Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
The story has been told of a person who went back to his university professor many years after completing his degree in Economics. He asked to look at the test questions they were now using. He was surprised to see that they were virtually the same questions he was asked when he was a student. The lecturer then said that although the questions were the same the answers are were entirely different!

I once debated with a geology professor from an American University on a radio program. He said that evolution was real science because evolutionists were prepared to continually change their theories as they found new data. He said that creation was not science because a creationist's views were set by the Bible and, therefore, were not subject to change.

I answered, "The reason scientific theories change is because we don't know everything, isn't it? We don't have all the evidence."
"Yes, that's right," he said.
I replied, "But, we will never know everything."
"That's true," he answered.
I then stated, "We will always continue to find new evidence."
"Quite correct," he said. I replied, "That means we can't be sure about anything."
"Right," he said.
"That means we can't be sure about evolution."
"Oh, no! Evolution is a fact," he blurted out. He was caught by his own logic. He was demonstrating how his view was determined by his bias.

Models of science are subject to change for both creationists and evolutionists. But the beliefs that these models are built on are not.

The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is Religion
The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1: 18-25: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident to them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore, God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." Paul was a lawyer, a lawyer of the Torah. He used legal methods of persuasion to convince people of the truths of creation, their need to recognize the Creator revealed in the Bible and their need of a Savior. Paul said that the wrath of God comes against those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. How can he justify his statement that there are those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness? He says that God has made Himself evident to them. How can Paul say that God has made Himself evident to them? He says because that which is known about God is made obvious to them through the things that He has made. Paul uses the argument from design. He says that since we see obviously created objects we must know that there is a Designer/Maker. Paul argues that evolutionists are without excuse, reason, or defense. Paul says that they blindly hold fast to their beliefs in spite of the evidence to the contrary. In counter argument Paul points out that Christians have an evidence based faith. Christians have an excuse, reason and defense. Paul presses his argument further to point out that those who are evolutionists become futile in their speculations, in their fable telling. Their hearts, their spirits, become darkened. They claim wisdom and knowledge that they do not have. They invent stories which they cannot support. They build a house of cards trying to defend their position. Their stories are plausible and logical, but all things that are plausible and all things that are logical are not necessarily true. Paul writes that those who accept evolutionism are fools. Today the word "fools" is not necessarily a strong word. Even the most intelligent person might make a foolish mistake now and then. If you drive up to a street corner and turn right when you should have turned left, it might be said that you did something foolish. But, that is not the word Paul used 2,000 years ago. In Greek, Paul wrote that those who accept evolutionism are "morons." A more modern translation would be that they become idiots. Those are harsh words, indeed. How can Paul justify such harsh rhetoric? He says it because those who knowingly reject the truth of Gods existence have exchanged the worship of the One true Creator for the worship of those things which He has created. They worship trees and animals instead of God. They have exchanged the truth of God for a lie. If you exchange a lie for the truth, that is a good idea. If you exchange the truth for a lie, that is a bad idea. Paul declares in no uncertain terms that those who accept evolution have exchanged the truth for a lie. They have made an obviously poor decision - See more at: Creation Worldview Ministries: Is the earth 4,600,000,000 years old? Or, is the earth only 2,191,000 days (6,000 years) old?
Evolution is a scientifically established fact. No scientist is questioning that it is real. The various arguments are not about if it is happening but how it is happening. You may as well deny the existence of gravity because no one can say for sure how it works.
Evolution is a scientifically established fact. No scientist is questioning that it is real. The various arguments are not about if it is happening but how it is happening. You may as well deny the existence of gravity because no one can say for sure how it works.

Unfortunately, it's a theory - not a fact - It's the Theory of Evolution - untill someonme invents a Time Machine it will remain a theory. It's a theory that I somewhat agree with - however it has alot of holes in it .

One primary hole being the absense of intermediate species or transitional fossils with the geological evidence.

Transitional fossils are the remains of those creatures which should be found ‘in-between’ one kind of creature and another kind. For example, evolutionists have long sought the ‘missing link’ between ape and human—some sort of half human/half ape intermediate form. None has ever been found, though many candidates have come and gone. Amplified, no doubt, by the lure of prestige, fame and fortune, the desire to discover such a fossil has led some even to fabricate evidence, such as with the famous Piltdown Man hoax. In that case, though the perpetrator has never been definitively identified, a human skull was ‘planted’ with an ape’s jaw which was crudely ‘doctored’. The result fooled the world for decades into thinking this was proof of human evolution.

