Even Castro Says Cuban Model Doesn't Work


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Government run countries does not work!


Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba has clung to its communist system.

The state controls well over 90 percent of the economy, paying workers salaries of about $20 a month in return for free health care and education, and nearly free transportation and housing. At least a portion of every citizen's food needs are sold to them through ration books at heavily subsidized prices.

President Raul Castro and others have instituted a series of limited economic reforms, and have warned Cubans that they need to start working harder and expecting less from the government. But the president has also made it clear he has no desire to depart from Cuba's socialist system or embrace capitalism.

Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work - Yahoo! News
He should have considered this a little more before he made his government takeover. Where might Cuba be today had this system not been imposed on it? They'd likely have a great tourist business and God knows they would have a huge cigar export business. And sugar export business.

Americans need to think about Cuba's lifestyle long and hard before we allow government to overtake our lives any more than it already has.
Clearly, Obama and the Dems could care less that both Castro and European Socialists are admitting that Government control is not the answer.

Our task is to remind the Republicans of this after November, because if they think we're active now, see what happens if Republican think they can continue as Dem-Lite
lol! Michael Mooron,Sean Penn,and Oliver Stone must feel like real a*sholes now. Even their beloved Comrade Fidel is finally getting it. Seriously though,the people of Cuba are just waiting for this fossil to kick it. They will become a Free Market Democracy soon after he kicks it. It's just a matter of time now.
I like Swedish models best, personally. ;)

Clearly, Obama and the Dems could care less that both Castro and European Socialists are admitting that Government control is not the answer.

Our task is to remind the Republicans of this after November, because if they think we're active now, see what happens if Republican think they can continue as Dem-Lite

All contries are government controlled! How much control is the question.
Clearly, Obama and the Dems could care less that both Castro and European Socialists are admitting that Government control is not the answer.

Our task is to remind the Republicans of this after November, because if they think we're active now, see what happens if Republican think they can continue as Dem-Lite

All contries are government controlled! How much control is the question.

Too fucking much! is our answer
While his admission is laudible? You have to think like a tyrant. His intent is to get the United States to lift the embargo. And what better chance does he have with a kindred spirit [Obama] in the WhiteHouse, and Statists [Democrats] Ruling the Congress?

The man is outta money. And he's no dummy.
lol! Michael Mooron,Sean Penn,and Oliver Stone must feel like real a*sholes now. Even their beloved Comrade Fidel is finally getting it. Seriously though,the people of Cuba are just waiting for this fossil to kick it. They will become a Free Market Democracy soon after he kicks it. It's just a matter of time now.
Fidel Castro hasn't been president since 2008.
lol! Michael Mooron,Sean Penn,and Oliver Stone must feel like real a*sholes now. Even their beloved Comrade Fidel is finally getting it. Seriously though,the people of Cuba are just waiting for this fossil to kick it. They will become a Free Market Democracy soon after he kicks it. It's just a matter of time now.
Fidel Castro hasn't been president since 2008.
and that is important to this subject how?
Government run countries does not work!


Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba has clung to its communist system.

The state controls well over 90 percent of the economy, paying workers salaries of about $20 a month in return for free health care and education, and nearly free transportation and housing. At least a portion of every citizen's food needs are sold to them through ration books at heavily subsidized prices.

President Raul Castro and others have instituted a series of limited economic reforms, and have warned Cubans that they need to start working harder and expecting less from the government. But the president has also made it clear he has no desire to depart from Cuba's socialist system or embrace capitalism.

Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work - Yahoo! News

Took him long enough.
He should have considered this a little more before he made his government takeover. Where might Cuba be today had this system not been imposed on it?

You mean, where would Cuba be without US embargo for 50 years (el bloqueo ) after we invaded them in the Bay of Pigs. We have done nothing but screw ourselves with US idiocy.

They'd likely have a great tourist business and God knows they would have a huge cigar export business. And sugar export business.

They have a great tourist season with the US rich boats who fill their ports. Apparently the law is for the too poor. They have excellent exports for a small country.

Americans need to think about Cuba's lifestyle long and hard before we allow government to overtake our lives any more than it already has.

The US can keep their embargo until the cows come home, we are not hurting Cuba, we are hurting ourselves.

A few facts gathered from the CIA Fact Book.

Unemployment rate 1.7%
Exports: $2.458 billion (2009 est.)
Exports - partners: China 25.68%, Canada 20.31%, Spain 6.79%, Netherlands 4.53% (2009)
He should have considered this a little more before he made his government takeover. Where might Cuba be today had this system not been imposed on it?

You mean, where would Cuba be without US embargo for 50 years (el bloqueo ) after we invaded them in the Bay of Pigs. We have done nothing but screw ourselves with US idiocy.

They'd likely have a great tourist business and God knows they would have a huge cigar export business. And sugar export business.

They have a great tourist season with the US rich boats who fill their ports. Apparently the law is for the too poor. They have excellent exports for a small country.

Americans need to think about Cuba's lifestyle long and hard before we allow government to overtake our lives any more than it already has.

The US can keep their embargo until the cows come home, we are not hurting Cuba, we are hurting ourselves.

A few facts gathered from the CIA Fact Book.

Unemployment rate 1.7%
Exports: $2.458 billion (2009 est.)
Exports - partners: China 25.68%, Canada 20.31%, Spain 6.79%, Netherlands 4.53% (2009)

1.7% unemployment.

Yep Communism has always excelled and keeping its people working like slaves in shit jobs.
1.7% unemployment.

Yep Communism has always excelled and keeping its people working like slaves in shit jobs.

Yeah, really miserable huh? So what do you know about Cuba's working class and shit jobs? Do tell...........:eusa_whistle:
While his admission is laudible? You have to think like a tyrant. His intent is to get the United States to lift the embargo. And what better chance does he have with a kindred spirit [Obama] in the WhiteHouse, and Statists [Democrats] Ruling the Congress?

The man is outta money. And he's no dummy.

Hmmm- I never thought of it from that perspective. You may be exactly right. :cool:
1.7% unemployment.

Yep Communism has always excelled and keeping its people working like slaves in shit jobs.

Yeah, really miserable huh? So what do you know about Cuba's working class and shit jobs? Do tell...........:eusa_whistle:
What do you know about it? And if you say anything about Michael Moore, you will get ridiculed unmercifully.
1.7% unemployment.

Yep Communism has always excelled and keeping its people working like slaves in shit jobs.

Yeah, really miserable huh? So what do you know about Cuba's working class and shit jobs? Do tell...........:eusa_whistle:
What do you know about it? And if you say anything about Michael Moore, you will get ridiculed unmercifully.

Oh, poor Michael. Are you picking on him for giving you truth? As far as Cuba goes, it is a communist state that is unionized, and provides the benefits for it's workers. Hardly slaves or other mythical capitalist bullshit.

As of 2002, the monthly wage was $8.25 for a maid, $9.50 for a bilingual office clerk, and $10.75 for a gardener. The minimum wage is supplemented by social security consisting of free medical care and education, and subsidized housing and food; a worker must still earn significantly more than minimum wage to support a family. The eight-hour workday, a weekly rest period, an annual paid vacation of one month, and workers' compensation are guaranteed by the constitution. The work week is 44 hours, with shorter workdays for hazardous occupations.

Read more: Labor - Cuba - problem, annual Labor - Cuba - problem, annual

$1.70 a gallon for gasoline
Pump price for gasoline (US dollar per liter) in Cuba

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