Every JFK theory considered except the evidence


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Here's a summery of what happened...

The pro-Communist Socialists hijacked the American government during WW2 with the election of FDR.
Their goal was to save mass-murder Communist Russia and the rest of Europe from Hitler's world vision.

You'll remember that England's Lord Chamberlain was criticized for trying to appease Hitler.
Lord Chamberlain was symbolized with an +umbrella+

Joseph P Kennedy was named +ambassador+ to England.
He stated that Hitler was going to win and pretty soon we would all be speaking German.
This was unacceptable to the American public and the Socialists who were embedded in our government and the State department.
Joseph P Kennedy's career, and his hope of becoming President was ended by the Socialists who considered him a Nazi sympathizer.

Joseph P Kennedy and his son Jr. started saying that FDR should be removed.
Joseph P Kennedy Jr . (1) died in a flight mission, as he piloted a plane with a remote control bomb on it. FDR's son was part of that mission.

JFK and RFK were sent to a (re-education) college professor where they learned about Socialist philosophy. (apparently both rejected it)

The Kennedy family were good friends with the anti-Communist Joseph McCarthy.
The Socialist wanted to censure McCarthy for bringing attention to the fact our government was already loaded with Communists.
JFK, as Senator, claimed he was sick and refused to vote.
This pissed off the Roosevelts. (who had already gotten rid of Huey Long)

The Kennedy family used mafia ties (people they despised) to help JFK win the Presidential election.
The Democrats selected the election-thief LBJ to be Vice President and they wanted to select JFK's Secretary of State (said to be the most powerful office in the land) .
Joseph P Kennedy insisted that RFK, only about 28 years old , was going to be Secretary of State.

..and the clean-up of the American government began.

* The Kennedys stabbed the mafia in the back and started bringing them to trial.
First of all , the mafia wouldn't exist unless our government condoned it.
The corrupt politicians of the U.S. government were working with the mafia during WW2 and didn't want them dismantled.
Bobby Kennedy detained the mafia leader of New Orleans and dropped him off in Guatemala. When he returned a few weeks later Bobby had his men give the Mafioso a parachute and they threw him out of a plane (this is not conspiracy theory, this is fact. Look it up)

* JFK knew women who were dating Nazis.

* There's good reason to believe that JFK took on the Federal Reserve by reforming silver notes.

* After the CIA tricked JFK into invading Cuba, for benefit of the mafia, JFK said he wanted to "scatter the CIA to the winds".

* The Kennedys proudly told J.E. Hoover his mandatory retirement was up and he needed to hit the road.

* JFK had a (conservative) show-down with Russia. The reason why the Democrats claim to be the party of peace, is because they have no intention of fighting Communism around the world.

* RFK continued the war against Socialists by bringing Hoffa and the Communist unions to trial.

* The Kennedys sent LBJ abroad and removed any power he had.

* JFK dodged "civil rights" lunacy by voting for it, but removing the power to enforce it.

Who didn't the Kennedys piss off as they tackled the corruption in the government?

Oswald may have been a "patsy" but he was no innocent man.
He was a repeated admitted "Marxist" who hated the American way of life.
Like a lot of Marxists, Oswald visited Russia and found out their way of life was terrible.
He came back to America, a fool.
According to his wife, Oswald wanted to kill Nixon, and she told the police he took a shot at General Walker for distributing John Burch Society material.
Oswald wanted to be a Marxist who acts, and not just one who talks. Politicians in Russia were being killed all the time, why not in the USA?

Oswald knew what most people in America today, don't know.
The Kennedys were not sticking to the Socialist plan.

The murder of JFK (2) was a public execution, by a whole government filled with people who despised him.
There they were deep in the heart of Texas, yet everyone involved had some kind of ties to Communism and Russia.
Oswald, Jack Ruby, even Zapruder and +umbrella+ man Louis Witt (who would be employed in he Socialist school system)

When Oswald was caught he asked for the ACLU(founded by Communists) and/or John Abt (a lawyer with Communist ties)

Yes there was a government cover-up, because the government needed to explain why this little freak Oswald, who told the world he was a Marxist, had so many connections in the government.
The only answer is, Oswald and politicians in our government had a lot in common, Marxism.
Jack Ruby was dispatched to make sure Oswald would never talk about his connections.
If Oswald didn't have connections, he wouldn't have been offered a job in the school book depository 2 months before JFK rode by.
If Zapruder didn't have connections, he would have been standing at the right place at the right time, braced by his secretary, with a top-of-the-line camera, when JFK rode by.

after JFK was dead, his policies were overturned, and we started following loony LBJ Socialist policy.

