Ex-staffer: Benghazi committee pursuing 'partisan investigation'


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
even the Righties here can't deny it now.
Who's denying anything? The bitch is a prime target who is personally responsible for the deaths of four Americans in her Department. When she is found guilty she should receive the highest possible punishment.
you're not denying what former next speaker in line McCarthy said then? Interesting.
Something we knew the day the committee was formed.

What's there to react to? One had to be blind not to see from the start this reeked of politics. But its like the attorney in movies who purposely let's slip something he knows the opposition will object to and the judge will react by telling the jury to ignore. Beauty of it is from our side is that the e-mail server mess is hitting home and thus this Benghazi effort will likely bear fruit in building suspicion.

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