Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Even so-called liberals like Bill Maher are jumping on the regime-change bandwagon.

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:
  1. You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
  2. Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
  3. A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I’ll get back to this in a moment...
Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

What lies are you speaking of? Are you saying you have an inside source telling you that Venezuela is a land of peace and plenty?
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose it’s better than another adventure in the Middle East.
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I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.

He's widely criticized for not following the advice of intelligence services when it comes to Syria and criticized for heeding their advice when it comes to Venezuela.
I think we should just let Venezuela burn.

Why can't we let stupid motherfuckers live with the consequences of their moronic actions?

Let Venezuela stand as a beacon of communist/socialist bullshit and a warning to never try that buttfucking idiocy again.

I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
Wow. Have you already forgotten all the hate the left has aimed at Trump, all the false accusations of Russian influence, because Trump DOES NOT WANT to be involved in all these wars? You are a complete moron.
From the OP;
So, based on the Hinterlaces poll, most Venezuelans didn’t know Guaidó until recently. Most Venezuelans still support Maduro even if they believe corruption in the government has increased (whether you personally like Maduro or not doesn’t matter), and most Venezuelans don’t want military intervention or U.S. sanctions. Yet CNN and NPR and Fox News and the BBC and every other corporate outlet will have you thinking everyone is starving to death, on their knees begging for America’s democracy bombs to rain down like dollar bills at a strip club.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe those people really need our help, and U.S. intervention will work out great—exactly like it did in Syria,
and Yemen,
and Iraq,
and Iran,
and Afghanistan,
and Chile,
and Honduras,
and Haiti,
and Somalia,
and Libya,
and Guatemala,
and Nicaragua,
and Colombia,
and Panama,
and Fraggle Rock,
and those tree forts where the EWOKS LIVED!

Now that we have a general understanding of the situation (and why Anderson Cooper is not keen to remind viewers what happened with Fraggle Rock in the early ’90s), let’s get back to the question of oil.

When I first started writing this, I didn’t have proof the American government wanted Venezuela’s oil; it was just a hunch. Kinda like if you put a balloon in a room with a porcupine, you have a hunch he’ll pop the balloon. But I didn’t have a quote from a top Trump administration official saying, “We’d like to take their oil.”

Then national security adviser and Mustache of Doom John Bolton said, “hold my beer.” While on Fox News he stated clearly, “It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”

That’s Beltway Speak for “We want their oil.”

For 20 years we’ve been trying to destroy Venezuela, and our government always gives the standard line: “We want to help the people. We care about their democracy. They have a lot of inflation, and that’s why we need to drop our freedom bombs on their heads.” They’ve trotted out that bullshit brigade under Bush, Obama and now Trump. The officials never just say, “Yeah, there’s like, tons of oil there, and we want it.”
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
A Vietnam in our own back yard ? Just what we need.
Maybe we'll be needing that wall after all.
If our soldiers are going to be sent off to die on the whims of old, dying men isn’t it better they die closer to home than on the other side of the planet?
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
Wow. Have you already forgotten all the hate the left has aimed at Trump, all the false accusations of Russian influence, because Trump DOES NOT WANT to be involved in all these wars? You are a complete moron.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency escalating tensions and threatening violence. Don’t you dare act surprised if his stupid ass stumbles into a war or 2.
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
Wow. Have you already forgotten all the hate the left has aimed at Trump, all the false accusations of Russian influence, because Trump DOES NOT WANT to be involved in all these wars? You are a complete moron.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency escalating tensions and threatening violence. Don’t you dare act surprised if his stupid ass stumbles into a war or 2.

Trump wants to pull troops out of Syria and the mainstream establishment is like NOOOOOOO think of the children!
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
Wow. Have you already forgotten all the hate the left has aimed at Trump, all the false accusations of Russian influence, because Trump DOES NOT WANT to be involved in all these wars? You are a complete moron.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency escalating tensions and threatening violence. Don’t you dare act surprised if his stupid ass stumbles into a war or 2.
OK, what are you talking about? Give an example, and provide a link to support it.
I had Venezuela pegged as a top 3 option for Trump to play with his new military toys after he was elected. It’ll be a mistake, but I suppose itms better than another adventure in the Middle East.
A Vietnam in our own back yard ? Just what we need.
Maybe we'll be needing that wall after all.
If our soldiers are going to be sent off to die on the whims of old, dying men isn’t it better they die closer to home than on the other side of the planet?

You don’t want war too close . Those people are in refugee caravan range!
Trump has spent his entire Presidency escalating tensions and threatening violence. Don’t you dare act surprised if his stupid ass stumbles into a war or 2.
Nobody talks about the destruction of Libya and Syria under Obama's watch. We never hear about the Christian holocaust that's happening throughout the Middle East now - 500,000 in Syria thanks to ISIS fighters we sent in. In foreign policy Trump inherited a worse mess from Obama than Obama did from Bush.
Even so-called liberals like Bill Maher are jumping on the regime-change bandwagon.

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:
  1. You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
  2. Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
  3. A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I’ll get back to this in a moment...
Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

Here's some News for ya.....
China does it.
Russia does it.
ALL countries do it when they can.

Now name 3 of the countries in south America the US has "stolen" their natural resources from in the last 50 years for absolutely no good reason.
Most Venezuelans still support Maduro even if they believe corruption in the government has increased (whether you personally like Maduro or not doesn’t matter), and most Venezuelans don’t want military intervention or U.S. sanctions.

This, quite frankly is known as "Ass Speak"...because that's exactly where it came from.

Apparently you haven't spoken with a single Venezuelan in your life. I have. you're wrong. Dead wrong.

If you had, you would know that one of the biggest misconceptions Venezuelans have today is the assumption that the US could never fall like their country did.
Trump has spent his entire Presidency escalating tensions and threatening violence. Don’t you dare act surprised if his stupid ass stumbles into a war or 2.
Nobody talks about the destruction of Libya and Syria under Obama's watch. We never hear about the Christian holocaust that's happening throughout the Middle East now - 500,000 in Syria thanks to ISIS fighters we sent in. In foreign policy Trump inherited a worse mess from Obama than Obama did from Bush.
Far FAR more Muslims have been killed than Christians. If there’s any genocide going on, it’s a Muslim one.

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