After this , Ted Kennedy's (3) plane went down, but he survived.
From his hospital room he asked to be brought up to date (re-educated) about modern politics.
He told RFK not to run for politics , because everyone in the family knew certain members of the government were out to get them.

RFK said 'F them!' and ran for President anyways.
He was the first candidate to openly ask for the "minority" vote.
He did that in the hopes the Socialists would drop the accusation that the Kennedy family were Nazi sympathizers.
It didn't work , they killed RFK(4) in the +ambassador+ hotel, because the Socialists don't care about anyone.

Someday Americans will know what great heroes JPK Jr. JFK, and RFK were, and that Socialism was the cause of the decline of the nation
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Anybody who thinks the Warren Commission was set up to uncover the truth about the JFK assassination is a victim of propaganda. The primary purpose of a federal government commission is CYA. If they stumble on the truth it is usually by accident. The issue that people tend to forget is that Lee Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia at the peak of the Cold War. Oswald worked on the U-2 spy program in Japan and shortly after he defected to Russia Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2. Even if the downing of a US U-2 plane was just a coincidence, why was Oswald welcomed back into the US along with his new bride who was the daughter of a high ranking KGB officer? American "intelligence" wasn't that efficient but the fact that Oswald was allowed back into the Country without being arrested and indicted should raise some eyebrows at least. The Warren commission purposely misled Americans to cover for the "intelligence" agencies.
Anybody who thinks the Warren Commission was set up to uncover the truth about the JFK assassination is a victim of propaganda. The primary purpose of a federal government commission is CYA. If they stumble on the truth it is usually by accident. The issue that people tend to forget is that Lee Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia at the peak of the Cold War. Oswald worked on the U-2 spy program in Japan and shortly after he defected to Russia Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2. Even if the downing of a US U-2 plane was just a coincidence, why was Oswald welcomed back into the US along with his new bride who was the daughter of a high ranking KGB officer? American "intelligence" wasn't that efficient but the fact that Oswald was allowed back into the Country without being arrested and indicted should raise some eyebrows at least. The Warren commission purposely misled Americans to cover for the "intelligence" agencies.
since when is changing citizenship status unpatriotic? people do it in hordes
Anybody who thinks the Warren Commission was set up to uncover the truth about the JFK assassination is a victim of propaganda. The primary purpose of a federal government commission is CYA. If they stumble on the truth it is usually by accident. The issue that people tend to forget is that Lee Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia at the peak of the Cold War. Oswald worked on the U-2 spy program in Japan and shortly after he defected to Russia Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2. Even if the downing of a US U-2 plane was just a coincidence, why was Oswald welcomed back into the US along with his new bride who was the daughter of a high ranking KGB officer? American "intelligence" wasn't that efficient but the fact that Oswald was allowed back into the Country without being arrested and indicted should raise some eyebrows at least. The Warren commission purposely misled Americans to cover for the "intelligence" agencies.

the fact that you always go around saying oswald was the lone assassin i would never guess that you were aware of these little facts.:cuckoo:

thats all the proof in the world right there anybody would have to be an idit to think oswald was this deranged lonely assassin with no connections to US intelligence.just waltzes right back into america "during the height of the cold war no less" after renouncing his citizenship to russia, threatening to turn over high classified us secret documents to them,and the warren commission says this guy is an an idiot cause he was a high school dropout that enlisted in the marines,yet this dropput that has no education they say,goes and learns russia about the most difficult language ever,and yet he speaks it fluently.:rolleyes:

thats CIA written all over him.there is this one good book out that explores oswalds CIA connections written by a college professor called OSWALD AND THE CIA.great book.
I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.
I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.

except the mafia didnt have the power of the means to pull it off.Your also obviously not aware that they worked for the CIA.the mafia could never have sent oswald to russia and set him up like they did,nor could they have made the media go to sleep and get them to print the lies that oswald was the lone assassin,yet along,control the school system and get them to tell the lies for over 3 decades till Oliver stone exposed them thanks to his movie.

They also didnt have the power to get the secret service to change the paraade route at the last second or get them to lower their protection and violated normal protocals and destory and remove evidence.the CIA and the military industrial complex on the other hand DID have that power to pull it off.Oswald worked for the CIA.He was their patsy.

