Every Gun Owner Must Vote...or We Will Lose The Right...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
November is coming...as is Winter...and if you believe in the 2nd amendment you really need to go out and vote...

Why Is It Important That Every Gunnie Vote Extrano s Alley a gun blog

This is another critical election...and this time it would be nice if we voted to stop the anti gun agenda at all levels...because the democrat party is the party that hates the 2nd amendment and your right to protect yourself and your family with a gun...it is as simple as that...

This November is important for gun owners because in the next 2 years the supreme court may lose one or two justices and for sure in 2016 the oldest justices will be looking to retire...if the democrats control the Senate and hillary or another democrat wins the Presidency...we will have 20-30 years of anti 2nd amendment decisions from the Supreme Court...the left never gives up and they never quit...and the 2nd amendment gives them a rash...and the Judicial system is how they will cure it...

A republican Senate is the only hope to limit the impact of a democrat President appointing judges to the federal bench...that is where they want to fight the fight...that waiting for voters to give them the power to get rid of guns is not their style...using judges to strike down existing laws and make new ones is...

So if you sit this election out...because you don't want to dirty your hands voting for the lesser evil...keep in mind...by not voting for the lesser evil, you are allowing the greater evil to get into office...and start passing laws...

If you think your vote is wasted or useless...by not voting it is exactly both of those things...and you will lose your guns...your handgun for self defense...and your hunting rifle...because the democrats hate hunting too..so don't believe them when they say they support hunting...they don't....and once they get hand guns...they will come for your shotgun and rifle...

So please vote...or lose this right for ever...

and who wants to be like the British and Australians anyway...
Can't loose our rights to play with guns. Pretending gun rights are under threat is a commercial-con the gun makers use to drum up sales as people panic-purchase more.
Can't loose our rights to play with guns. Pretending gun rights are under threat is a commercial-con the gun makers use to drum up sales as people panic-purchase more.

Really? Are you serious? You live in a fantasy world...look at D.C., a democrat town...a court ruling says they have to allow concealed carry...and they are adopting the most restrictive version possible...and will look for any opportunity to repeal it...

Where I live, everyone has guns...both democratic members and republican members....no one is afraid of their guns being taken away.... except perhaps the extremely paranoid. ;)

yes, it's always wise to be a 1 issue voter...vote to rid the republicans because they will take the right to privacy away from women....vote to rid the republicans because they want to repeal the civil rights act, vote to rid the republicans because they want our country and laws to resemble a theocracy, vote to rid the republicans because they want to kill obamacare, vote to rid the republicans because they hate women and see them as subservient to men, vote to rid the repubs because they want to privatise Social Security....vote to rid the democrats because they support legal abortions, vote to rid the Democrats because they will take your guns away, vote to rid the Dems because they are the immoral majority, yahdahdahdahdahdah....

1 issue voters ARE the problem imo.... it's easier....and thoughtless imo.
1 issue voters ARE the problem imo.... it's easier....and thoughtless imo.

I'm not a one issue voter, I believe in low taxes, low government spending, a strong, technologically advanced military, pro life, pro equal rights for the individual...pro 2nd amendment...

So which party is more likely to support all the things I believe...not the democrats...
1 issue voters ARE the problem imo.... it's easier....and thoughtless imo.

I'm not a one issue voter, I believe in low taxes, low government spending, a strong, technologically advanced military, pro life, pro equal rights for the individual...pro 2nd amendment...

So which party is more likely to support all the things I believe...not the democrats...
Good, glad you are not a 1 issue voter!
Maybe you better go buy some more ...

Watch and learn...this is the Washington D.C. elected government, less than a week ago.

I vote.

Missouri Constitutional Amendment...Passed August 5th, 2014.

Article I, Section 23. That the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms, ammunition, and accessories typical to the normal function of such arms, in defense of his home, person, family and property, or when lawfully summoned in aid of the civil power, shall not be questioned. The rights guaranteed by this section shall be unalienable. Any restriction on these rights shall be subject to strict scrutiny and the state of Missouri shall be obligated to uphold these rights and shall under no circumstances decline to protect against their infringement. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the general assembly from enacting general laws which limit the rights of convicted violent felons or those adjudicated by a court to be a danger to self or others as result of a mental disorder or mental infirmity.

Bolded is the text add to section 23 by ballot referendum Amendment 5...removed was the phrase "but this shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons"

This amendment was passed by the legislature, vetoed by the Governor, referred to ballot referendum by the legislature and passed by the body of citizens of the Great State of Missouri 61% for, 39% against...August 5th, 2014, giving Missouri citizen some of the strongest gun rights in the nation.

Voting matters!

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We are fast approaching election day this November...keep in mind that control of the Senate is critical to keeping our rights safe from the Supreme Court...one retirement, and one Obama appointment could undo all the success we have had these last few years...

You may hate both parties, but of the two, the democrats want guns banned...they are just waiting for the next mass shooting that catches the publics emotions...and if they have judges on the right courts....your vote will mean a lot less...
Can't loose our rights to play with guns. Pretending gun rights are under threat is a commercial-con the gun makers use to drum up sales as people panic-purchase more.

If you actually believe that, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to you being too young to remember, know and understand the battle that has been waging since Kennedy was assassinated.

I will say that people who make panic purchases are useful idiots for those who wish to disarm us.

Where I live, everyone has guns...both democratic members and republican members....no one is afraid of their guns being taken away.... except perhaps the extremely paranoid. ;)

yes, it's always wise to be a 1 issue voter...vote to rid the republicans because they will take the right to privacy away from women....vote to rid the republicans because they want to repeal the civil rights act, vote to rid the republicans because they want our country and laws to resemble a theocracy, vote to rid the republicans because they want to kill obamacare, vote to rid the republicans because they hate women and see them as subservient to men, vote to rid the repubs because they want to privatise Social Security....vote to rid the democrats because they support legal abortions, vote to rid the Democrats because they will take your guns away, vote to rid the Dems because they are the immoral majority, yahdahdahdahdahdah....

1 issue voters ARE the problem imo.... it's easier....and thoughtless imo.

I don't give a crap about parties. Respect for our inherent human right to defend ourselves and our families with the means we see fit is a very good indicator of a person's character and respect for freedom in general. If a candidate is deficient in that area, he/she does not get my vote, but one does not get my vote solely on that issue either...if they pass that test I at least can give them further scrutiny.
Tomorrow....go and vote...remember...if the democrats keep the Senate, more anti 2nd amendment judges will be put on all levels of the federal bench....and it will also set up the up coming fight over the next Supreme Court vacancies....all of the important 2nd amendment victories were one by 1 vote...1 vote....that is all it would take to reverse our right...keep that in mind when you consider a vote for a democrat...

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