Everyone knows the US is doing in the Middle East exactly what Israel planned for decades? Right?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon

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Wesley Clark was a sniveling Gore-Clinton-Obama supporter. Who cares what he said or thought?
The American ZOG (zionist occupied government) kowtows to Tel Aviv's grand plan for a Greater Israel.

Which is why the state of Israel has never declared its borders. Because it is hell bent on stealing more land in the the name of security. .... :cool:
LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

according to APE-MAN munkie------Jonah,-----when he went to NINEVEH (Aleppo) via the
gut of a BIG FISH------was planning the Syrian Civil WAR. The book of Jonah in the
OT is very very interesting------the theme is value of "repentence" and it ALSO
but----Jonah did not DO IT.
The American ZOG (zionist occupied government) kowtows to Tel Aviv's grand plan for a Greater Israel.

Which is why the state of Israel has never declared its borders. Because it is hell bent on stealing more land in the the name of security. .... :cool:

Yeah and Syria might still have the Golan Heights if they hadn't went full blown stupid and attacked Israel in the Six Day War
The American ZOG (zionist occupied government) kowtows to Tel Aviv's grand plan for a Greater Israel.

Which is why the state of Israel has never declared its borders. Because it is hell bent on stealing more land in the the name of security. .... :cool:

what are the borders of "DAR AL ISLAM"? What "borders" of Israel have the
muzzie's "DECLARED"
LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty
LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty

I suspect before it's all over Iran is going to regret a few things...Trump and Mattis ain't playing their games
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


I think your vest is ticking.
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


I think your vest is ticking.

Is that you, Ari? Don't forget ping-pong match in break room!

How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet


LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty

I suspect before it's all over Iran is going to regret a few things...Trump and Mattis ain't playing their games

do not blame the Iranians for the actions of the AYATOILETS. The Ayatoilets
are in power because of ----<godhelpus> democracy--------the really benighted
Iranian muzzies out in the sticks-------OUTNUMBER educated Iranians and voted
the schmucks into office
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


I think your vest is ticking.

Is that you, Ari? Don't forget ping-pong match in break room!

How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet



Wrong, Abdul Manson. Your anti-Semitic, anti-West murderous terrorism predates the internet by decades.
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


I think your vest is ticking.

Is that you, Ari? Don't forget ping-pong match in break room!

How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet



American kids "censor the internet" too.


Does anyone recognize this cat? He must be stopped from censoring the internet!

LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty

I suspect before it's all over Iran is going to regret a few things...Trump and Mattis ain't playing their games

do not blame the Iranians for the actions of the AYATOILETS. The Ayatoilets
are in power because of ----<godhelpus> democracy--------the really benighted
Iranian muzzies out in the sticks-------OUTNUMBER educated Iranians and voted
the schmucks into office

You are right. Overthrowing the democratically elected Iranian president Mohammed Mossadeq didn't help either. He was bringing modern society to Iran but the CIA didn't like Iranians getting a fair share of their own oil revenues.


LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty

I suspect before it's all over Iran is going to regret a few things...Trump and Mattis ain't playing their games

do not blame the Iranians for the actions of the AYATOILETS. The Ayatoilets
are in power because of ----<godhelpus> democracy--------the really benighted
Iranian muzzies out in the sticks-------OUTNUMBER educated Iranians and voted
the schmucks into office

You are right. Overthrowing the democratically elected Iranian president Mohammed Mossadeq didn't help either. He was bringing modern society to Iran but the CIA didn't like Iranians getting a fair share of their own oil revenues.



wrong again-----the issue INCLUDED that fact that "western" interests that FUNDED
thrown out------by nationalization of the industry. This fact led to some support of the
IRANIAN MONARCHISTS. Neither the USA nor England invented the damn
LOL Trump nixing the Iran deal has worked the anti Semites into a lather

it takes so little to do so, sassy. IN THE HALLOWED HALLS of the "Islamic republic
parliament"-----grown men-----the leaders of "the Islamic republic.....leaders of Shiite islam
are jumping up and down and singing "DEATH TO".........mosque songs. and burning
flags like LSD galvanized hippies of the 60s. I feel sorry for the people assigned to
cleaning that pig sty

I suspect before it's all over Iran is going to regret a few things...Trump and Mattis ain't playing their games

do not blame the Iranians for the actions of the AYATOILETS. The Ayatoilets
are in power because of ----<godhelpus> democracy--------the really benighted
Iranian muzzies out in the sticks-------OUTNUMBER educated Iranians and voted
the schmucks into office

You are right. Overthrowing the democratically elected Iranian president Mohammed Mossadeq didn't help either. He was bringing modern society to Iran but the CIA didn't like Iranians getting a fair share of their own oil revenues.


Marxist terror sympathizer.
There was no such thing as the Cold War and Iran didn’t border the USSR.
Lying sack of shit.
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


How dare those damn Jews not wanting their future progeny glowing in the dark.

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