Every Single Time Biden Says Or Does Something Stupid They Drop Another Indictment

Show the evidence that it's not happening. Either Biden is doing it, or his minions are doing it. There is no third alternative.
You want my evidence that your full of shit?!

Easy. My evidence is in your lack of evidence to show what you claim is happening. If you can’t prove it then you can’t legitimately say it’s happening
You want my evidence that your full of shit?!

Easy. My evidence is in your lack of evidence to show what you claim is happening. If you can’t prove it then you can’t legitimately say it’s happening
It's obvious that the government is abusing the legal system. The only question remaining is who in the government is doing it. It's either Biden or his minions.
It's obvious that the government is abusing the legal system. The only question remaining is who in the government is doing it. It's either Biden or his minions.
Ohh, you’re now going from there being a ton of evidence to “it’s obvious”. Nothing to show.

You’re done. Argument lost. You can go now.
This case can't be tried by the state of Georgia... it is by definition a federal case... there are state to state phone calls and text messages and involves people in different states and its targeting a US president and mutable federal appointees and employees.... any appeals court will rule that it can't be tried in a state courtroom....
The Fulton county bitch jumped the gun....
Well.....the fake indictments are out now.......what will they do next....it is still a long time to the election and biden is not getting any less demented....
Even the Body Doubles are glitching. They can replace him with Hillary Swank or Christopher Guest and none of the Republicans who’ve known Biden his entire career will challenge the fucking fraud
4 indictments for non-crimes are the evidence, dumbfuck.
Indictments aren’t based on non crimes genius, they are based on crimes. If you choose to put blinders on and not objectively look at the charges then that’s your problem.
Indictments aren’t based on non crimes genius, they are based on crimes. If you choose to put blinders on and not objectively look at the charges then that’s your problem.
These are based on non-crimes. That's why they are pure fraud.

You're the one with blinders, dumbass.
Boy, are you off your rocker! You have proven Biden grabbed a woman's pussy? You have proven Biden defrauded Georgia voters? Let me see your proof and I will drop the issue.
Tera Reade had to move out of the country because she was afraid Biden would have her killed.
Biden grabbed her in a side office when he was senator....and forced his hand up her crotch.
When she reported it they fired her.

Here's one example of someone who was counting votes in Fulton Co Georgia, and gave Biden an extra 100K votes.

So you think it is okay to...

  1. Grab a woman by the pussy?
10 million teenagers do it every Saturday night.
  1. Hold onto Iranian battle plans when you are not the President?
Yes. It's perfectly legal, dumbass.

  1. Launch a coup against the United States of America?
Didn't happen, moron.

  1. Defraud Georgia voters?
Also didn't happen.

You are an AINO.
American in Name Only.
You're a brainwashed Dim bulb.

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