And your comment re:Gravity - uh sorry to burst your bubble - but Gravity is a fact , and uh yes but I'm sorry they do understand how it works......You must be a Liberal - Right ?
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Evolution is a scientifically established fact. No scientist is questioning that it is real. The various arguments are not about if it is happening but how it is happening. You may as well deny the existence of gravity because no one can say for sure how it works.

Unfortunately, it's a theory - not a fact - It's the Theory of Evolution - untill someonme invents a Time Machine it will remain a theory. It's a theory that I somewhat agree with - however it has alot of holes in it .

One primary hole being the absense of intermediate species or transitional fossils with the geological evidence.

Transitional fossils are the remains of those creatures which should be found ‘in-between’ one kind of creature and another kind. For example, evolutionists have long sought the ‘missing link’ between ape and human—some sort of half human/half ape intermediate form. None has ever been found, though many candidates have come and gone. Amplified, no doubt, by the lure of prestige, fame and fortune, the desire to discover such a fossil has led some even to fabricate evidence, such as with the famous Piltdown Man hoax. In that case, though the perpetrator has never been definitively identified, a human skull was ‘planted’ with an ape’s jaw which was crudely ‘doctored’. The result fooled the world for decades into thinking this was proof of human evolution.

And your comment re:Gravity - uh sorry to burst your bubble - but Gravity is a fact , and uh yes but I'm sorry they do understand how it works......You must be a Liberal - Right ?

Wow.... that's pretty much all I can say to this. Just.... wow.
The problem is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the FALSE religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a FALSE religion; it is not a science!
Evolution is a scientifically established fact. No scientist is questioning that it is real. The various arguments are not about if it is happening but how it is happening. You may as well deny the existence of gravity because no one can say for sure how it works.

Unfortunately, it's a theory - not a fact - It's the Theory of Evolution - untill someonme invents a Time Machine it will remain a theory. It's a theory that I somewhat agree with - however it has alot of holes in it .

One primary hole being the absense of intermediate species or transitional fossils with the geological evidence.

Transitional fossils are the remains of those creatures which should be found ‘in-between’ one kind of creature and another kind. For example, evolutionists have long sought the ‘missing link’ between ape and human—some sort of half human/half ape intermediate form. None has ever been found, though many candidates have come and gone. Amplified, no doubt, by the lure of prestige, fame and fortune, the desire to discover such a fossil has led some even to fabricate evidence, such as with the famous Piltdown Man hoax. In that case, though the perpetrator has never been definitively identified, a human skull was ‘planted’ with an ape’s jaw which was crudely ‘doctored’. The result fooled the world for decades into thinking this was proof of human evolution.

And your comment re:Gravity - uh sorry to burst your bubble - but Gravity is a fact , and uh yes but I'm sorry they do understand how it works......You must be a Liberal - Right ?

Wow.... that's pretty much all I can say to this. Just.... wow.

You didn't answer the question -you're a Liberal Right ? I'd really hate to think that someone as scientifically illiterate as you seem to be could be anything but an ignorant Liberal .
Creationists attack evolution because they cannot support creation. Are there holes in the theory of evolution? Sure there are. But here's the important facts:

There is real factual data that supports evolution.
There is no factual data of any kind that supports creation.
Creationists attack evolution because they cannot support creation. Are there holes in the theory of evolution? Sure there are. But here's the important facts:

There is real factual data that supports evolution.
There is no factual data of any kind that supports creation.

Unfortunately, it's a theory - not a fact - It's the Theory of Evolution - untill someonme invents a Time Machine it will remain a theory. It's a theory that I somewhat agree with - however it has alot of holes in it .

One primary hole being the absense of intermediate species or transitional fossils with the geological evidence.

And your comment re:Gravity - uh sorry to burst your bubble - but Gravity is a fact , and uh yes but I'm sorry they do understand how it works......You must be a Liberal - Right ?

Wow.... that's pretty much all I can say to this. Just.... wow.

You didn't answer the question -you're a Liberal Right ? I'd really hate to think that someone as scientifically illiterate as you seem to be could be anything but an ignorant Liberal .

