Evidence Beginning To Surface That Jan 6th Was A Democrat Setup (With Help From Never-Trumpers Group) From The Beginning


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The New York Times has already admitted that they made up the cause of death of officer Sickneck. Now more and more....we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation. Now the Lincoln Project is being disbanded.....their work removing Trump done:

February 19, 2021​
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.​
In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views — meaning any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now.​

On February 17, D'Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled "Trump's Next Move." You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi's behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.​
D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in — and treated respectfully — by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works.​
Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew that large numbers of Trump-supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D'Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As speaker of the House, it's inconceivable that Pelosi wasn't part of this decision.​

In addition, says D'Souza:​

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined — and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms [sic] working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.

The sergeant at arms later explained that they didn't want the "optics" of troops in town — but D'Souza states correctly that "this explanation to me makes absolutely no sense." Since January 6, the Democrats have been rubbing security in everyone's face, so those optics are fine with them.​

Pelosi's been moving people around like chess pieces since then:​

Now, right after January 6 what does Nancy Pelosi do? She fires the sergeant of arms [sic]. She fires the Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund and she replaces him with another guy and, very interestingly, the police union, the union that actually represents the Capitol Police, took a vote and 92% of them have voted no confidence in this quote "new leadership." In other words, in this guy Yogananda Pittman, Nancy Pelosi's man that she stuck in there. The Capitol Police are basically saying we don't think this guy is any good.​

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The New York Times has already admitted that they made up the cause of death of officer Sickneck. Now more and more....we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation. Now the Lincoln Project is being disbanded.....their work removing Trump done:

February 19, 2021​
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.​
In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views — meaning any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now.​

On February 17, D'Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled "Trump's Next Move." You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi's behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.​
D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in — and treated respectfully — by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works.​
Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew that large numbers of Trump-supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D'Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As speaker of the House, it's inconceivable that Pelosi wasn't part of this decision.​

In addition, says D'Souza:​

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined — and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms [sic] working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.​

The sergeant at arms later explained that they didn't want the "optics" of troops in town — but D'Souza states correctly that "this explanation to me makes absolutely no sense." Since January 6, the Democrats have been rubbing security in everyone's face, so those optics are fine with them.​

Pelosi's been moving people around like chess pieces since then:​

Now, right after January 6 what does Nancy Pelosi do? She fires the sergeant of arms [sic]. She fires the Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund and she replaces him with another guy and, very interestingly, the police union, the union that actually represents the Capitol Police, took a vote and 92% of them have voted no confidence in this quote "new leadership." In other words, in this guy Yogananda Pittman, Nancy Pelosi's man that she stuck in there. The Capitol Police are basically saying we don't think this guy is any good.​

This happens because we stopped hanging traitors.
The New York Times has already admitted that they made up the cause of death of officer Sickneck. Now more and more....we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation. Now the Lincoln Project is being disbanded.....their work removing Trump done:

February 19, 2021​
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.​
In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views — meaning any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now.​

On February 17, D'Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled "Trump's Next Move." You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi's behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.​
D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in — and treated respectfully — by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works.​
Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew that large numbers of Trump-supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D'Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As speaker of the House, it's inconceivable that Pelosi wasn't part of this decision.​

In addition, says D'Souza:​

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined — and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms [sic] working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.​

The sergeant at arms later explained that they didn't want the "optics" of troops in town — but D'Souza states correctly that "this explanation to me makes absolutely no sense." Since January 6, the Democrats have been rubbing security in everyone's face, so those optics are fine with them.​

Pelosi's been moving people around like chess pieces since then:​

Now, right after January 6 what does Nancy Pelosi do? She fires the sergeant of arms [sic]. She fires the Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund and she replaces him with another guy and, very interestingly, the police union, the union that actually represents the Capitol Police, took a vote and 92% of them have voted no confidence in this quote "new leadership." In other words, in this guy Yogananda Pittman, Nancy Pelosi's man that she stuck in there. The Capitol Police are basically saying we don't think this guy is any good.​

Yep. Obvious after 5 minutes.
Remember When?.jpg
we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation.-mudwhistle

God y'all are just...wow.
Considering the way she's acting.....this is no surprise. You're some dirtbag shitforbrains with the tactical sense of a Turkey.....one of the stupidest birds on the planet.

When I was on a Special Forces A Team I was well known for have a Sixth-Sense on these sorts of operations.
Now....everything I suspected is becoming a fact.
Give it time and everything will be exposed.....with the help of a constant drip-drip-drip of revelations to lesson the impact of the truth.
Eventually...if Pelosi admits to it.....she'll be hailed as a hero for being a traitor.
They only had to re-define what it means to be a traitor.
They couldn't do it without a complicit media...every time I hear from a media report on the protest the death count goes up...last I heard 7 people died at the capitol...lies...all lies....

