Every Time Biden Gives A Speech....He Turns His Back On Us.....This Horrible Optics Tells Us He Doesn't Give A Damn About US

I was at Disney World the past 3 days, all over the place were people mumbling about this shit for president. One guy had this mask. The only way the Progs are going to win any election is like they did in 2020, stole it....
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You should hear the talk in our ACE hardware store....Joe better never stop in there for some screws....because he would get an ear full....
Funny, you didn't give two shits about the 60 soldiers who died on the former guy's watch.

Like you care.
You don't give a shit about the 1,989 that died when the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration escalated the war in Afghanistan, do you? Or the almost 500 that died in Iraq under the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration. Including men from my son's Cav Scout troop that The Worthless Negro sent over there.

That doesn't even include the 13 that Potatohead's incompetency killed the other day.
You don't give a shit about the 1,989 that died when the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration escalated the war in Afhagnistan, do you? Or the almost 500 that died in Iraq under the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration. Including men from my son's Cav Scout troop that The Worthless Negro sent over there.

That doesn't even include the 13 that Potatohead's incompetency killed the other day.

Partisan are gonna partisan
I wonder if the Biden team even knows how bad it looks every time he's on the air.
He gives a useless speech filled with lies....then turns around.......shows his back to everyone in the room......
......and millions of Americans that took the time to watch him.
Can they really be this horrible at imagery?
Are they really this tone-deaf?
How can anyone watch this guy and not hate him?

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"Once again, Joe Biden would have been better off staying inside the White House and napping, rather than show up some 5-hours late to his presser, and not mention Afghanistan until after he discussed two other topics, and then walk out without taking a single question, as a reporter is shouting a rather gut-wrenching question at him.
Imagine having a friend or loved one stranded in Afghanistan and you tune in to hear what the so-called “president” has to say, and when you flip on the TV, the bumbling idiot is talking about the budget bill."

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Trump is gone, Bush’s failed, illegal war has ended, things are very much improved – thanks to President Biden.
An immoral corrupt sexual pervert taking bribes from China manages to arm a terrorists group that will now become the biggest terrorists group that is now in the process of raping and murdering thousands and you think it is BDS?
Many of the armored vehicles Biden left behind are already showing up in Iran.


I wonder if the Biden team even knows how bad it looks every time he's on the air.
He gives a useless speech filled with lies....then turns around.......shows his back to everyone in the room......
......and millions of Americans that took the time to watch him.
Can they really be this horrible at imagery?
Are they really this tone-deaf?
How can anyone watch this guy and not hate him?

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"Once again, Joe Biden would have been better off staying inside the White House and napping, rather than show up some 5-hours late to his presser, and not mention Afghanistan until after he discussed two other topics, and then walk out without taking a single question, as a reporter is shouting a rather gut-wrenching question at him.
Imagine having a friend or loved one stranded in Afghanistan and you tune in to hear what the so-called “president” has to say, and when you flip on the TV, the bumbling idiot is talking about the budget bill."

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I was at Disney World the past 3 days, all over the place were people mumbling about this shit for president. One guy had this mask. The only way the Progs are going to win any election is like they did in 2020, stole it....
View attachment 534643
Masks do help to inhibit the spread of COVID. That is science. Unlike Trump voters, I passed science courses, including in college. I also know that vaccines work, and the COVID vaccine of Pfizer is a very good one. The others also work.
I urge all who don't like Biden to NOT get vaccinated, do NOT wear masks, congregate heavily, but only with Republicans, get close to people... well, you know the rest. The country will be better off.
Also, however, be aware that you do not have the right to come into my presence unvaccinated and unmasked. That will be considered an assault. I'm vaccinated, but one can still catch a mild dose of Delta, and no thank you, and you are instructed that any such endangerment of me will be met with an appropriate response.
Stay among your own kind... people who deserve to be infected... RepubliQans.

Biden did not fuck up. He withdrew according to a bad agreement with the Taliban made by Putin's bitch Trump.

If Biden is responsible for an act by ISIS-K, then isn't Dubya guilty for 9-11? RepubliQans are far too stupid to be consistent, to know the difference, or to ever make sense, apparently.

Iraq and Afghanistan... 2 disastrous wars, and who is responsible?

And would the numbnuts criticizing Biden suggest that we stay there indefinitely? The caterwauling against Biden during the evacuation really was approaching treason, so shut up, RepubliQan trash who is bringing this country down.
I wonder if the Biden team even knows how bad it looks every time he's on the air.
He gives a useless speech filled with lies....then turns around.......shows his back to everyone in the room......
......and millions of Americans that took the time to watch him.
Can they really be this horrible at imagery?
Are they really this tone-deaf?
How can anyone watch this guy and not hate him?

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"Once again, Joe Biden would have been better off staying inside the White House and napping, rather than show up some 5-hours late to his presser, and not mention Afghanistan until after he discussed two other topics, and then walk out without taking a single question, as a reporter is shouting a rather gut-wrenching question at him.
Imagine having a friend or loved one stranded in Afghanistan and you tune in to hear what the so-called “president” has to say, and when you flip on the TV, the bumbling idiot is talking about the budget bill."

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If you're upset about Biden checking his watch with a hurricane bearing down on Louisiana, you should see a proctologist and get your head removed from your a**
I was at Disney World the past 3 days, all over the place were people mumbling about this shit for president. One guy had this mask. The only way the Progs are going to win any election is like they did in 2020, stole it....
View attachment 534643

Rep. Lauren Bobert wears this same mask while speaking on the House floor. I love it.
Masks do help to inhibit the spread of COVID. That is science. Unlike Trump voters, I passed science courses, including in college. I also know that vaccines work, and the COVID vaccine of Pfizer is a very good one. The others also work.
I urge all who don't like Biden to NOT get vaccinated, do NOT wear masks, congregate heavily, but only with Republicans, get close to people... well, you know the rest. The country will be better off.
Also, however, be aware that you do not have the right to come into my presence unvaccinated and unmasked. That will be considered an assault. I'm vaccinated, but one can still catch a mild dose of Delta, and no thank you, and you are instructed that any such endangerment of me will be met with an appropriate response.
Stay among your own kind... people who deserve to be infected... RepubliQans.

Guess what. The vaccine doesn't work either

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