Evolution of the Saxophone

Today we will look further into the genetics of dyslexia and amino acid music as it relates to reading. Reviewing the thread, at post #30 is the 'occipito-parietal for kanji' from the text of Hannas's book. We will look at the regions of the brain compromised in dyslexia. At post #48, the MIDI controller for sax does not align with our didjeridu trajectory, because the controller cannot play live sax while simultaneously playing didj. However, a didj switching harness can play live synth, especially efficient when it's controlled from hard-wired sax keys linked to the synth. Note that this capability was known as early as 1987, though didj playing was not linked to it at that time.
Importantly, Xavier Rudd's skills (above) in mastering the rhythm cycle of the topological trinity link to dyslexia:

Ap 2019 Temporal-Tonal / Dyslexia
Are Temporal and Tonal Musical Skills Related to Phonological Awareness and Literacy Skills? - Evidence From Two Cross-Sectional Studies With Child... - PubMed - NCBI
'....The finding that rhythm reproduction, an auditory temporal processing skill integrating perceptual and motor aspects of rhythm processing was especially tightly linked to phonological awareness and literacy corroborates other findings on associations between rhythm processing and literacy development and is of interest from the viewpoint of current theories of developmental dyslexia.'

We will be taking a closer look at the mismatch response as it relates to precise areas of the brain and the genes involved.

Ap 2019 Music Training / Dyslexia / Mismatch Negativity
Music Training Positively Influences the Preattentive Perception of Voice Onset Time in Children with Dyslexia: A Longitudinal Study. - PubMed - NCBI
The reading of amino acid sheet music and its alphabet, including newly developed Japanese alphabets and others, links to mismatch negativity and dyslexia. The amino acid sequences of dyslexia-specific genes can also be played as music.

Mismatch Negativity
Mismatch negativity - Wikipedia

'Our definition of "Chinese" has important implications for understanding the nature, functioning and utility of the character writing system, as will become evident in later chapters. There are also social and political dimensions to the problem....The only thing preventing pinyin from achieving full status as a recognized alternative writing system is a well-founded fear by Chinese traditionalists that, given a chance to compete on equal terms, the system would eventually marginalize the sphere of character usage to classical studies and decorative artifacts, as happened in Vietnam. If history is any guide, this will eventually happen, perhaps sooner than many realize.'
(Hannas, Asia's Orthographic Dilemma, pp. 24-5)

As Hannas mentions in the book, there are German underpinnings in Chinese language, so to begin withy, we use this example from a German study of 2017:

'Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder affecting reading and spelling abilities. Its prevalence is ~5% in German-speaking individuals. Although the etiology of dyslexia largely remains to be determined, comprehensive evidence supports deficient phonological processing as a major contributing factor. An important prerequisite for phonological processing is auditory discrimination and, thus, essential for acquiring reading and spelling skills.The event-related potential Mismatch Response (MMR) is an indicator for auditory discrimination capabilities with dyslexics showing an altered late component of MMR in response to auditory input.

In this study, we comprehensively analyzed associations of dyslexia-specific late MMRs with genetic variants previously reported to be associated with dyslexia-related phenotypes in multiple studies comprising 25 independent single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with 10 genes.

We demonstrated validity of these SNPs for dyslexia in our sample by showing that additional inclusion of polygenic risk score improved prediction of impaired writing compared with a model that used MMR alone....In total four independent SNPs within DYX1C1 and ATP2C2 genes were found to be associated with MMR stronger than expected from multiple testing.'
(Mueller B, et al, ATP2C2 and DYX1C1 are Putative Modulators of Dyslexia-Related MMR, Brain and Behavior, Sept 2017)

In the future, the reading of amino acid sheet music may be incorporated into testing for dyslexia-related MMR and other reading-writing phenomena, because as Hannas states on p. 271,

'There is one more problem with nonphonetic character coding methods that needs to be mentioned. Educators speak too faciley of of the distinction between character "recognition skills" and the skills needed to produce them by hand, as if the two were completely independent. In fact, there is much experimental and anecdotal evidence to support a connection between the two types of skills. As one's ability physically to write Chinese characters, stroke by stroke, improves, so it seems does one's ability to recognize them and distinguish one from the other. Conversely, as writing skills deteriorate from lack of practice, so does recognition. Primitive motor skills seem to play a part in reinforcing memory here as in other areas.'