E Hoard Hunt a CIA operative for Nixon when he was VP under eisenhower,even came out and admitted on his deathbed confession to his son that he was in fact in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation involving Nixon and his pal Johnson,to kill Kennedy.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

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I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.

every president "except" Jackson that did anything to go against the banking cabal is dead. Jackson would be but he got lucky and dodged a couple bullets and survived the attack.

Today judges get picked off for the same reasons. This country is being held hostage and continues to be held hostage by the old monied groups that have always controlled the world once direct and openly now behind the scenes.
I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.

every president "except" Jackson that did anything to go against the banking cabal is dead. Jackson would be but he got lucky and dodged a couple bullets and survived the attack.

Today judges get picked off for the same reasons. This country is being held hostage and continues to be held hostage by the old monied groups that have always controlled the world once direct and openly now behind the scenes.

very well said.:thup:
<<<<I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.>>>>>

when you realize that the only reason the mafia exists is because politicians allow it, you'll see the last thing they want to do is screw with top government.
Here's a summery of what happened...

The pro-Communist Socialists hijacked the American government during WW2 with the election of FDR.
Their goal was to save mass-murder Communist Russia and the rest of Europe from Hitler's world vision.

You'll remember that England's Lord Chamberlain was criticized for trying to appease Hitler.
Lord Chamberlain was symbolized with an +umbrella+

Joseph P Kennedy was named +ambassador+ to England.
He stated that Hitler was going to win and pretty soon we would all be speaking German.
This was unacceptable to the American public and the Socialists who were embedded in our government and the State department.
Joseph P Kennedy's career, and his hope of becoming President was ended by the Socialists who considered him a Nazi sympathizer.

Joseph P Kennedy and his son Jr. started saying that FDR should be removed.
Joseph P Kennedy Jr . (1) died in a flight mission, as he piloted a plane with a remote control bomb on it. FDR's son was part of that mission.

JFK and RFK were sent to a (re-education) college professor where they learned about Socialist philosophy. (apparently both rejected it)

The Kennedy family were good friends with the anti-Communist Joseph McCarthy.
The Socialist wanted to censure McCarthy for bringing attention to the fact our government was already loaded with Communists.
JFK, as Senator, claimed he was sick and refused to vote.
This pissed off the Roosevelts. (who had already gotten rid of Huey Long)

The Kennedy family used mafia ties (people they despised) to help JFK win the Presidential election.
The Democrats selected the election-thief LBJ to be Vice President and they wanted to select JFK's Secretary of State (said to be the most powerful office in the land) .
Joseph P Kennedy insisted that RFK, only about 28 years old , was going to be Secretary of State.

..and the clean-up of the American government began.

* The Kennedys stabbed the mafia in the back and started bringing them to trial.
First of all , the mafia wouldn't exist unless our government condoned it.
The corrupt politicians of the U.S. government were working with the mafia during WW2 and didn't want them dismantled.
Bobby Kennedy detained the mafia leader of New Orleans and dropped him off in Guatemala. When he returned a few weeks later Bobby had his men give the Mafioso a parachute and they threw him out of a plane (this is not conspiracy theory, this is fact. Look it up)

* JFK knew women who were dating Nazis.

* There's good reason to believe that JFK took on the Federal Reserve by reforming silver notes.

* After the CIA tricked JFK into invading Cuba, for benefit of the mafia, JFK said he wanted to "scatter the CIA to the winds".

* The Kennedys proudly told J.E. Hoover his mandatory retirement was up and he needed to hit the road.

* JFK had a (conservative) show-down with Russia. The reason why the Democrats claim to be the party of peace, is because they have no intention of fighting Communism around the world.

* RFK continued the war against Socialists by bringing Hoffa and the Communist unions to trial.

* The Kennedys sent LBJ abroad and removed any power he had.

* JFK dodged "civil rights" lunacy by voting for it, but removing the power to enforce it.

Who didn't the Kennedys piss off as they tackled the corruption in the government?

Oswald may have been a "patsy" but he was no innocent man.
He was a repeated admitted "Marxist" who hated the American way of life.
Like a lot of Marxists, Oswald visited Russia and found out their way of life was terrible.
He came back to America, a fool.
According to his wife, Oswald wanted to kill Nixon, and she told the police he took a shot at General Walker for distributing John Burch Society material.
Oswald wanted to be a Marxist who acts, and not just one who talks. Politicians in Russia were being killed all the time, why not in the USA?

