking on a condition of anonymity, reported the illegal entry of 106 Venezuelan nationals south of Del Rio, Texas, on Thursday. The group consisted of 56 family units and was quickly apprehended by the Border Patrol. They were transported to nearby stations for processing.
Since Friday, more 700 Venezuelan nationals have entered through the small West Texas town. Most will be summarily released into the community to travel to their destination in the United States.
Last Friday, Border Patrol Agents apprehended 167 Venezuelans in the same area. On Sunday, an additional 112 made entry adding to the total. On Monday, 106 Venezuelan nationals made landfall in the same area. On Wednesday, over 200 Venezuelans illegally entered as well.
This group will more than likely be released into the United States to pursue asylum claims even though they would not qualify for the TPS designation. The source reports many of the Venezuelans interviewed during the week directly attributed the suspension of deportations by the Biden Administration as the impetus for their entry into the United States.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector.

Every one of them should be packed into buses and sent back to Mexico. They came from Mexico, let them go back. Let Mexico deal with their illegal asses.
A never-ending horde of turd-world people thanks to the Idiot-In-Chief Biden.

Yup. Very frustrating since Trump had the border handled very well. Now we get the incompetent stuttering fuck screwing up everything. These illegals cost us billions each year and now we have more. He expects the States to house them?? If I were the States I would refuse and send them all the DC.
America should not be the repository for fleeing catholics. Pospotus JoeXi is not only catholic church-and-state fungal growth, but a CIA puppet.
Ah, yes, the open borders policy in full effect thanks to the dipshit Joe Biden and his POS administration.

A law enforcement source, speaking on a condition of anonymity, reported the illegal entry of 106 Venezuelan nationals south of Del Rio, Texas, on Thursday. The group consisted of 56 family units and was quickly apprehended by the Border Patrol. They were transported to nearby stations for processing.
Since Friday, more 700 Venezuelan nationals have entered through the small West Texas town. Most will be summarily released into the community to travel to their destination in the United States.
Last Friday, Border Patrol Agents apprehended 167 Venezuelans in the same area. On Sunday, an additional 112 made entry adding to the total. On Monday, 106 Venezuelan nationals made landfall in the same area. On Wednesday, over 200 Venezuelans illegally entered as well.
This group will more than likely be released into the United States to pursue asylum claims even though they would not qualify for the TPS designation. The source reports many of the Venezuelans interviewed during the week directly attributed the suspension of deportations by the Biden Administration as the impetus for their entry into the United States.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector.

Move the all to San Francisco
Many Americans no doubt are very happy to welcome those ladies & gentlemen from Venezuela.

They feel that the United States of America is a large country that can easily accommodate them.

They feel that immigrants refresh a nation.

I live in Los Angeles. A suburb named Compton has long been a bastion of African American life. Now the media report that there is the possibility that its next mayor may be a Hispanic person.

As they say in the beautiful Spanish language: Bienvenido. (Translation is in the first sentence above)
EXCLUSIVE: 700 Venezuelans Cross into West Texas Border Town in Seven Days

Well, with all this importation of other country's poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations, our country's future is not hard to imagine:


The fact is, we are headed in the following direction:


Many Americans no doubt are very happy to welcome those ladies & gentlemen from Venezuela.

They feel that the United States of America is a large country that can easily accommodate them.

They feel that immigrants refresh a nation.

I live in Los Angeles. A suburb named Compton has long been a bastion of African American life. Now the media report that there is the possibility that its next mayor may be a Hispanic person.

As they say in the beautiful Spanish language: Bienvenido. (Translation is in the first sentence above)
I used to live in Compton. It, along with nearby Lynwood were cities of wealth. In the 60s they became black. Through deliberate design Hispanics forced blacks out. Today they are both Hispanic barrios.
Well, with all this importation of other country's poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations, our country's future is not hard to imagine:


The fact is, we are headed in the following direction:



With so many Africans we will turn into Paris with El Paso being Calais.
I used to live in Compton. It, along with nearby Lynwood were cities of wealth. In the 60s they became black. Through deliberate design Hispanics forced blacks out. Today they are both Hispanic barrios.
I would like to comment, but -- as usual -- I do not have the guts.

Furthermore, there is nothing that one can do except shake his/her head and move on.
welcome to Xiden’s america…he literally has the flood gates of covid open and allowing the virus to pour in this country. He can’t be this stupid, thus it has to be on purpose
Gee, Venezuela isn't the Socialist paradise Sean Penn and left loons described and supported?

Color me shocked

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