Ever been amazed to learn you agree with some religion you only recently learned about?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Reading about UFOs the other day (it's a hobby,) something mentioned the Raleians so I checked out the wiki entry about them and found myself agreeing with a lot of their stuff (except the whole religious overgarment aspect - if you're an atheist group, why make yourselves look like a religion?) :)

Raelians are:

- "Raëlism claims that all life on Earth, humans included, was created scientifically by Elohim, members of an extraterrestrial race who appeared similar to small humans and so were often depicted as angels"

Sounds like the whole plot of the movie "Prometheus" and 'angel-like' the plot of the movie "Knowing"

- "Chryssides states that Raëlism is discernible from other UFO religions for its heavy support for physicalism and repudiation of supernaturalism."

'Repudiation of supernaturalism' is a primary aspect of Humanism.

- "Raëlians publicly deny the existence of the ethereal soul and a supernatural god,[92] but they believe that humanity for many generations past will be resurrected, albeit in a scientific way."

Check, and if you have the DNA from ancestors, you could clone them as we're trying to do with things like Wooly Mammoths.

- "Raëlians believe that sex is a normal, natural and healthy part of life and encourages people to be true to their natural sexuality."


- "The Raelian movement defends the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians, recognises gay marriage and ordains gay clergy.[118] Some Raelian leaders have performed licensed same-sex marriages."


- "In his book Geniocracy, Raël outlined his plan for a peaceful worldwide political union that, while democratic, would require members of the electorate to meet a minimum standard of intelligence. The thresholds proposed by the Raëlians are 50% above average for a candidate and 10% above average for a voter.[138]:pp. 17–20 The world government would also have a global currency, a common language, and a transformation of militaries of the world into civil police."

Government by smart people (drools.) Check.
Ra lism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

While the more religious-sounding stuff is rejected in varying degrees by my world-view, a lot of their ideas are very 'Roddenberry'ish' :)
Right ---Roddenberry----Spock is a Raelian priest

Well the wiki said they were founded in 1974 - years after Star Trek so it makes sense they'd have things in common with Star Trek.

I believe that the VULCANS wore robes-----not sure if I remember that one correctly-----spock did visit his parents ---------I think it was his mom who was a "human"?????

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