Even the Ice Cream Truck is now Racist

In this day and age just realize that everything is racist.
Lots of shit in america is racist. Deal with it.
It is only racist to those looking for something to whine about.
For the rest of us, no one gives a fuck
Of course you give a fuck. Thats why youre whining right now about the fact someone called it racist.

I would not call the pointing out of the FACT---that anyone looking to DECLARE a classic folk tune----
RACIST because the tune was ONCE adapted to a racist song "WHINING"------it is just CALLING OUT IDIOCY
When you have mental issues just because someone else realizes how racist some things are. ^^^^^ :lol:

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.
Everything isnt racist. Only racist things are racist.

You being a prime example

Cripes, attacking old songs is just fcking stupid
No youre stupid. If pointing our racism in a song hurts your feelings then thats too bad.

Kind of a like a wordless song from an ice cream truck hurting yours?

And it isn't about feelings, it's about commie fucks like you attacking anything in the name of it being wacist.

Grow a pair.
Thats why RZA came up with a new jingle. He took care of the hurt. No one gives a fuck about your whining which is why it was changed.

And now his is trying to force everyone to use his.

I find his song racist. I don't have to explain. It just is.
No one asked you to explain anything. No one cares.

Fuck off you racist twat.
In this day and age just realize that everything is racist.
Lots of shit in america is racist. Deal with it.
It is only racist to those looking for something to whine about.
For the rest of us, no one gives a fuck
Of course you give a fuck. Thats why youre whining right now about the fact someone called it racist.

I would not call the pointing out of the FACT---that anyone looking to DECLARE a classic folk tune----
RACIST because the tune was ONCE adapted to a racist song "WHINING"------it is just CALLING OUT IDIOCY
When you whine about someone having the pov that is racist then you are just whining.
for the record----TAP DANCING was, in the past, sometimes done in Black face---therefore TAP DANCING is racist and anyone who engages in that
racist crap is a RACIST PIG
Please, for the love of god stop, the planet, I want to get off.

RZA came up with a new ice cream truck jingle because the old one was used in minstrel shows

"Turkey in the Straw" originated from a traditional British tune brought to the American colonies by Scots-Irish immigrants, according to scholar Theodore R. Johnson in his 2014 article for NPR.

The original song has no racial undertones. But the melody to the "Turkey in the Straw" was used by minstrel show performers in blackface and set to very racist lyrics -- and that is how it rose to prominence in the US, Johnson wrote. Ice cream parlors throughout the 1800's commonly played minstrel songs, which were eventually turned into ice cream truck jingles.
"While these associations of "Turkey in the Straw" are not the only part of its legacy, it is undeniable that this melody conjures memories of its racist iterations," Good Humor said in a statement.

It's amazing how hard people look for something to offend them. The RZA is an asshole, and I always liked his music.
It is an ice cream truck jingle!!!! Just go along with it and move on.
Was it comforting?
In this day and age just realize that everything is racist.
Lots of shit in america is racist. Deal with it.
It is only racist to those looking for something to whine about.
For the rest of us, no one gives a fuck
Of course you give a fuck. Thats why youre whining right now about the fact someone called it racist.

I would not call the pointing out of the FACT---that anyone looking to DECLARE a classic folk tune----
RACIST because the tune was ONCE adapted to a racist song "WHINING"------it is just CALLING OUT IDIOCY
When you whine about someone having the pov that is racist then you are just whining.

did someone "whine" about your racist POV?-----well----it is getting OLD
When you have mental issues just because someone else realizes how racist some things are. ^^^^^ :lol:

If the historians hadn't drug out the past, most folks?

The only lyrics we ever knew as kids growing up?

Ignorance of something being racist doesnt make it less racist. The judgement is on the song not the millions of kids that had no idea it was racist.

No, the lyrics of OLE ZIP COON adapted to the old Irish Scottish folk tune are racist, the tune itself is not racist. THE LYRICS WERE.

If white supremacists adapted racist lyrics to a traditional African folk tune, or a Mo-town hit, or a rap hit, would you then be in favor of banning that piece of Black heritage?

I think hate is clouding your logic here. . .

Tunes, notes and melodies are NOT racist. Words and ideas are.
When you have mental issues just because someone else realizes how racist some things are. ^^^^^ :lol:

If the historians hadn't drug out the past, most folks?

The only lyrics we ever knew as kids growing up?

Ignorance of something being racist doesnt make it less racist. The judgement is on the song not the millions of kids that had no idea it was racist.

No, the lyrics of OLE ZIP COON adapted to the old Irish Scottish folk tune are racist, the tune itself is not racist. THE LYRICS WERE.

If white supremacists adapted racist lyrics to a traditional African folk tune, or a Mo-town hit, or a rap hit, would you then be in favor of banning that piece of Black heritage?

I think hate is clouding your logic here. . .

Tunes, notes and melodies are NOT racist. Words and ideas are.

"If white supremacists adapted racist lyrics to a traditional African folk tune, or a Mo-town hit, or a rap hit, would you then be in favor of banning that piece of Black heritage?"

Yes if it had been taken over by white racists to the point racism was attributed to that song I would be in favor of banning it. I'm in favor of banning anything that makes white racists feel good about being racists. I want them to suffer from being deprived of things that promote racism.
When you have mental issues just because someone else realizes how racist some things are. ^^^^^ :lol:

If the historians hadn't drug out the past, most folks?

The only lyrics we ever knew as kids growing up?

Ignorance of something being racist doesnt make it less racist. The judgement is on the song not the millions of kids that had no idea it was racist.

No, the lyrics of OLE ZIP COON adapted to the old Irish Scottish folk tune are racist, the tune itself is not racist. THE LYRICS WERE.

If white supremacists adapted racist lyrics to a traditional African folk tune, or a Mo-town hit, or a rap hit, would you then be in favor of banning that piece of Black heritage?

I think hate is clouding your logic here. . .

Tunes, notes and melodies are NOT racist. Words and ideas are.

"If white supremacists adapted racist lyrics to a traditional African folk tune, or a Mo-town hit, or a rap hit, would you then be in favor of banning that piece of Black heritage?"

Yes if it had been taken over by white racists to the point racism was attributed to that song I would be in favor of banning it. I'm in favor of banning anything that makes white racists feel good about being racists. I want them to suffer from being deprived of things that promote racism.

Butterfly is RIGHT those "good humor" trucks used to sell ------a vanilla ice cream pop coated in dark chocolate-----reminded me of an OREO COOKIE---
and everyone knows what an OREO is
Only thing I ever think of when I hear the ice cream truck is horror movies and killer clowns.

I always think of Billy Kincaid. He was a child killing ice cream truck driver in Spawn comics.

time to start paying attention to the tunes adapted to the filth coming out of the mouths of BLM pigs
Yep. How about that rap music? Some of it is quite vulgar and profane.
Of course it is. However, it's untouchable because Ghetto culture is untouchable.
More white confusion and anger. Focus on the subject and stop whining about rap music. You white people support the trash thats out there which is why it exists.

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