Eventually blacks and Hispanics have to vote republican

There you go with that hackery again.
Asking you to provide a statistical model, little buddy, is not hackery. Refusing to do so is hackery.

No, its dodging the debate by asking for something useless and not material to the conversation. But I expect that from a twat like you, farkey.
You are dodging the debate by not doing something reasonable, so as give us a model why your way is better other than you saying it is better.

I am not dodging anything, you are the twat making crap up to avoid even considering other viewpoints.
When the economy is bad people are out of work but because blacks and Hispanics tend to have higher unemployment rates than Asians they will feel the effects of bad economic policies. I think it is pretty evident that the economy won't grow under Obama sufficiently to bring about full employment. We may vote democrat again and this, unfortunately, will prolong. Since Hispanics have a higher unemployment rate than other groups they feel the effects of bad economics more so. Eventually they will have to vote for a party that has better economic policy.
Tell me a time in US history there has ever been 100% employment rate..

Black slaves?
There you go with that hackery again.
Asking you to provide a statistical model, little buddy, is not hackery. Refusing to do so is hackery.

No, its dodging the debate by asking for something useless and not material to the conversation. But I expect that from a twat like you, farkey.
You are dodging the debate by not doing something reasonable, so as give us a model why your way is better other than you saying it is better.

I am not dodging anything, you are the twat making crap up to avoid even considering other viewpoints.
I am asking you to give us cost benefits analysis using a model. You condemn the current model. Give us a better one with facts and substance. You are engaged in hackery.
There you go with that hackery again.
Asking you to provide a statistical model, little buddy, is not hackery. Refusing to do so is hackery.

No, its dodging the debate by asking for something useless and not material to the conversation. But I expect that from a twat like you, farkey.
You are dodging the debate by not doing something reasonable, so as give us a model why your way is better other than you saying it is better.

I am not dodging anything, you are the twat making crap up to avoid even considering other viewpoints.
I am asking you to give us cost benefits analysis using a model. You condemn the current model. Give us a better one with facts and substance. You are engaged in hackery.

Nope. My views stand, and you can accept or reject at your leisure. The current system is broken based on empirical evidence, and no modelling is needed to see that.
In your opinion only is it broken, and you offer no empirical evidence to base a cost benefits risk analysis for replacement.

Your offer would be rejected by every thinking individual.
When the economy is bad people are out of work but because blacks and Hispanics tend to have higher unemployment rates than Asians they will feel the effects of bad economic policies. I think it is pretty evident that the economy won't grow under Obama sufficiently to bring about full employment. We may vote democrat again and this, unfortunately, will prolong. Since Hispanics have a higher unemployment rate than other groups they feel the effects of bad economics more so. Eventually they will have to vote for a party that has better economic policy.

The problem with that is...What is the economic plan of the Republicans? What are they doing to help the poor minorities? Normally the goal is to help the country not help the party. Are they willing to changed that policy?
Then maybe black or hispanic might vote for Republican.
In your opinion only is it broken, and you offer no empirical evidence to base a cost benefits risk analysis for replacement.

Your offer would be rejected by every thinking individual.

Your view is that unless the alternative can be proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be better, don't do it. That is idiotic.
Republicans promising minorities more and better paying jobs under Republican leadership has not paid off. They are still waiting for trickle down
No, those are your words. A cost benefits risk analysis gives us facts to deal with.

Hindenberg's government was awful, but if the voters had had such an analysis from Hitler, I bet the would have taken it.
The right wingers on this forum can't stop themselves. Even though I point it out, they still can't stop themselves. Every single time they are talking about a minority, you can absolutely depend on it being in a negative light.

Minorities notice shit like that.

"But it's true facts!" You retards think when you say that, it actually HELPS?!?!


what have you said here about minorities in a "positive light"/??

you are a comical hypocrite
Every time a bigoted post crosses my path, I kick the poster in the teeth.

THAT is how you clean up the party and communicate to people that bigotry will not be tolerated by the Right.
Tell us, Bed, why don't the ******* and wetbacks vote GOP? Are they just fuckin' stupid?
The prevailing vocal attitude emanating from the modern GOP is that minorities are stupid and/or leeches.

ETA: If they are Muslim, they are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.
The right wingers on this forum can't stop themselves. Even though I point it out, they still can't stop themselves. Every single time they are talking about a minority, you can absolutely depend on it being in a negative light.

Minorities notice shit like that.

"But it's true facts!" You retards think when you say that, it actually HELPS?!?!


what have you said here about minorities in a "positive light"/??

you are a comical hypocrite
Every time a bigoted post crosses my path, I kick the poster in the teeth.

THAT is how you clean up the party and communicate to people that bigotry will not be tolerated by the Right.

you've done nothing but make a fool of yourself; and you havent said anything that put black people in a "positive light".
Worse yet you didnt even kick PaintMy House in the teeth for his racist comment

you are nothing but a buffoon and a hypocritical clown; no matter how many times you choose to keep posting, rather than man up and admit it
Tell us, Bed, why don't the ******* and wetbacks vote GOP? Are they just fuckin' stupid?
The prevailing attitude in the modern GOP is that minorities are stupid and/or leeches.

this is you being a hypocrite;he used racist language

and you did nothing
no "kick in the teeth"

you are simply a clown
with no credibility

you're goigng to come back with an excuse; but he said what he said

he's a racist and according to your own logic YOU by enabling and CODDLING him

are a racist too
i noticed some of you rabid left-wing losers save the posts of others
even have them at the bottom of every post

i'm going to start that; save the massively hypocritical comments from bufoons like you and Paint

i dont take either of you seriously

you are what is wrong with America
The modern right's view of minorities:

If you are black, you are the father of eighteen kids by eighteen mothers, killing other blacks in large numbers on your way to the liquor store with your EBT card.

If you are gay, you are a prolific child molester with AIDS.

If you are a Muslim, you are plotting to blow up a preschool at Christmas.

If you are a Mexican, you are a job stealing rapist on welfare, who voted seventy-two times for Obama.

Gosh darn it, why don't these maniacal government tit sucking bastards vote Republican? It's a goldarn mystery.
i noticed some of you rabid left-wing losers save the posts of others
even have them at the bottom of every post

i'm going to start that; save the massively hypocritical comments from bufoons like you and Paint

i dont take either of you seriously

you are what is wrong with America
My people founded the place, you are aren't supposed to like here, it's a liberal nation.

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