I could tell the people at the top of the steps were not Trump supporters...they dressed alike in all black...never saw them at the white house....
This was a typical Pelosi false flag operation....
The New York Times has already admitted that they made up the cause of death of officer Sickneck. Now more and more....we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation. Now the Lincoln Project is being disbanded.....their work removing Trump done:

February 19, 2021​
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.​
In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views — meaning any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now.​

On February 17, D'Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled "Trump's Next Move." You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi's behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.​
D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in — and treated respectfully — by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works.​
Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew that large numbers of Trump-supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D'Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As speaker of the House, it's inconceivable that Pelosi wasn't part of this decision.​

In addition, says D'Souza:​

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined — and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms [sic] working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.

The sergeant at arms later explained that they didn't want the "optics" of troops in town — but D'Souza states correctly that "this explanation to me makes absolutely no sense." Since January 6, the Democrats have been rubbing security in everyone's face, so those optics are fine with them.​

Pelosi's been moving people around like chess pieces since then:​

Now, right after January 6 what does Nancy Pelosi do? She fires the sergeant of arms [sic]. She fires the Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund and she replaces him with another guy and, very interestingly, the police union, the union that actually represents the Capitol Police, took a vote and 92% of them have voted no confidence in this quote "new leadership." In other words, in this guy Yogananda Pittman, Nancy Pelosi's man that she stuck in there. The Capitol Police are basically saying we don't think this guy is any good.​

False flag operation by Pelosi..LOL!!
Nacy pelosi is not the head of security in Congress yet the Trumpets swear she is...They are so daft they don't know who really is or they are just playing stupid.....

One more time, for the slow students....Security concerns in Congress are handled by the Senate's sergeant at arms who is elected by the senate and the senate elected a Republican to be sergeant at arms because the Republicans controlled the senate...

Now you have an idea who in the hell is in charge of security and it isn't the Speaker of the House no matter how many damn times you repeat the lie that she is.....
The New York Times has already admitted that they made up the cause of death of officer Sickneck. Now more and more....we're discovering that Nancy Pelosi intentionally weakened security in the Capital so that The Lincoln Project could run a False-Flag operation. Now the Lincoln Project is being disbanded.....their work removing Trump done:

February 19, 2021​
It's possible that Trump-supporters fell into a trap on January 6
Dinesh D'Souza did a podcast pointing out Nancy Pelosi's peculiar behavior regarding events at the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.​
In the five weeks since then, Pelosi has turned Washington, D.C. into an armed, walled city and is working with the White House to crack down on dissenting views — meaning any views that run counter to the Democrat party narrative. There's something weirdly un-American about what we're seeing now.​

On February 17, D'Souza did an hour-long podcast entitled "Trump's Next Move." You can find the entire podcast here. Townhall published the transcript of his discussion about Nancy Pelosi's behavior before and after the events of January 6. It makes for unnerving reasoning.​
D'Souza points out something we've all noticed, which is that, on January 6, many of the people peacefully walked and gawked through the Capitol after having been invited in — and treated respectfully — by the relatively small number of Capitol police officers on duty. If you've ever visited the Capitol in the past, you know that's not how it ordinarily works.​
Even stranger is the fact that Capitol police officers, who expected to be pulling extra duty, given that everyone knew that large numbers of Trump-supporters would be flooding D.C., were instead sent home for the day. Additionally, D'Souza points out, when Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to help out because the rally was in town, both those in charge of the Capitol and D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser rebuffed the offer. As speaker of the House, it's inconceivable that Pelosi wasn't part of this decision.​

In addition, says D'Souza:​

Steve Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, called for National Guard backup two days before January 6. His offer was declined — and declined by whom? Declined by the sergeant of arms [sic] working in cohorts, in consultation with Nancy Pelosi's office.

The sergeant at arms later explained that they didn't want the "optics" of troops in town — but D'Souza states correctly that "this explanation to me makes absolutely no sense." Since January 6, the Democrats have been rubbing security in everyone's face, so those optics are fine with them.​

Pelosi's been moving people around like chess pieces since then:​

Now, right after January 6 what does Nancy Pelosi do? She fires the sergeant of arms [sic]. She fires the Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund and she replaces him with another guy and, very interestingly, the police union, the union that actually represents the Capitol Police, took a vote and 92% of them have voted no confidence in this quote "new leadership." In other words, in this guy Yogananda Pittman, Nancy Pelosi's man that she stuck in there. The Capitol Police are basically saying we don't think this guy is any good.​

One of your sources is The Epoch Times??..good grief...' the Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in Midtown Manhattan. The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television'

After watching the videos of the police letting them in then walking around talking to them in the capitol was there any doubt?

Then there was the tear jerking performances of the more progressive Democrats who just feared for their lives because of the horned wooly man.

It was truly a...


They couldn't do it without a complicit media...every time I hear from a media report on the protest the death count goes up...last I heard 7 people died at the capitol...lies...all lies....

I could tell the people at the top of the steps were not Trump supporters...they dressed alike in all black...never saw them at the white house....
This was a typical Pelosi false flag operation....
They were Proud Boys and ANTIFA working together.

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