Oswald knew what most people in America today, don't know.
The Kennedys were not sticking to the Socialist plan.

The murder of JFK (2) was a public execution, by a whole government filled with people who despised him.
There they were deep in the heart of Texas, yet everyone involved had some kind of ties to Communism and Russia.
Oswald, Jack Ruby, even Zapruder and +umbrella+ man Louis Witt (who would be employed in he Socialist school system)

When Oswald was caught he asked for the ACLU(founded by Communists) and/or John Abt (a lawyer with Communist ties)

Yes there was a government cover-up, because the government needed to explain why this little freak Oswald, who told the world he was a Marxist, had so many connections in the government.
The only answer is, Oswald and politicians in our government had a lot in common, Marxism.
Jack Ruby was dispatched to make sure Oswald would never talk about his connections.
If Oswald didn't have connections, he wouldn't have been offered a job in the school book depository 2 months before JFK rode by.
If Zapruder didn't have connections, he would have been standing at the right place at the right time, braced by his secretary, with a top-of-the-line camera, when JFK rode by.

after JFK was dead, his policies were overturned, and we started following loony LBJ Socialist policy.

After this , Ted Kennedy's (3) plane went down, but he survived.
From his hospital room he asked to be brought up to date (re-educated) about modern politics.
He told RFK not to run for politics , because everyone in the family knew certain members of the government were out to get them.

RFK said 'F them!' and ran for President anyways.
He was the first candidate to openly ask for the "minority" vote.
He did that in the hopes the Socialists would drop the accusation that the Kennedy family were Nazi sympathizers.
It didn't work , they killed RFK(4) in the +ambassador+ hotel, because the Socialists don't care about anyone.

Someday Americans will know what great heroes JPK Jr. JFK, and RFK were, and that Socialism was the cause of the decline of the nation

SOme of your history is accurate some is not.

For example many presidents told Hoover to retire but then failed to make it happen as JFK failed.

JFK had a very good working relationship with the CIA after he cleaned house in the post bay of pigs era.

Many things you say which may be quite accurate are irrelevant as they have no connection to his assassination.

Other than his stint in the Marines and some talks with minor state department officials during his trip to Russia Oswald had no connections to people in the US government.

Oswald was not a patsy which is what the evidence proves he acted alone.

Dealey plaza is a public area and was open to the public on Nov 22 1963 it is rather ludicrous to insist that Zapruder needed to connections to stand where he did to film the motorcade he was simply the only guy to stand there and needed help from his secretary due to vertigo.

Oswald applied for the job at the Texas School Book depository based on the advice of Ruth Paine. At that time the motorcade route had not been planned. It is is silly to say he needed connections to do so he only needed a job and they were hiring. The passage of the motorcade was simply coincidental which is normal.

Even if some of your history is true it is not evidence in the case one way or the other
Anybody who thinks the Warren Commission was set up to uncover the truth about the JFK assassination is a victim of propaganda. The primary purpose of a federal government commission is CYA. If they stumble on the truth it is usually by accident. The issue that people tend to forget is that Lee Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia at the peak of the Cold War. Oswald worked on the U-2 spy program in Japan and shortly after he defected to Russia Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2. Even if the downing of a US U-2 plane was just a coincidence, why was Oswald welcomed back into the US along with his new bride who was the daughter of a high ranking KGB officer? American "intelligence" wasn't that efficient but the fact that Oswald was allowed back into the Country without being arrested and indicted should raise some eyebrows at least. The Warren commission purposely misled Americans to cover for the "intelligence" agencies.
Such absolutes are simply false.

Yes SOMETIMES government investigations are an exercise in CYA but not always. One has to follow the evidence which you clearly have not done.

In the case of the Warren Commission it was in fact a neutral unbiased effort to establish the facts and truth about who shot Kennedy. They did NOT target Oswald they simply followed the evidence which led to the conclusion that he acted alone. The commission included many investigators who pursued every lead about possible accomplices and conspiracy only to find no evidence.

Just as all the conspiracy theorists fail to produce evidence of their theories.

Oswald did NOT work on the U2 spy plane program in Japan he was merely stationed at the same airbase which U2 flights originated from. This air base was very large and shared by all 4 branches of the military and part of it was sealed off and used by the CIA to run the U2 program. Oswald stayed at the USMC area of the base and was never allowed into the CIA designated area of the base. As did tens of thousands of other Sailors Marines Soldiers and airmen. He was merely a radar technician which was a simplistic job in the days of vacuum tubes as opposed to today's technology of circuit boards and computers.