Apart from dyslexia and if taught in elementary school, a Japanese alphabet would be an example of a Hannasian political dimension, not simply for its efficiency in transmitting language.
We will investigate the efficiency or non-efficiency of amino acid music as it relates to reading problems and memory. If it can be applied in the early years, it would have political implications, especially with such examples as a Japanese alphabet, where an English 'a' = Japanese 'a.'

'Political: Of or pertaining to citizens -- political rights; the use of a writing system that is more efficient and less tedious than that used by government or the state; having a definite policy or system of government: a political community; pertaining to or dealing with the science or art of politics.'
(The American College Dictionary)

Hannas on the Morpheme

'I have noted that characters identify morphemes, but I have not sufficiently emphasized the fact that meanings of morphemes, in Chinese or any other language, drift over time. In alphabetically written languages this drift is not a problem: users are not compelled to associate any one meaning with a given phonetic representation. Not so with Chinese characters. Because of their unique shapes, characters can keep their identity while accumulating over time multiple meanings that may be of interest to specialists but have no relevance to actual users....But the crucial difference is that alphabet users are not predisposed by the nature of the writing to link the meanings of different morphemes with the same graphic forms, unlike users of character scripts, who cannot avoid it, even where semantic drift has proceeded so far as to make the practical motivation for the linkage meaningless.'
(Asia's Orthographic Dilemma, pp. 295-6)

Music is a universal language. Will it help or hinder those with reading problems? Amino acid sheet music is one way to find out.
We next politically compare Hannas excerpt about Chinese language to the language of the separation of church and state pathology concerning the Bladensburg cross.

'The Supreme Court's Giant Cross Compromise Will Erode the Separation of Church and State
'....A government action must have a secular purpose; it must not advance or inhibit religion; and it must not foster excessive entanglement between religion and government....Why are "monuments, symbols, practices" different? First, "identifying their original purpose or purposes may be especially difficult." Second, their "purposes....often multiply" with the passage of time. Third, and relatedly, their "message" may "evolve" over time -- shifting from sectarian to secular. Fourth, removing them once they've gained "familiarity and historical significance" may "strike many as aggressively hostile to religion." (Note the contradiction here: A long-standing cross no longer conveys a purely christian message, but (removing [italics]) it may convey an anti-christian message. Go figure.).'

So, the "message" of the christian cross evolves along with the semantics of a Chinese character, as Scotus attempts to reify a concrete symbol in Maryland.

'First, in my view, the whole cultural argument for Chinese characters is bogus. Chinese characters do the same thing culturally that they do linguistically: they straddle the fence between a writing system's two main functions and as a consequence execute neither function properly. Lacking means to convey a language's phonetic structure in detail, Chinese characters prevent individual cultures from expressing and developing their own linguistic resources. At the same time, having no practical means for borrowing foreign words, the characters and syllable-based orthographies that they support make it difficult for the societies using them to tap into the emerging world culture....Chinese characters, in other words, attempt the nearly impossible task of blocking the two dominant political-cultural movements of our time, namely, the erosion of geopolitical blocks and their replacement with a pluralistic, global society. Resisting these powerful social trends indefinitely is more than any cultural artifact can manage, even if its devotees were receiving a high degree of practical utility from it -- which they certainly are not. This power leads to the second reason for dismissing the traditionalist argument: it is irrelevant. Change is already happening, and in the long run it make no difference how much traditionalists whine about it.'
(Hannas, op cit p. 298)
Musical Politics for 29 Jun 2019

For us, the fact that Putin's daughter is a Japanese philologist works out nicely for our adoption of a Japanese alphabet to amino acid music and reading problems. Russian teen-agers seem to have state-sponsored protection from pedophiliac machines until they can grow up enough to fend for themselves.

Putin Says 'Genius Musician' Elton John Mistaken on Russia LGBT Rights
Putin says 'genius musician' Elton John mistaken on Russia LGBT rights
This woodwind video is the best we've found for "circular breathing."