Yeah. I'm sure you do think that. Just.... wow.
Tenets of Scientific Creationism

1.The physical universe of space, time, matter and energy has not always existed, but was supernaturally created by a transcendent personal Creator who alone has existed from eternity.
2.The phenomenon of biological life did not develop by natural processes from inanimate systems but was specially and supernaturally created by the Creator.
3.Each of the major kinds of plants and animals was created functionally complete from the beginning and did not evolve from some other kind of organism. Changes in basic kinds since their first creation are limited to "horizontal" changes (variations) within the kinds, or "downward" changes (e.g., harmful mutations, extinctions).
4.The first human beings did not evolve from an animal ancestry, but were specially created in fully human form from the start. Furthermore, the "spiritual" nature of man (self-image, moral consciousness, abstract reasoning, language, will, religious nature, etc.) is itself a supernaturally created entity distinct from mere biological life.
5.Earth pre-history, as preserved especially in the crustal rocks and fossil deposits, is primarily a record of catastrophic intensities of natural processes, operating largely within uniform natural laws, rather than one of uniformitarian process rates. There is therefore no a priori reason for not considering the many scientific evidences for a relatively recent creation of the earth and the universe, in addition to the scientific evidences that most of the earth's fossiliferous sediments were formed in an even more recent global hydraulic cataclysm.
6.Processes today operate primarily within fixed natural laws and relatively uniform process rates. Since these were themselves originally created and are daily maintained by their Creator, however, there is always the possibility of miraculous intervention in these laws or processes by their Creator. Evidences for such intervention must be scrutinized critically, however, because there must be clear and adequate reason for any such action on the part of the Creator.
7.The universe and life have somehow been impaired since the completion of creation, so that imperfections in structure, disease, aging, extinctions and other such phenomena are the result of "negative" changes in properties and processes occurring in an originally perfect created order.
8.Since the universe and its primary components were created perfect for their purposes in the beginning by a competent and volitional Creator, and since the Creator does remain active in this now-decaying creation, there does exist ultimate purpose and meaning in the universe. Teleological considerations, therefore, are appropriate in scientific studies whenever they are consistent with the actual data of observation, and it is reasonable to assume that the creation presently awaits the consummation of the Creator's purpose.
The Tenets of Creationism
Creationists attack evolution because they cannot support creation. Are there holes in the theory of evolution? Sure there are. But here's the important facts:

There is real factual data that supports evolution.
There is no factual data of any kind that supports creation.


I'm not Satan. I'll bet that many liberals think I am though.

Where is the lie in my post?
Wow.... that's pretty much all I can say to this. Just.... wow.

You didn't answer the question -you're a Liberal Right ? I'd really hate to think that someone as scientifically illiterate as you seem to be could be anything but an ignorant Liberal .

Yeah. I'm sure you do think that. Just.... wow.

You certainly do have alot of WOWs - is that the sound of air escaping from your hollow head, or did you just fart ?

Anyway - you just answered ny question whether you know it or not - you're just another ignorant Liberal .
Creationists attack evolution because they cannot support creation. Are there holes in the theory of evolution? Sure there are. But here's the important facts:

There is real factual data that supports evolution.
There is no factual data of any kind that supports creation.


I'm not Satan. I'll bet that many liberals think I am though.

Where is the lie in my post?

BELIEVERS expose the theory of evolution for what it is =a SILLY,IGNORANT THEORY invented by sin loving GOD REJECTORS that fear their final judgment day.
There are gaps in our understanding of quantum physics but that doesn't stop you from using technology developed from such theories such as the computer you are using right now.
There are gaps in our understanding of quantum physics but that doesn't stop you from using technology developed from such theories such as the computer you are using right now.

TRY TO THINK!!! MAN'S ABILITY to think is good proof evolution is just a silly theory. Man was created in GOD'S image,we think(some do) GOD gave us rule on earth.
There are gaps in our understanding of quantum physics but that doesn't stop you from using technology developed from such theories such as the computer you are using right now.

TRY TO THINK!!! MAN'S ABILITY to think is good proof evolution is just a silly theory. Man was created in GOD'S image,we think(some do) GOD gave us rule on earth.

God is created in man's image, bud.

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