Marina Oswald's father was not a high ranking KGB official or even a KGB employee. HE was a local police officer with a rank roughly equivalent to Lieutenant.

Oswald was no traitor for going to the Soviet Union. A traitor is not someone who simply leaves to live elsewhere even if he emigrates to a nation which is politically hostile. Emigrating to the USSR in a declared war with the USSR may have been treason but there was no such war. You seem to forget the USA is a free nation and anyone is free to leave. It might have been treason had he betrayed government secrets to the soviets but he had none to betray.

He was ignored when he returned because he was an unimportant nobody and remained so until he shot Kennedy
Anybody who thinks the Warren Commission was set up to uncover the truth about the JFK assassination is a victim of propaganda. The primary purpose of a federal government commission is CYA. If they stumble on the truth it is usually by accident. The issue that people tend to forget is that Lee Oswald was a traitor. He renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia at the peak of the Cold War. Oswald worked on the U-2 spy program in Japan and shortly after he defected to Russia Francis Gary Powers was shot down in a U-2. Even if the downing of a US U-2 plane was just a coincidence, why was Oswald welcomed back into the US along with his new bride who was the daughter of a high ranking KGB officer? American "intelligence" wasn't that efficient but the fact that Oswald was allowed back into the Country without being arrested and indicted should raise some eyebrows at least. The Warren commission purposely misled Americans to cover for the "intelligence" agencies.

the fact that you always go around saying oswald was the lone assassin i would never guess that you were aware of these little facts.:cuckoo:

thats all the proof in the world right there anybody would have to be an idit to think oswald was this deranged lonely assassin with no connections to US intelligence.just waltzes right back into america "during the height of the cold war no less" after renouncing his citizenship to russia, threatening to turn over high classified us secret documents to them,and the warren commission says this guy is an an idiot cause he was a high school dropout that enlisted in the marines,yet this dropput that has no education they say,goes and learns russia about the most difficult language ever,and yet he speaks it fluently.:rolleyes:

thats CIA written all over him.there is this one good book out that explores oswalds CIA connections written by a college professor called OSWALD AND THE CIA.great book.

You have no idea who has or does not have CIA written all over them. You get your information about the CIA from movies.

OSwald never threatened to give the soviets classified or secret information or documents as he had none to give.

A Lowly radar tech is not privy to any such information and any thing he knew could have been accessed in a library.

In a free nation ( the USA ) people are permitted to leave to live elsewhere and even return the USSR was no exception.

Yes he did renounce his citizenship but the paper work was shelved because the state department realized he was a fool who would probably come to his sense after some time in the USSR and they were correct. Therefore is renunciation of his US citizenship was never made official.

As always the evidence trumps your idiotic views and now will you will simply deny and avoid facts and admit to farting
I am sorry JFK and RFK had to die, but I believe that most of the reasons for those two to be murdered was by the mafia.

except the mafia didnt have the power of the means to pull it off.Your also obviously not aware that they worked for the CIA.the mafia could never have sent oswald to russia and set him up like they did,nor could they have made the media go to sleep and get them to print the lies that oswald was the lone assassin,yet along,control the school system and get them to tell the lies for over 3 decades till Oliver stone exposed them thanks to his movie.

They also didnt have the power to get the secret service to change the paraade route at the last second or get them to lower their protection and violated normal protocals and destory and remove evidence.the CIA and the military industrial complex on the other hand DID have that power to pull it off.Oswald worked for the CIA.He was their patsy.

E Hoard Hunt a CIA operative for Nixon when he was VP under eisenhower,even came out and admitted on his deathbed confession to his son that he was in fact in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation involving Nixon and his pal Johnson,to kill Kennedy.Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth.

Your hollywood movie educated on the CIA and the mafia is cute but nothing more than Hollywood fiction.

Hunt is one of over 100 men who admitted or confessed to killing or being part of an operation to kill Kennedy.

None of these confessions carry a shred of evidence to support them making them nothing more than attempts to get notoriety and fame.

The motorcade route was not change at the last second. That is proven historic fact which you will deny. It only changed after Oswald shot Kennedy.

They ignored no protocols of the time nor did they remove any such protection those are also proven facts you will ignore and deny.

You also have no proof whatsoever that any evidence was destroyed and finally no evidence of any kind has ever been produced that OSwald was connected to the CIA.

Now go ahead and fart

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