Didgeridoo Secret Revealed
It's yet unknown if amino acid music and/or its reading will be a help or hindrance to dyslexics. The particular pathology concerns phonetic decoding, mentioned here at time-point 2:15

True Gifts of a Dyslexic Mind
Dyslexics can begin immediately to write their own melodies that they prefer along the reading line (octave key line) depicted in post #2. We surmise that if the dyslexic produces their own music, they can better read, spell, and remember it with the help of primitive motor skills.
A Japanese alphabet will be interchangeable with the alphabet in post #2, placed either above or below only one reading line. The saxophone now becomes a typewriter.

Orthographic Reading Deficits in Dyslexic Japanese Children
Orthographic Reading Deficits in Dyslexic Japanese Children: Examining the Transposed-Letter Effect in the Color-Word Stroop Paradigm. - PubMed - NCBI
'....This is the first report suggesting that orthographic reading is possibly impaired in Japanese dyslexics.'

An intriguing area of research is early diagnosis.

Delayed Development of Phonological Constancy in Toddlers at Family Risk for Dyslexia
Delayed development of phonological constancy in toddlers at family risk for dyslexia. - PubMed - NCBI
'....i) controls were expected to prefer familiar words only in their native accent at 15 months, but in both native and non-native accents at 19 and 26 months, whereas

ii) at-risk infants were expected to show preference for familiar words only in their native accent at 15 and 19 months, and possibly an emerging familiar word preference in the non-native accent by 26 months or possibly no familiar word preference in non-native accents at any age.'
This is the didge we will be using with the electric saxophone:

Chord-Word Exercises

Using the chart in post #2, these are chord-word exercises for C chords. Voicings for each chord can vary. In other words, the chord-word can look/read differently depending upon the arrangement of the letters, which can also be adapted to piano, etc. Amino is on the left, musical note in concert pitch is on the right.

C Major FSI CEG (with spacing: F S I, C E G)

C Minor FYI CE(flat)G

C Diminished FWY CE(flat)F(#)

C Diminished Seventh FSD CEA

C Augmented FSD CEA(flat)

C Dominant Seventh FSIC CEGB(flat)

C Minor Seventh FYIL CE(flat)GB(flat)

C Major Seventh FSIN CEGB

C Major Sixth FSIE CEGA

C Minor Sixth FYIE CE(flat)GA

C Seventh Sharp Fifth FSDC CEA(flat)B(flat)

C Seventh Flat Fifth FSWC CEF(#)B(flat)

C Major Seventh Flat Third FYIN CE(flat)GB

C Minor Seventh Flat Fifth FYWC CE(flat)F(#)E(flat)

C Dominant Seventh Suspended Fourth FMIC CFGB(flat)

C Ninth FISCQ CEGB(flat)D

C Minor Ninth FYICQ CE(flat)GB(flat)D


C Ninth Augmented Fifth FSDCQ CEA(flat)B(flat)D

C Ninth Flatted Fifth FSWCQ CEF(#)B(flat)D

C Sixth Add Nine FSIEQ CEGAD

C Eleventh FSICQM CEGB(flat)DF

C Augmented Eleventh FSICQW CEGB(flat)DF(#)

Some helpful discourse on dyslexia:

Dyslexia: Need Health Insurance to Cover ADHD and Dyslexia

Dyslexia and Insurance Coverage?
The URL is correctly transcribed, the page can be retrieved by typing in, Dyslexia and Insurance Coverage
From experience, we suggest that anyone attempting to build an electric saxophone should be aware that 1.) decoding the fingering logic for melody production is more complex than 2.) hard-wiring the keys for chord-only production. As soon as one electric key on the sax can activate any key of any synth or piano, one has begun to help free all woodwind players on earth from their one-note-at-a-time imprisonment, introducing them to a world many of them never knew. Wiring all the keys for 2.) will give the worker more confidence when attempting to accomplish 1.) and will save one much initial frustration.
Towards Freeing the Prisoners

The woodwind player who can produce chords rather than simply single notes is richer in musical grammar and syntax, perhaps also in linguistic grammar and syntax. Leonard Bernstein reinforces such an assumption in his 1973 lecture at timepoint 28:10 in the video:

The Unanswered Question 1973 Musical Syntax

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