Evangelical leader slams trump, searches for better option

Trump didn't debate.

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

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The wiki article you posted includes citations about the "Christian Liberty Party" in the USA, that has fewer members than the Youngstown Men's Garden Club.

Hardly a significant movement at all.
Leftards are completely full of shit.

You haven't noticed that yet?

They got monsters under every bed. Tin foil hats aren't good enough for them, they have to go straight to the human sacrifice.

Well, good for him...but he is only one person in the cult of trump. Maybe we will see movement away from trump...but I doubt it. The repubs know if they pivot to anyone else for the nomination, trump will destroy them and the party. That is just the way he is.

And then when they switch to DeSantis you will find some reason they need to switch from him...and on and on and on.

Take your concern trolling and cram it up your already well fucked ass.
If Rev. Vander Plaats like Sleepy Joe that's certainly his affair.

But I don't really see what's so "Christian" about the ideas that Vander Plaats is endorsing like grooming children for transition and subsidizing abortuaries.

There are just 2 choices for next year, Trump or Sleepy Joe. If you don't support Trump, its a de facto vote for Biden. Right now its time to consolidate the GOP and get them behind their candidate, its long past the time for choosing some one.
trump is a Fake Christian. He us slime.

Well, good for him...but he is only one person in the cult of trump. Maybe we will see movement away from trump...but I doubt it. The repubs know if they pivot to anyone else for the nomination, trump will destroy them and the party. That is just the way he is.
Congratulations. You just made your anti-Trump post number one million.

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